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I R Toon Fan

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Everything posted by I R Toon Fan

  1. I like Faye tbh. There is a lot of Taylor haters here but he could end up being a good centre half for us and if we kill his reputation before his peak we could be embarrassed when we sell him to ... (Tottenham). Just a thought. Don't start any fights with me at Saltwell Park, Rico and Ewark.
  2. you've lost me on that one spurs signed modric not anyone else, they also have a manager massively known and respected in europe (something kev, despite his brilliance, is not) and they also have european football next season Fair doo's mate. I'm just a bit pissed off that we could be used as leg up's so that Tottenham can get closer to getting to Champs League. Read Modric's comments and they all seemed fair enough Europe was mentioned and Juande Ramos. I also wondered he said that it meant so much to him to have a manager want him so much which may mean Ramos was involved in the talks but Wise and the mob, - Keegan were involved in our talks. Ooo, just a thought like
  3. Fair enough if Keegan is pissed off. The Newcastle fans (we) got exited at the prospect of an attacking midfield prospect instead we got shown up by the media, Tottenham and all London based clubs in general. (Except the shit ones obviously)
  4. If we want these kind of players then we have to be a bit more cut throat. It's Zagreb I have a problem with leaking our bid to raise the price knowing that Modric wants to do better making us look like dicks. I know it happens all the time in football now but it really boils my piss.
  5. And he plays for Spuds and not us thats my whole problem.
  6. Modric and his advisers can suck my fucking clems! If they haven't got respect for us, which they obviously don't they shouldn't have fucking teased us! Tossers. Yes I'm slightly annoyed.
  7. Go fuck yourself monkey Hanger. Take it back! Stelling is a legend! Him and Kamara. "It's unbelievable Jeff!!!"
  8. Lee Trundle swoop is still on then?
  9. Didn't know Grant had a plot to start with. Dopiest looking bloke in Prem.
  10. What a prick. Sounds like he doesn't watch the actual Prem just Champs League. There's such a big prize for CL now it's obvious teams aren't going to play 2 at the back Jesus. If he watched the Prem League sometimes he'd see we are still an attacking league. Some times.
  11. We cant be beaten. Nice result I suppose considering the score to start with. Nice to see Oba and 'less the knees' getting goals.
  12. Uh oh! Negativity alert! Jesus people distancing themselves from it all ready! I'm gonna break the mould. Modric for the Toon. Thierry ohh ohh.
  13. I waited for this link for ages. So unlikely but hey, heres hoping.
  14. We'd be linked with Trundle to partner Carroll!
  15. £20-25 mill for an unproven in the Prem player seems a lot to me! Hate to think how much he'll be if he has a good Euro 2008!
  16. If that me then thanks. I'm touched. If not I've just embarrassed myself.
  17. Fuck it was getting believable and now its been spoiled by the Sun!
  18. If we dont get him because we cant afford his wages ad be pissed of, thats for sure.
  19. On Riise; He has hugely fucked up his Liverpool career. I have always like him but he has been going downhill recently. Lack of games probably contributes like.
  20. What the hell are these wingers you speak of?
  21. Wow would be big. How reliable is this source though? Seen him play and looked good but what is his preferred position would he replace Barton or Geremi in CM? Would have no problem with that he is a very impressive player.
  22. If your praising wise for getting in three or so youth players that were probably lined up already you should be praising Jimenez, Ventre, Mort and the like as well. No pro-Wise stuff 'til he's found the next Messi.
  23. Shut up you cock. I wish we had no foreign fans me, especially this cunt. I can't believe people still talk about it, it's just so stupid Agreed, shut the fuck up. I R toon fan, does that stand for Interracial Toon fan, it's always bugged me not knowing. I'm afrayd it refferrs tooo my bad gramer nd spelin'.
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