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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. For once, they may actually be right
  2. They're the only ones you are likely to meet in Manchester
  3. Probably £10m for the player and £30m in wages (for him and everyone else), bonuses (as if), agent's fees, staff working in the ticket office (if there are any or even if there is a ticket office at all), the tea lady's pittance, and Cashley's profit.
  4. I think he is likely to win again (just imagine the tantrum if he doesn't - although his meltdown will be fun to witness) because I am not sure the Democrats have a viable candidate yet. It will be a big blow if they do win, but it will probably bring the hillbillies out in even greater numbers, and I anticipate that Government will grind to a halt in the Senate, as opposed to the House, which is the current case. Either way, not going to get better anytime soon, I fear
  5. Because it hasn't started. It will end up being £16 billion.
  6. You're just jealous. Of the siestas, of course, not the boyfriend ...
  7. Thank god for Brexit - won't have to put up with that for much longer
  8. He's effectively had it all for 20 years and will continue to have it all until he doesn't want it (or someone stabs him in the back, and he has probably already had them removed)
  9. But given that the hard left loonies, who voted for and continued to support Corbyn throughout, are probably still there, is it likely that a leader is elected who will actually be prepared, or even willing, to do that? Are we not living in times where getting elected is of secondary importance to rabid dogma?
  10. Or hopefully a new paddling pool and ice maker with all these soft tissue injuries
  11. Hopefully someone will oblige by providing those figures. I doubt it somehow, but am prepared to be proven wrong.
  12. Followed by a lot of back-tracking. I look forward to being able to back-track about Joelinton
  13. Or perhaps just getting Rafa back, as he seemed to have no problems with staving away injuries
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