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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. Shite, They might get a half decent manager in.
  2. Eh? 102354[/snapback] http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/Onlin...,,10278,00.html 102357[/snapback] Oh right.
  3. Love how the commentators hardly mention the goal, if Rooney had scored that theyd be going mental.
  4. Now that was one peach of a goal.
  5. 102344[/snapback] So its just season ticket holders that can buy online? arse.
  6. Ditto. Still not seen it.
  7. No scottish trophies? not worth considering tbh.
  8. Bollocks. Suppose we were due a bad draw like.
  9. He scores 40 a season y'know...
  10. Bizza

    R.I.P G'Kar

    Bad craic that. The best TV show ever - FACT. (Babylon 5) 95368[/snapback]
  11. Bizza

    R.I.P G'Kar

    Genuinely gutted abut this. I'm a huge B5 fan and he was one of the best characters on the show and his petty bickering with Londo was hilarious. R.I.P 94858[/snapback] Seconded - RIP Richatd Biggs (Franklin) and Tim Choate (Zathras) have both died young in the last couple of years - bit of a curse. 95347[/snapback] Fuck, I knew Choate was dead but Biggs? I didn't know that. How'd he die?
  12. I thought Blackburn would've been a more fitting choice.
  13. Bizza

    R.I.P G'Kar

    Genuinely gutted abut this. I'm a huge B5 fan and he was one of the best characters on the show and his petty bickering with Londo was hilarious. R.I.P
  14. To be fair, he did take some cracking freekicks during the tournament.
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