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David Kelly

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David Kelly last won the day on March 25 2019

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About David Kelly

  • Birthday 07/15/1976

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  1. Aye. It was a slightly scuffed finish but for us at the time, the goal as a whole was like Brazil at their height.
  2. Also the day of Joelintons first goal for us against the cockney mackems.
  3. I doubt we're looking for a right footed player to be our first choice right winger.
  4. I agree with this, particularly with how good Tino looks, I'd be more worried if we lost him. I just think the decline people are mentioning isn't anywhere near what some think it is. Yes around Christmas time he had a nightmare few weeks but he certainly picked up after that, in between injuries, even if he didn't get back to the heights of the first part of the season. I guess I just don't think he's anywhere near as finished as some people think he is. But certainly there may be outside factors that mean it's best for him to move on.
  5. It's interesting that people seem to have forgotten that for the first half of last season Trippier was one of the best players in the league not just in our team. Yes he went through a bad spell (which he came through and played fine) after that but I certainly don't think he should be written off as past it because of that. Tino clearly represents the future and there are reasons and merits to cashing in on Trips now, but I certainly won't be looking forward to the day he leaves like some seem to be.
  6. Not saying this against you by any means, but shit that's being thrown Miggy's way on twitter is a disgrace. We all want to see us sign someone better but the lad has done nothing but graft his bollocks since he's been here. I realise there is a heavy moron presence on twitter but the lad deserves better.
  7. Looking on the positive side, he's played 50 times for Greece and was a regular in the champions league for Benfica. Being 3rd choice behind Selz is definitely a concern though.
  8. Great to be going into another season with 'let's hope <insert players name here> doesn't get injured, because our backup isn't up to scratch.'
  9. PSR seems to have well and truly fucked our keeper plans. We were targeting either Mamadashvili as a first choice or Trafford as a back up. We've ended up with Forest's third choice who none of their fans rate. Brilliant!
  10. John Ruddy signed too. Guess that means we're not in for Trafford anymore.
  11. Are any of them players like? I'm fairly certain that with the exception of Bellingham, just because he's the spit of his brother, I wouldn't recognise any of their players if I passed them on the street. I actually think that's a pretty decent strip mind. It's hard to make red and white stripes not look shite but they've done a pretty decent job tbf.
  12. Aye I would think that if we sold Trippier for for £20m it should be the profit against his written down value that we would recognise in the accounts. So you're probably looking at nearer £15m. Still doesn't cover us like.
  13. Sunday at five. Can't see how this team beats anyone regardless of what side of the draw we're in.
  14. A mate of mine who gets bits and pieces of info from a players relative, heard weeks ago that Trips is off to Saudi for a couple of years with his missus heading back to the North West with the kids. It was then all over twitter a few weeks later and Trips hasn't been involved in any of the new kit launch so I'm fairly convinced this is accurate info. Don't see how all of this gets done before the end of June like, unless it already is and they're just waiting for Southgate's incompetence to finally get us knocked out of the Euro's to announce it.
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