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Everything posted by AgentFox

  1. Im just checking the want ads
  2. Robbie Fowler http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=4...irm+Fowler+exit Xavier http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=4...ier+leaves+Boro Trevor Sinclair http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=4...r+to+leave+City
  3. Personally I think ottmar hitzfeld is the man for the toon
  4. Thats the ticket Sven has a huge contact list Sam has a huge bung list. (wait for jokes to come involving the word huge)
  5. Heres one http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=4...ier+leaves+Boro
  6. I'm not want to be negative towards the club but I have a gut feeling (could be the curry) that he might be leaving us by the end of the week? What do you think?
  7. We sucked tonight proper dyer seemed hung over solano couldn't pass for the life of him and bramble went back to shambles
  8. Did any one see Cesc add 20 or so yards on to the free kick, trying to find video clip of him pushing the ball forward cheating bastard
  9. Sorry it was me my girlfriend and the little one
  10. Stayed in Newcastle last week with my family to watch the match had an awesome time, I must say that every one was friendly and the city itself was lovely, (very tempted to move up) I even bumped in to alan oliver and had a chat about his contreversal articles sometimes.
  11. defiantly not mate, they said it on SSN. GR has confirmed there will be no one else coming in. As for this talk of were still on the look out for a striker, well, we will just have to wait and see the excuses probably something the along the lines off, players back from injuries are like new signings
  12. Just been watching SSN and GR has said there will be no more signings for us..... fucking twat spose he thinks keeping titus on is a god save
  13. not allowed tp post a link but go brmb.co.uk
  14. listening to a brummie radio station from a villas point of view man this is funny what a bunch of sore losers
  15. DIC Pulls out, right before the money shot
  16. Dont know much about the chap, apart from the fact he is a tower and built like a brick shit house. Good signing but we still need a couple more. You tube has some interesting clips, the bumble in the first leg (USA V Mexico) looked liked standard newcastle defending but the second leg he seemed pretty damn awesome, so welcome to the toon Gooch
  17. Wouldn't be suprised if we make an offer though FS is a businessman so will probably do it for the shirt sales, are beckham and owen still gods in asia
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