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Everything posted by aimaad22

  1. That was dreadful to be honest, lot of huffing and puffing but zero cutting edge. Thank God for the goal, dont know how they got it in but they all count. Set pieces are as horrible as ever.
  2. Agger to Brondby for 3M ffs. Would have been a massive upgrade on Williamson or Taylor. Little sell on value though which is why Financial Statements FC were not interested.
  3. He'll be a decent squad player for them. Shrewd signing.
  4. aimaad22


    Yikes And I thought nut cases were mostly restricted to this part of the world. Also thought 'lets nuke em' was just for use on wacky US Generals in Hollywood films.
  5. Just for show in my opinion. We need to have excuses for the next 6 months. The fact we're still going after Remy of all people shows just how seriously we're taking this. The fact he's turned us down again is just the slap on the face we deserved. Clearly Riviere was bought as our new main striker. Very very risky.
  6. 3 days to go and not even a rumour of a striker. After failing to score in 3 games. We're asking for trouble, again.
  7. Thank goodness we're putting a decent side out.
  8. Di Maria fee could rise to 72M with add ons apparently. God it will be funny if he fails . And fail here means be anything less than spectacular.
  9. We'll go in for Remy at the last minute, and fail. But it will be ok because we'll have tried.
  10. Yup. It might also mean the signings of Cabella and De Jong go largely wasted. Sign a freaking striker and a CB ffs. How hard can it be considering the amount the likes of Everton have been splashing out on one player.
  11. Was initially gutted to have missed this due to work but I gather I didnt miss much. Definitely need that striker.
  12. That advertising space on Uranus could have waited......
  13. Possible but Sissoko's not a DM anymore than De Jong is a CM.
  14. True, I just wanted to accomodate all of those players
  15. Days without as much as a rumor of a striker coming in.Given up on the hope for a new CB. Anita or Colback might be able to 'fill in' for him on the team sheet but we just dont have another midfielder that can do his job as effectively as he can. I'd love to see how our midfield does with both him and De Jong alongside Cabella. -----------------Tiote------- --------Sissoko-------De Jong --HBA------------------------Cabella--- That would be a wankfest but I suppose thats just not happening now.
  16. The co-commentator said Drummet a lot. No idea why he wasnt corrected.
  17. Zero shots on target is rather poor. And they did deserve to win, they had the more accomplished players in the final third. But there were so many positives in this. The work rate, the performances of the new guys, we seemed to have pace and a bit of oomph up front again that was completely gone towards the second half of last season. Credit where its due. Seems that long ball to Williamson on set pieces is still on though which is insanely frustrating.
  18. Wasnt it clear I was speaking in general rather than just this game? I mean he's lost the cutting edge he first seemed to have when he first came here. He's still useful but a squad player at best now. Cabella created a couple of clear cut chances. I like Gouffran but Cabella is an altogether different class of player, or has the potential to be.
  19. On the basis of that performance, a couple of more signings and we're going somewhere. If we had a decent coach anyway.
  20. Gouffran has completely lost that threat of penetration he had when he first came here. He's in danger of becoming the next Lee Bowyer.
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