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Smooth Operator

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Everything posted by Smooth Operator

  1. Probably because we have fuck all on the bench either. Ranger end of
  2. Whats most worrying is that he's not changing it with only 20 to go
  3. Sir Les wouldnt make my eleven like, Beardsley, Shearer up front. Ginola over Robert easily and Solano, Batty, Lee in midfield. Given, Barton, Woodgate, Albert and Enrique at the back picks itself. Tiote and Barton from current squad on the bench along with Cole, Tino and Ferdinand and Srnicek and a sneaky Salty Sellars getting the last sub spot!
  4. Crouch next, why not hijack the El Hadji Diouf deal while were on u fat wanker
  5. Here if this is true they can fuck right off fucking jokers
  6. Just been rumoured by David Craig on SSN as apossible late replacement.
  7. The lanky streak of piss has got to pass a medical yet, fucking hate him and the bastards in charge, absolutely no chance of getting anyone of any calibre in at this stage and to let him go now rather than the summer is criminal. Anyone thinking well get half the money even to reinvest is stupid and it gives a message to the quality players we still have, Enrique, Tiote, Barton that we don't have ambition and they will be all to happy to leave at the sniff of a big from a better paying club but that's football and we've been fucked over this time with relegation now a strong possibility
  8. Just listening to 5live in the car and one of the guests was saying he's not at all surprised at the move and that he'd personally been told last week by a current premier league manager that Carroll was for sale and that we were actively trying to sell him for upwards of 30 mill
  9. Ranger's the future Shola is the past, typical case of a manger without their first choice striker going for experience over a younger player with greater ability, he's playing it safe to the detriment of the team. Ranger will make mistakes and miss chances etc as any up and coming player does but he makes his own chances and looks to get at defenders, runs with the ball and harries the opposition none of which Shola has ever done imo.
  10. Fuck would have been a belta from Ranger!
  11. Garth Crooks embarrassing himself again on Final Score claimed Piquionne shouldn't be sent off for 2nd yellow for taking his shirt off after scoring to put West Ham in front cos of the situation they are in, yeah Garth lets forget about all the rules for teams that are shit, fucking muppet.
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