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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. He's not fit to lace Robert's boots.
  2. Don't make me have to start on you, woman. 89009[/snapback] Dont you dare.... else i'll send you a PM picking a fight 89011[/snapback] If you're a woman I'm sure Gemmill would rather fight you than do anything else with you, like.
  3. I'm bored with this, but I'll reply as it contains a lie about PMs. In reply to a PM from you regarding something on the forum I told you clearly I wasn't 'offering you out'. You acknowledged and accepted this at the time, going on in your PM to then slag off other members of the forum who you believed would want to 'offer people out'. I wouldn't disclose the full content of a PM on the open forum, because I have integrity, but this needs to be mentioned, like. Changed your tune a little about LM, haven't you Gemmill?? Anyway, I guess replying like this means I take myself seriously though. What I take seriously is the fact Souness squandered £50m of the clubs money and left us in a relegation scrap. You don't give a toss about that situation, but it is that which I take seriously. I admit the reference to Derek Acorah was lost on me, yes. I haven't got a bloody clue who this bloke is and couldn't care less. Still don't know who he is. I read it and moved on, mainly because the reference was made toward LM and not toward me. Thought I'd mention that for the sake of clarity, anarl. My initial post was made on the basis of your first post in the thread. As for you trying to have what you call a 'normal craic'. That's total bollocks. An example would be interesting.
  4. I've still yet to PM anyone to offer them out though have I, you fucking hard bastard. 88921[/snapback] Another one straight from the playground. 88974[/snapback] Like I've said, I'm not the one trying to arrange fights on a Saturday afternoon with someone off the internet, sad man. Are you going to try and claim it was all in the name of a friendly drink again? You do realise that no one's buying that? 88979[/snapback] Aye, you've said it MANY MANY MANY MANY times now. And like the fool you are, you've been banging on about it for over 12 months now, despite the fact the other person involved sees it all as 'water under the bridge' and has no need to refer to it, instead continuing with football related exchanges in a civilised manner. Fact is, in any football related discussion your knowledge is so limited you get to your 2nd post in a thread, and having seen your views so badly shot to shit, you immediately resort to childish snipes and personal insults toward various posters, for example Renton, LM and myself. It's pretty ironic that posting these regular insults appears to be acceptable to you ( and probably your mates ), whereas someone losing their rag and making an admitedly daft post causes you to throw your arms up in indignation. What you post is worse, Gemmill. 'Offering someone out' as kids call it is heat of the moment stuff that isn't going to happen anyway. However, your seemingly relaxed posting of insults to other posters, made when you are unable to back up your opinion, is far more worthy of criticism than anything I may have posted months ago, for which I apologised anyway. It's about time you moved on, but you just don't have the maturity to do so and that is something that can be called sad, mate.
  5. Well, good question. It's about ambition I suppose. If he was offered the job and knocked it back I'd think he was lacking ambition. After saying that, it seems to be accepted by most of us now that we need 3 strikers but we have no money, Souness having been given the time his supporters insisted he needed in order to squander £50m of the clubs money, leaving us in the shit. We may struggle to get any decent manager under those circumstances.
  6. He has almost no experience though. I can't think what he's done or shown to warrant getting the job personally, not yet anyway. 88917[/snapback] Gut feeling, Renton. I don't know what it is, he just seems to do the right things and have a belief and a confidence about him. I see twats like Souness and all I see is a smirking wanker who doesn't give a shit about anything. I see Pearce and I see someone with a pride in what he does and who looks capable of instilling a certain kind of pride in his players that they perform to their best. He may not be the right man, it may be too early, but any appointment will be a gamble. I don't see him being any greater a gamble than O'Neill or Allardyce.
  7. I've still yet to PM anyone to offer them out though have I, you fucking hard bastard. 88921[/snapback] Another one straight from the playground.
  8. Good to know you've noticed my posts, I haven't a fucking clue who you are having never noticed anything you've posted until this pretty feeble effort.
  9. About 12 months ago ( maybe a bit more ) Gemmill was obviously a juvenile with very little understanding of football. This thread shows his transformation into a total and utter wanker of the highest order.
  10. Pearce would be a good choice, I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't think so. All the signs are there that he's going to be a top manager. I'd certainly prefer him to the likes of O'Neill, for example.
  11. Exactly. It's more than blinkered to dismiss yet another shite performance claiming, " we're through to the next round. " 86282[/snapback] While we were absolutely dogshit and it frustrates the fuck out of us, Gemmill does kinda have a point. We're through and what is past is prologue. I'd much rather us be shit and we go through than we play our bollocks off and we lose.... 4 March 1996 still sticks in my throat - we fucking murdered Man Utd that night yet we still ended up losing 1-0. No point dwelling on what's gone before - we need to move forward tbh... 86287[/snapback] As has been said by others, sensible people know that poor performances are usually excusable in the cup if you get through. However, our performances have been dismal for 16 months now, only a fool ignores that fact on the basis of " we're through ".
  12. Exactly. It's more than blinkered to dismiss yet another shite performance claiming, " we're through to the next round. "
  13. Christ, I was in a timewarp there, hadn't realised this was a thread from months ago! Interesting that people were banging on about FS not releasing any cash like, given that he's now released £50m for this retard to squander !!!
  14. Possibly. But I don't see Emre dropping deep as much of a positive anyway. I don't like midfielders continually dropping deep to pick the ball up from the centre backs, Viana used to do it and it drove me off my head. I want to see centre backs good enough to bring the ball out themselves, that way you introduce some tempo to your play and you outnumber the opposition. If a midfielder does it all the time it slows down your play and allows the opposition to organise themselves better. 85695[/snapback] And then have centre backs who will be caught out of position should the attack go tits up. 85728[/snapback] Err no. I'm glad that's not something I said, as the idea would be daft of course, being as it is how all of the top teams try to play.
  15. As Wacky says, Shrek was crap against Yeading. This was pointed out at the time by a handful of people ( once again ) but was ridiculed, as is the usual way of it.
  16. Possibly. But I don't see Emre dropping deep as much of a positive anyway. I don't like midfielders continually dropping deep to pick the ball up from the centre backs, Viana used to do it and it drove me off my head. I want to see centre backs good enough to bring the ball out themselves, that way you introduce some tempo to your play and you outnumber the opposition. If a midfielder does it all the time it slows down your play and allows the opposition to organise themselves better.
  17. Because he's a useless waste of the club's money? Pretty much what I expect from the shithead manager, as it's all he's done since he walked through the door.
  18. .... another goal before the end of the season? What if we don't get a pen' before the end of the season........??? He can't even create something for himself against a shite Cheltenham team.
  19. Backs to the wall stuff, or what.
  20. I don't think Shearer should ever have been captain. Speed was the real captain on the pitch, it's one of the things we've lacked since Speed was allowed to leave. I also believe Shearer thinks he's bigger than the club, something that can't be a good thing. He needs to go as soon ( IF ) we're safe from relegation.
  21. Not sure about that, myself. Howver, he has played there quite a bit for Ipswich, so I suppose it depends on how highly someone rates Ramage. For myself, I see nowt special at all in Ramage and would rather he wasn't in the team at all. I'd leave Bramble in the middle and have Ramage at RB until we can get a quality RB to replace Hughes.
  22. 0-2 I think he'll go with: Given Ramage, Boumsong, Bramble, Babayaro, Solano, Bowyer, Clark, N'Zogbia, Luque Shearer To maintain his level of incompetence he may bring back Emre too soon, leaving Clark on the bench. Emre to limp off after 20 minutes, never to be seen for us again. If the nob was to send the team out with positive tactics, AND in a positive mindset, I think it's possible we could get a draw. Glad Bellamy isn't playing, he'd make a real mess of Shrek and Bramble.
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