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part time jobs while at Uni.....

Geordie Boyo

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I'm starting Uni full time on 14th of this month. I called Uni last week just to get an idea on what hours are expected of me in terms of my attendance and they told me that you're expected to be there Mon-Fri from 8am-6pm. Now, the rent I pay isn't too bad, but obviously its not just bills, it's having enough doe to relax socially and not feel like you're having to work every bloody night either to contribute just enough to get by.


I've actually been given a job as a Support Worker starting 5th Oct, but it starts at minimum wage at £5.73 then after six months goes up to £6.54 p/hour. Considering I also need time for assignments too it's not going to be easy. I think generally Support Workers, depending on which agency you register with can earn up to £8/£9 p/hour, but this is the first job I've been offered after being interview last Thursday.


The induction is actually two weeks through the day. How the fuck I'm going to do that I don't know....!


I've got a shit load of experience in community development, health rehabilitation & admin but with those kind of jobs you're talking through the day...! There is nurse banking, but wiping arses, etc, is probably something I couldn't really 'personally' bring myself to do despite t being canny money. I'm really stuck and haven't a bloody clue, but need to get cracking because it's not going to get easier.


You only get just over 4 grand Bursary p/year, which they broke down in monethly payments, which doesn't work out as much.


I'd do pretty much out, and just basically looking to get an idea what my options might be in terms of night-shft work and possibly the odd weekend. Maybe you've been in the same situation or know of something I could apply for. It's tough times, so I know that won't help either, but I want to gve this degree my all having worked my bollocks off the past 8 years to get there. :)


It's my last week in my current job, so I'm getting a bit worried to say the least...! Help! :(

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first and foremost unless you are doing some ungodly course that will qualify you as a superhero that mon-fri 8-6 stuff they've fed you is utter bollocks



A friend of mine had just recently finished her nursing degree and she showed me her last 3 time tables consisted of just 3 days per week with the rest being free study time. This las I spoke to on the phone told what I mentioned and I personally can't see that happening either, but I'm still worried with not knowing what to expect. I'm studying OT at Coach Lane, Northumbria Uni.

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I did a particularly heavy engineering degree which I think was a maximum of 22 hours lectures etc per week - sounds like the 8-6 is bollocks to me.

Edited by NJS
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I did a particularly heavy engineering degree which I think was a maximum of 22 hours lectures etc per week - sounds like the 8-6 is bollocks to me.



....maybe I could have picked it up wrong with her meaning the earliest time to start could be 8am and the latest finshing at 6pm...! :) ...............STILL THOUGH! You do something like 40 hours placement time in your second year to try and work around so I'm prob still going to have to work with something that offers a decent wage..... :(





















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Yeah that makes sense if she's saying the possible times are those - I think you have to just get your timetable before committing yourself to work hours.



Aye, was just saying that to wor' lass after making a tit of myself on here :) It's not the first time though :(

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if you weren't gunning for something vocational, I'd suggest bar-work and going for it now.


Other than that, try local libraries, you can study in peace while you work :)

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lol 8-6 what a load of bollocks


my kid bros in his third year doing history and politics and he's always had 2days off a week with long lunches and breaks on the days he's in... and hes a diligent little git who has never missed a lecture or tutorial.


Everything I have done at Uni was pretty much 9 to 6, every day, so it just depends on your degree. That said in this case I suspect what was meant was you have to make yourself available between the hours of 8 and 6, as has been said.


Luckily we had living grants and no fees to pay in the day, so I didn't do much part time work. Boyo, I'd still strongly urge you to prioritise your study over your income even if that means getting into debt, otherwise there's no real point to this. You sound committed enough though.

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lol 8-6 what a load of bollocks


my kid bros in his third year doing history and politics and he's always had 2days off a week with long lunches and breaks on the days he's in... and hes a diligent little git who has never missed a lecture or tutorial.


Everything I have done at Uni was pretty much 9 to 6, every day, so it just depends on your degree. That said in this case I suspect what was meant was you have to make yourself available between the hours of 8 and 6, as has been said.


Luckily we had living grants and no fees to pay in the day, so I didn't do much part time work. Boyo, I'd still strongly urge you to prioritise your study over your income even if that means getting into debt, otherwise there's no real point to this. You sound committed enough though.



Jesus, what courses were you doing?

i've friends who did law and such who weren't in those sorts of hours

Law courses don't have many hours though, science ones tend to have a lot more.

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Does it have to be community type work? Could you not just work in a night club or whatever? Working in a bookies is alright too cos there's always loads if extra hours in the summer with night racing etc. Plus then you get to be like me and SLP which is not to be sniffed at.

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Does it have to be community type work? Could you not just work in a night club or whatever? Working in a bookies is alright too cos there's always loads if extra hours in the summer with night racing etc. Plus then you get to be like me and SLP which is not to be sniffed at.

And 2J. Awesome! :)

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lol 8-6 what a load of bollocks


my kid bros in his third year doing history and politics and he's always had 2days off a week with long lunches and breaks on the days he's in... and hes a diligent little git who has never missed a lecture or tutorial.


Everything I have done at Uni was pretty much 9 to 6, every day, so it just depends on your degree. That said in this case I suspect what was meant was you have to make yourself available between the hours of 8 and 6, as has been said.


Luckily we had living grants and no fees to pay in the day, so I didn't do much part time work. Boyo, I'd still strongly urge you to prioritise your study over your income even if that means getting into debt, otherwise there's no real point to this. You sound committed enough though.



Jesus, what courses were you doing?

i've friends who did law and such who weren't in those sorts of hours

Law courses don't have many hours though, science ones tend to have a lot more.


Basically that's it, for my Pharmacology degree every morning was solid lectures and afternoons, sometimes running into evenings, was practical work or research. Personally I'd rather have done that than 8 lectures/tutorials a week because I wouldn't have the will power to work on my own. Well now maybe, but not then though.

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The father, the Son and the old ginger accountant?


Not quite the same ring about it....


Who's the Daddy out of SLP and 2J then?


Depends if Tooj is wearing his hat

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