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Happy Face

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It looks like the wallpaper from the early days of wikileaks has been pulled from the Internet does anyone remember it it was a store room with shelves there were boxes & files one box had an apollo mission badge on it (apollo 11 ?) There was a file labeled JFK the ark of the covenant was there a picture of nixon, bildberg I wish I'd saved it now .

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  • 3 weeks later...




Looks increasingly likely that Assange will be either evicted from or walk out of the Ecuadorian embassy. 4 and a half years is an impressive stint of self imprisonment. He has some mental toughness about him.

Being reported that Guillermo Lasso has 53.02% of votes versus 46.98.

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Actually, which reports? All indications seem to have been that Moreno was predicted to win from the point the polls closed.


Your link above states that several exit polls had Lasso winning by a small but comfortable margin.

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  • 1 month later...

Swedish prosecutors drop case against Assange. :lol:


As many have said all along it was based on the flimsiest of bullshit to intimidate him and try and hand him over to the Americans.


Where's that fukin pizza!


Edited by Park Life
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1 minute ago, Happy Face said:

Big saving for the Met.


... If the UK government confirm they have no extradition prefer from the US and let him walk free.

Take the UK to the ECJ. :D


While he can.

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2 minutes ago, Park Life said:

Take the UK to the ECJ. :D


While he can.


He's really embarrassing them here like. The bogus rape stuff quashed they have nothing whatsoever to hang this on.


Think we'll be dropping a couple of places down the press freedom rankings.  Chasing Russia to the bottom .

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"Bogus rape stuff"



He's not been found innocent. He's not even been tried. What you're effectively saying is that rape doesn't exist without a successful prosecution. In reality, his innocence or guilt is unknown. 


Although his dancing alone is enough for me to pass judgement.

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Glenn Greenwald, the former Guardian journalist who worked with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, points out that Assange is far from free.

Writing on the Intercept he says: “The termination of the Swedish investigation is, in one sense, good news for Assange. But it is unlikely to change his inability to leave the embassy any time soon. If anything, given the apparent determination of the Trump administration to put him in a US prison cell for the “crime” of publishing documents, his freedom appears farther away than it has since 2010, when the Swedish case began.”

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8 hours ago, Renton said:

"Bogus rape stuff"



He's not been found innocent. He's not even been tried. What you're effectively saying is that rape doesn't exist without a successful prosecution. In reality, his innocence or guilt is unknown. 


Although his dancing alone is enough for me to pass judgement.


I should have remembered the famous proverb, innocence or guilt is unknown until tried.



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