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I R Toon Fan

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Everything posted by I R Toon Fan

  1. Bit different to what he said when he came from what I can remember.
  2. Are we gonna get this bad reputation from the press? Stirring shit all the time, pissin' me off to be honest.
  3. and slightly confused by the whole situation What being at Middlesbro'?
  4. Not liking the fact that we get linked with a nearly passed it CB and Portsmouth get linked with one of the best centre backs going at the minute.
  5. Couldn't have said it better T-Keith.
  6. Loving the quotes. Keegan spoke his mind and big Ash will respect that and just want to clarify things.
  7. Christ this board is really showing it's age . Oasis are old for me! Nowt wrong with some golden oldies I guess.
  8. It's almost unanimous! We should stalk him and give him a little print out saying ''Toontastic Player of the year 2008'', im almost certain it wouldn't scare him He'd probably love it he seems canny mental like, could get him some rice pudding too he loves the stuff apparently. God he just keeps going up in my estimation.
  9. Could be. Lovely Pringle in his Chelsea pic. Looks like him like. He's Chelsea's Head Scout and Peasepud is our head perve.
  10. Probably just a boring unimportant coach man.
  11. I thought they said it would be a memorable day at QPR. Losing 2-0 to West Brom and having a wild rumour must be big for them.
  12. I dont think that Mort is a complete tool. He's said he wants to keep him here and I bet that he has approached Owen and wants to start negotiations, but Owen has said wait till the end of the season I want to see who comes for me if I continue to score goals in the last couple of games. Dont think Mort would just lie back and see what happens, doesn't seem the weed smokin' type imo.
  13. "Gobias some coffee!"? ... If you like.
  14. TBH as much as I like 4-4-2 I'm liking 4-3-3. I'm more that happy with MO and OM (MOOM) but I'd quite like a player like Anelka to take Vidukas position. I know he wont come but I mean someone like Gobias, Huntelaar or players to that effect.
  15. If he does I have zero, count it, zero respect for him. Not gonna say anything bad about him until things get confirmed.
  16. Saw Jones with Carlos Edwards in the Metro Centre. Pricks felt like twatting the twats. Would have dirtyed me knuckles bu. And they're quite big.
  17. Saw Jones with Carlos Edwards in the Metro Centre. Pricks felt like twatting the twats. Would have dirtyed me knuckles bu.
  18. When we were doing badly Zogz going would be a disaster, But now that I'm a bit more optimistic I don't really care. We can replace him now me thinks. Stroppy twat.
  19. Bet they were expecting Mourinho.
  20. Fancie. Think it could be a good appointment for both parties. Zidane could use the experience and a big name like Zi-bastard-dane! would help me thinks.
  21. What if Grant wins the CL and the Prem. Surely that a huge injustice if he gets sacked?
  22. Well he's not going to get Kate Moss is he? Takes what he gets.
  23. I dont really care if he does think he's the king of the Geordies (he's not) I only care about what he does on the pitch and yes he's not the finished article and he probably wont be the next John Terry but if we give the lad a chance could become a half decent player.
  24. Seems to me that Man City have had ONE season of what we have had for years. Too much money and expectations and look like they are going to lose the best manager that they could have. Fuckin' arse in I R Toon Fans opinion.
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