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Everything posted by Marko

  1. Florentino Perez has stated that he wants to recreate the galacticos! So now thats Kaka, Most probably Ronaldo and has the deal for David Villa been confirmed yet?
  2. Beckford would be a good signing but his attitude is disgraceful. Haven't Leeds put a £5m price tag on his head?
  3. I know Shepherd made a lot of stupid mistakes last time and he came in for massive flack from the fans, sacking robson with no replacement lined up, spending too much money and crippling the club etc. But, If this is a true story and he does come back, do you think he will have learnt his lessons from his previous spell, He must have known the state of the club when he left financially was a night mare and we were heading in a frightening direction. I'd like to think maybe he has learnt his lesson, and if he was to return he would clear all this debt, clear out the squad and start again sensibly. Or is this just too much to ask and am I being gullible?
  4. The whole league will see it as a cup final and will undoubtedly raise their game. I honestly don't think any club will "fear" us next season. They've nothing to lose either way! If they lose they bring out "newcastle are the superior club and they were always expected to win" if they win it will be on of their greatest victories that season. Especially for the likes of Scunthorpe, Doncaster and Blackpool! They'll release DVD's of it!
  5. Dont think we will go up to be honest and if we do it certainly wont be automatic. I think even if a new owner is brought in quickly It's going to take a long time to adapt and sort out the squad. Look at QPR, the board came in with a massive ammount of money and it's still taken them a time, They didn't even make playoffs last year did they. Mid table for us next season imo
  6. First reports are that they wanted us to reduce our overdraft, which they are totally entitled to. Having this facility isn't debt- only if we use it. If we were fully using our overdraft and it is going to be reduced to £20m then we need to get it down quickly. I would add that this seems a huge amount of money for a club with our turnover. It is also unusual to have a mortgage in place (as Barclays have) just for an overdraft. I think what could be in place is a working capital facility with a clause that reduces in the event of relegation. Nothing unusual in that really. This is more likely to be secured and also makes sense in terms of its size. Edit- beaten to it by Jimbo! thanks for the info mate Honestly didn't know we were owing money to the bank! that makes it a lot worse!
  7. So this Barclays loan thing is just a loan the club took out from the bank is it? so that means we do owe money to the bank and the situation is a lot worse than just owing £100m to Ashley
  8. Can somebody explain to me what this barclays loan thingy is? I'm a little confused to the seriousness of all this I mean I understand that with Ashley trying to sell the club it probably means that he hasnt been able to agree terms with shearer and we can kiss good bye to a summer of clearing out the deadwood and investing properly. Ashley has the club for sale for £100m and he also has a loan to the club for £100m which obviously he will want back from any buyer of the club. So what about the barclays loan thing? what exactly is it and how does it affect us?
  9. I know a few who are wanting to jack it, fair enough the club doesn't need supporters like that.
  10. We apparently kept tabs on him a while back, with us going down do you think we will chase him, Let's be honest, he was one of the best goal scorers in League 1 for a Swindon side that nearly went down, £1m or so? thoughts?
  11. Blackpool's ground is actually pretty decent right now, what with them having a relevantly new stand. I once got to walk out on the pitch there for a Photo...heh.... But anyway, get there early and head down to the Pleasure Beach and then make your way to the match after! Blackpool will be a fucking awesome away day! away day? funk that! away weekend! honestly cannit wait!
  12. I honestly think our away support is going to be tremendous! call it novelty or whatever but I think people will struggle to get tickets for some games, Blackpool, Scunthorpe etc
  13. What song is that from Jonny! rings a bell God by John Lennon. Really should have known that haha! I actually figured it out the second i re-opened this thread! great song
  14. What song is that from Jonny! rings a bell
  15. ohoh!!! The training one!!
  16. I'm actually not too stressed, like a lot of otehrs im resigned to the fact if we go down it's deserved from being completely shite for the whole season, and if we stay up we will have been VERY lucky. The thing is, if we stay up, Is Ashley really going to invest a lot of money to stop this situation happening again!?
  17. Maybe/Maybe not, I personally wouldnt bet agaisnt him making at least one appearance for us next year
  18. With Ameobi being offered a new deal , Carroll on the books and the fact that Martins is still here.. Would it be benificial to the club to keep Lovenkrands. He would be a bench warmer most probably. And with Nile Ranger coming through the academy I don't know if it's the best idea for the club
  19. think we could do with a win like!
  20. Ketsbaia! sensational!
  21. Reading is a SHOCKING away day, having to wait outside the ground for 30 minutes till a bus comes and picks you up and takes you into town? We only found 2 decent pubs there. Sheffield is much much much better. Burnley is something new for us too.
  22. I agree that Johnson is a handful but Zamora? I don't think we will have much problem containing him if he does play! I'd be far more concerned about Nevland! Murphy is the key for them we need to keep him quiet. Nicky Butt on Afonso style perhaps The West Ham song about Zamora always made me laugh. When the ball hits the goal it's not Shearer or Cole it's Zamora? Brighton used to sing it when he was there, I remember all the hype he got and predictably he turned out to be utter shite.
  23. wouldnt be so sure they mean the new Anfield to be honest, No construction work has started and it seems that it's just a right fuck on getting it all started. Also what were the average capacities of the stadiums for the world cup in france? weren't they in the mid 30's-40's? Something which Anfield would fall under. Rugby at SJP? hmmmmmmm Not sure I like the Idea of that like, Let the Mackems pitch take the strain they will still say "our stadium is better than yours cos we hosted the rugby world cup games"
  24. He seemed pretty downbeat yesterday before the match, didn't seem confident at all. That saying perhaps a change in management is what Reading need.
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