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More money wasted on Maddie case

Rob W

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Yeah I must admit that was my first reaction on hearing about this. Have they written a book or something, cos interest in the whole thing seems to have been reignited - complete with "I couldn't make love to Gerry" tabloid headlines. :lol:

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Let's face it, this has nothing to do with it being 'Dave' that's wasting the money - any of the political muppets would have done exactly the same. It's harsh but at the end of the day I don't agree with spending money on this, while it's a tragic thing that happened I can only blame the parents for leaving those little kiddies on their own while they waltzed off for a meal - I don't care if it was 'just round the corner' any sane parent with a modicum of common sense doesn't leave their children alone like that. What annoys me the most is the parents seem to want to blame everyone else other than themselves.

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Let's face it, this has nothing to do with it being 'Dave' that's wasting the money - any of the political muppets would have done exactly the same. It's harsh but at the end of the day I don't agree with spending money on this, while it's a tragic thing that happened I can only blame the parents for leaving those little kiddies on their own while they waltzed off for a meal - I don't care if it was 'just round the corner' any sane parent with a modicum of common sense doesn't leave their children alone like that. What annoys me the most is the parents seem to want to blame everyone else other than themselves.


thats about right. It's very sad but - unless the parents did do it, which is of course possible - no good parent would leave their child unattended like that, especially in a foreign country etc.


At the end of the day, if they DID leave her unattended, then their decision not to get a childminder and pay a few quid has cost them their daughter, and for people with the money that they would have had and what they earned, its shocking.


We shouldn't waste any more funds on this now either.

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We've gone through this ad nauseum but my parents did the same with me when I was younger. It's easy to criticise with hindsight but most people would simply not expect their child to be abducted from a room so close by. Maddy was and they of course will regret leaving her for the rest of their lives, so it doesn't really need pointing out now.

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We've gone through this ad nauseum but my parents did the same with me when I was younger. It's easy to criticise with hindsight but most people would simply not expect their child to be abducted from a room so close by. Maddy was and they of course will regret leaving her for the rest of their lives, so it doesn't really need pointing out now.



Thats because they hated you and were hoping you were abducted...I feel their pain.



Leaving her where? In a hole in the middle of nowhere?

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I recently read that they had used some of the fund for mortgage payments

Mortgage Payments


Leaving your children alone in an apartment complex whilst you go on the piss is unforgivable imo. They should have thrown the book at them for neglect.

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I recently read that they had used some of the fund for mortgage payments


If everything in the papers was true I'll agree with you. But as we know the papers need to sell papers. The mcanns are doctors ffs they dont need the cash.

Edited by Dafydd
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I recently read that they had used some of the fund for mortgage payments


If everything in the papers was true I'll agree with you. But as we know the papers need to sell papers. The mcanns are doctors ffs they dont need the cash.


Read the article he's linked. Their spokesman admits that they have been using the fund for "living expenses". Neither of them has worked since she disappeared.

Edited by Gemmill
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If the Met did get more involved and the bairn was found, this would be money well spent. Despite me believing they are atrocious parents who were obviously only interested in themselves at the time [i get the impression it seems all too frequent these days], I have to believe that they are innocent of killing their daughter. Whilst I believe that they are innocent, a little more help from the Met isn't surely going to break the financial state of the police service.


I reckon the kid will be found one day - possibly with a new surname of, oh, I don't know, Robbins perhaps? If she does turn up, the McCanns wont have to work again, such will be the media frenzy for paying them to appear for this and that, not to mention a [straight-to-DVD] movie of it all.


Atrocious parenting.

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They don't have to work again as it is. What about all the other missing kids that aren't getting preferential treatment? This move is absolute fucking bollocks and prejudiced on the basis of this being a high-profile case. You can't justify this, it just isn't logical.


Are other, less high-profile, cases not given further investigation? If not, then you're right. However, I don't have the facts to tell me that they're not. I'm pretty sure the Susie Lamplaugh (sp) case has received quite a lot of re-investigation, has it not? That's just one I can think of right now. As ever, I'm ALWAYS open to be convinced I am wrong, so don't hesitate to convince me I am this time.

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I don't have the evidence to back this up, but I would bet there's any number of parents of missing children who would kill to have the PM order the Met to open investigations for them. I don't think this is par for the course at all.

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I don't have the evidence to back this up, but I would bet there's any number of parents of missing children who would kill to have the PM order the Met to open investigations for them. I don't think this is par for the course at all.



Y'see I'm in a bit of a bind about this lot. I firmly believe that re-investigation of ALL (we don't hear about re-ivestigation of low-profile cases because of their being 'low profile') cases is justified.


However, at the same time I wonder if some leverage is being used on Dave through the Sun and Murdoch's empire (News International, is it??), as in 'remember who we backed last time, David, so give the whole thing a mention in the positive' sort of way????

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I bet if the parents had been of a poorer background they'd have had the rest of their kids taken off them and the book thrown at them for neglect before their feet could hit the ground.

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Yeah I must admit that was my first reaction on hearing about this. Have they written a book or something, cos interest in the whole thing seems to have been reignited - complete with "I couldn't make love to Gerry" tabloid headlines. :D


lol how did you guess :lol:


Yup and i'm assuming the sun or someone have helped them publish it,girl in work buys it and I think the first 6 pages of the sun everyday this week was a "Maddie!" section.


Horrible what's happened to that kid, but i still think it was the parents.

Couldn't agree more.


My first thought when seeing Kate McCann has a book out about the daughter she left alone was she's got a fucking chee,k seen as though she's one of the prime suspects (imo).

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A quote from Kate McCann's book:


"Madeleine was hard not to love"


However, she was easy to leave in an apartment at 3 years old with her 18-month old siblings.


Complete and utter negligence for which they are paying the highest price :lol:

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How many cases of British 3 to 5 year olds being abducted by suspected paedophile rings have there been in the last 5 years?


Unless you have that statisitic at your fingertips, you're a bit of a moral cunt if you negatively judge the effort / resources invested in this case. You cant just assume that figure. Of course, if there are hundreds of examples then you'd be right to wonder.


Just my reading of the morality of this issue. All my opinion of course. It might be that there are hundreds, i doubt it and i also doubt anyone has that statistic available to them or looked to it when forming their opinion.


I sympathise with the McCanns and recognise they probably got proportionally more attention than others might have done. However, if it was my daughter, i reckon i could and would do the same too though. If i was then confronted by someone like Rob, i'd probably stab him in the eye with a blunt object.

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Indeed i don't know anyone who would do that tbh, jesus even leaving a 10yr old in the house at home while ya ran to the shop would be pushing it let alone a 3 yr old younger kids and in a foreign country in a hotel with plenty of strangers around.


Did that kid bulger getting whisked away teach those parents fuck all like

(hence why i think they did it)... they're doctors they can't be that idiotic.


not necessarily I can name you one thick doctor anyway :lol:

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