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I have spent the weekend in Berlin and had a fantastic time.


On the TV in the hotel the only channels in English were CNN and A French24 (English) and Russia Today (English). So on a morning I looked at the News and on an evening checked it out before going out.


I am rather concerned about the whole shite that is being stirred up in the Middle East, Japan / China, USA and the Islam stuff. Its just worrying man.


Its annoying too. Some Shiria Law actavist in London mouthing off "We hate USA and her Allies" Well if thats your feelings, what the fuck are you doing in the UK? It angers me and makes me think fuck off back to your 3rd world country and suck off goat cock, but then that makes me no better than them.


Are we in a delicate balance as these news channels seem to thinks?

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Just spent an hour on the phone to my brother discussing this. The world is a very dangerous place, we have it very lucky in Europe and the economic buffer we have to protect our way of life may not last.


Bars on the windows, buried food stocks, access to weaponry and a boat are about the only things you can do tbh.

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It's not good, but it's not as bad as it's made out in the media. Bad news gets people tuning in and in the world of 24hr news, they need something to keep the people away from that tv remote.


I'd say either wipe out 24hr news channels or only have them on public broadcasting channels. No adverts. Investigative journalism, not pulp.


As an Aussie comedian ( I forget who) said, he was shocked to see the winner of X-Factor was on the news. Growing up you never had the winner of "Price is Right" on news. Why this shit? Why? well it's to fill 3 minutes and it costs fuck all. Cut to them celebrating, with a voiceover summarising their rise from chip-fryer in Runcorn to "Global Superstar", cut back to studio and news anchor says some half assed platitude or quip and onto the next p.o.s. show.



re: the actual problems in the world, I do think we're approaching the tipping point. Personally I think the walls are going to go up, and the borders aren't going to be as open.

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When the us and USSR were facing off we were at the mercy of two super powers with great military might that could apparently kick off any time.


These days you have one military super power subjugating the globe to it's will and only a few camel fuckers in the desert with an ak each and some internet material being painted as the gravest threat to world security.


Just go to your garden and have a beer in a deck chair. Nowt will spoil it.

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When the us and USSR were facing off we were at the mercy of two super powers with great military might that could apparently kick off any time.


These days you have one military super power subjugating the globe to it's will and only a few camel fuckers in the desert with an ak each and some internet material being painted as the gravest threat to world security.


Just go to your garden and have a beer in a deck chair. Nowt will spoil it.


The rain might. Also that post is simplistic bollocks really.

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It's not good, but it's not as bad as it's made out in the media. Bad news gets people tuning in and in the world of 24hr news, they need something to keep the people away from that tv remote.


I'd say either wipe out 24hr news channels or only have them on public broadcasting channels. No adverts. Investigative journalism, not pulp.


As an Aussie comedian ( I forget who) said, he was shocked to see the winner of X-Factor was on the news. Growing up you never had the winner of "Price is Right" on news. Why this shit? Why? well it's to fill 3 minutes and it costs fuck all. Cut to them celebrating, with a voiceover summarising their rise from chip-fryer in Runcorn to "Global Superstar", cut back to studio and news anchor says some half assed platitude or quip and onto the next p.o.s. show.



re: the actual problems in the world, I do think we're approaching the tipping point. Personally I think the walls are going to go up, and the borders aren't going to be as open.


Thats spot on re X-Factor :lol:

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I think it is particularly worrying. No one can predict what is going to happen, and reputable news channels report things which have already happened with a sprinkling on insight from some "expert" on any given subject, but there are more bells ringing at the moment than at any time since the cold war.


Firstly Japan need to pipe the fuck down, just give that tiny uninhabited island to Taiwan, and China will pipe the fuck down. America v China isn't worth thinking about, and China (imo) have wounds caused by Japan which may take another 100 years to heal. I think common sense will prevail.


The Gulf issue, is the most worrying situation we've faced in my lifetime. It's alright saying ah fuck all will happen, there's always diplomatic jousting, and muscle flexing going on there, but not like this. Israel are cunts. I'm not saying jews are cunts, but Israel as a country are fucking cunts. It's our fault going back 60 years but that's another story. Even though they're cunts who have utterly wound muslims up for years globally by their disgusting treatment of Palestinians, they definitely have a right to defend themselves. They as a nation are paranoid, they believe a large scale muslim attack is inevitable at some time in the future, they've been preparing for something they see as an eventuality for 40 years. The Daily Mail exposed their nukes in 1986, even though they are cunts, they wouldn't use them unless they felt they had no alternative. With Iran widely believed to be developing the capability to build nuclear weapons, even fucking China (their ally) are telling them to pipe down, I think we march closer by the day to the point where we see the biggest war since World War 2. Iran need to be dealt with or we could all end up fucked. There have never been more warships in the Persian Gulf than there are now, we're there, the yanks are there, the Aussies are there (fuck knows what they'd do like), the French. They're there because of how important the Persian Gulf is. 35% of the worlds oil passes through the Strait of Homuz. If Iran gets the hump when we, the yank, or Israel inevitably destroy their nuclear sites, then it's nailed on that Iran's fight back will involve sabotaging and mining the Straits of Homuz, thereby utterly destroying the world economy. There is no way you can possibly measure how important the Arab oil is for everyone in the world, I've read lots of the potential implications, and should the oil flow cease through there in the medium term, 1929 would seem like the late 80's yuppy era compared to what we'll face in the coming years. These aren't here say assertions they are a reality, that really really could happen, or even worse Israel think fuck this and actually start dropping nukes. Fucking Iran.


I get my haircut in the west end at an Iranian place, the lass left Iran 11 years ago who does my hair, she said it's no myth, 90% of Iranian people want to live a western life. They're generally more intelligent than most muslims too Iranian people, and far better looking than the rest, but their government are evil cunts who stop the country from developing with their draconian muslim hard line ways. It's a shame for the people because the country is rich in raw materials, and could prosper without the economic sanctions we impose on them. It comes down to hardline muslims, they're cunts, that's not racist liberal muslims would agree. I don't know the best thing to do is regarding Iran but anyone who just thinks aye we've heard it all before, well I hope they're right, but people have a good right to be concerned. What we're seeing is almost the perfect storm in terms of a potential kick off.

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Have I missed something? A cursory look at the BBC website doesn't indicate WW3 is going to kick off. Things might get twitchy if Romney is elected however......


Aye, as Stevie said last neet on Twitter.


I am worried I will be honest. Meanwhile were making defence cuts!

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I think it is particularly worrying. No one can predict what is going to happen, and reputable news channels report things which have already happened with a sprinkling on insight from some "expert" on any given subject, but there are more bells ringing at the moment than at any time since the cold war.


Firstly Japan need to pipe the fuck down, just give that tiny uninhabited island to Taiwan, and China will pipe the fuck down. America v China isn't worth thinking about, and China (imo) have wounds caused by Japan which may take another 100 years to heal. I think common sense will prevail.


The Gulf issue, is the most worrying situation we've faced in my lifetime. It's alright saying ah fuck all will happen, there's always diplomatic jousting, and muscle flexing going on there, but not like this. Israel are cunts. I'm not saying jews are cunts, but Israel as a country are fucking cunts. It's our fault going back 60 years but that's another story. Even though they're cunts who have utterly wound muslims up for years globally by their disgusting treatment of Palestinians, they definitely have a right to defend themselves. They as a nation are paranoid, they believe a large scale muslim attack is inevitable at some time in the future, they've been preparing for something they see as an eventuality for 40 years. The Daily Mail exposed their nukes in 1986, even though they are cunts, they wouldn't use them unless they felt they had no alternative. With Iran widely believed to be developing the capability to build nuclear weapons, even fucking China (their ally) are telling them to pipe down, I think we march closer by the day to the point where we see the biggest war since World War 2. Iran need to be dealt with or we could all end up fucked. There have never been more warships in the Persian Gulf than there are now, we're there, the yanks are there, the Aussies are there (fuck knows what they'd do like), the French. They're there because of how important the Persian Gulf is. 35% of the worlds oil passes through the Strait of Homuz. If Iran gets the hump when we, the yank, or Israel inevitably destroy their nuclear sites, then it's nailed on that Iran's fight back will involve sabotaging and mining the Straits of Homuz, thereby utterly destroying the world economy. There is no way you can possibly measure how important the Arab oil is for everyone in the world, I've read lots of the potential implications, and should the oil flow cease through there in the medium term, 1929 would seem like the late 80's yuppy era compared to what we'll face in the coming years. These aren't here say assertions they are a reality, that really really could happen, or even worse Israel think fuck this and actually start dropping nukes. Fucking Iran.


I get my haircut in the west end at an Iranian place, the lass left Iran 11 years ago who does my hair, she said it's no myth, 90% of Iranian people want to live a western life. They're generally more intelligent than most muslims too Iranian people, and far better looking than the rest, but their government are evil cunts who stop the country from developing with their draconian muslim hard line ways. It's a shame for the people because the country is rich in raw materials, and could prosper without the economic sanctions we impose on them. It comes down to hardline muslims, they're cunts, that's not racist liberal muslims would agree. I don't know the best thing to do is regarding Iran but anyone who just thinks aye we've heard it all before, well I hope they're right, but people have a good right to be concerned. What we're seeing is almost the perfect storm in terms of a potential kick off.


Nice one stevie considering the recent bunch of Australian casualties. As always if Britain is there, the colonials have to join in! We are just scousers in the sun, after all.


As has been mentioned here before in one of Leazes Islam discussions, the Islamic academics know that the current violence is pointless to both Muslims and the West because in less than 100 years as a religion they will have all but out breed every other on this planet.

Problem is the uneducated and their fundamentalist leaders don't want to wait the hundred years and feel it's their right to stage the Islamic version of the Christian Spanish Inquisition (they are at a similar point in the development of Islam as Christianity was in the 15th century). The difference is in 1480 the modus operandi was arrows, swords and burning at the stake, unfortunately in the 21st century the ability to kill people is exponentially greater

Edited by sammynb
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The rain might. Also that post is simplistic bollocks really.

I like its simplicity though, despite the tongue in cheek part of my post above, i err on the side of 'everything will be absolutely fine', there may be slow economic decline in the west, there may be bloodshed and upheaval in countries struggling for democracy or other forms of govermental change but power is shifting to the BRIC countries and new frontiers of economic therefore political power are popping up all over the globe. One of the more interesting recent trends is Portuguese migration to Angola which is fascinating economically and culturally.


I do think whilst you can go into your garden, sit down on some comfortable furniture (weather protection a bonus in more northern climes) and crack open a beer then life is good and if that doesnt look like changing then its worth reflecting on. We overplay the Islam stuff, the real issue at play is the changing global economic situation, as that what affects jobs on Tyneside, both public and private.

Edited by ChezGiven
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I honestly can't remember Iran attacking anyone but having to withstand a recent history of being attacked by Iraq and western backed coup's. All over the middle east we will reap what we have sown. This time we will. Obama is the only thing holding back more intervention hence Israel's strong support for Romney. 72% of Americans don't want any more wars...Like that will make any difference.

Edited by Park Life
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I honestly can't remember Iran attacking anyone

:lol: I dont think they put out a full page announcement in the Sunday Times declaring their interest and involvement in numerous conflicts over the past few decades but they are involved militarily all over the middle east.

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I think it is particularly worrying. No one can predict what is going to happen, and reputable news channels report things which have already happened with a sprinkling on insight from some "expert" on any given subject, but there are more bells ringing at the moment than at any time since the cold war.


Firstly Japan need to pipe the fuck down, just give that tiny uninhabited island to Taiwan, and China will pipe the fuck down. America v China isn't worth thinking about, and China (imo) have wounds caused by Japan which may take another 100 years to heal. I think common sense will prevail.


The Gulf issue, is the most worrying situation we've faced in my lifetime. It's alright saying ah fuck all will happen, there's always diplomatic jousting, and muscle flexing going on there, but not like this. Israel are cunts. I'm not saying jews are cunts, but Israel as a country are fucking cunts. It's our fault going back 60 years but that's another story. Even though they're cunts who have utterly wound muslims up for years globally by their disgusting treatment of Palestinians, they definitely have a right to defend themselves. They as a nation are paranoid, they believe a large scale muslim attack is inevitable at some time in the future, they've been preparing for something they see as an eventuality for 40 years. The Daily Mail exposed their nukes in 1986, even though they are cunts, they wouldn't use them unless they felt they had no alternative. With Iran widely believed to be developing the capability to build nuclear weapons, even fucking China (their ally) are telling them to pipe down, I think we march closer by the day to the point where we see the biggest war since World War 2. Iran need to be dealt with or we could all end up fucked. There have never been more warships in the Persian Gulf than there are now, we're there, the yanks are there, the Aussies are there (fuck knows what they'd do like), the French. They're there because of how important the Persian Gulf is. 35% of the worlds oil passes through the Strait of Homuz. If Iran gets the hump when we, the yank, or Israel inevitably destroy their nuclear sites, then it's nailed on that Iran's fight back will involve sabotaging and mining the Straits of Homuz, thereby utterly destroying the world economy. There is no way you can possibly measure how important the Arab oil is for everyone in the world, I've read lots of the potential implications, and should the oil flow cease through there in the medium term, 1929 would seem like the late 80's yuppy era compared to what we'll face in the coming years. These aren't here say assertions they are a reality, that really really could happen, or even worse Israel think fuck this and actually start dropping nukes. Fucking Iran.


I get my haircut in the west end at an Iranian place, the lass left Iran 11 years ago who does my hair, she said it's no myth, 90% of Iranian people want to live a western life. They're generally more intelligent than most muslims too Iranian people, and far better looking than the rest, but their government are evil cunts who stop the country from developing with their draconian muslim hard line ways. It's a shame for the people because the country is rich in raw materials, and could prosper without the economic sanctions we impose on them. It comes down to hardline muslims, they're cunts, that's not racist liberal muslims would agree. I don't know the best thing to do is regarding Iran but anyone who just thinks aye we've heard it all before, well I hope they're right, but people have a good right to be concerned. What we're seeing is almost the perfect storm in terms of a potential kick off.


You don't even see the irony in the shite you spout do you :lol:


Since time began on Earth we have had 5 Extinction Events where the majority of life has been wiped out. It's only a matter of time until there's a 6th. This planet is going to be around a hell of a lot longer than humans. It makes me laugh when people talk about ''the end of the world'' . The worlds going nowhere, it's the end of humanity we want to be worried about. There's a very fragile eco system on this planet and it's only a matter of time before it gives up supporting us. We need to look way, way beyond who is killing who in Korea or the Middle East. We have fucked up this planet more in the last 200 years than anyone managed in the 6billion years prior to that.

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I like its simplicity though, despite the tongue in cheek part of my post above, i err on the side of 'everything will be absolutely fine', there may be slow economic decline in the west, there may be bloodshed and upheaval in countries struggling for democracy or other forms of govermental change but power is shifting to the BRIC countries and new frontiers of economic therefore political power are popping up all over the globe. One of the more interesting recent trends is Portuguese migration to Angola which is fascinating economically and culturally.


I do think whilst you can go into your garden, sit down on some comfortable furniture (weather protection a bonus in more northern climes) and crack open a beer then life is good and if that doesnt look like changing then its worth reflecting on. We overplay the Islam stuff, the real issue at play is the changing global economic situation, as that what affects jobs on Tyneside, both public and private.

I was totally staggered when I learned Luanda is the second most expensive city to live in the world for expatriates.

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:lol: I dont think they put out a full page announcement in the Sunday Times declaring their interest and involvement in numerous conflicts over the past few decades but they are involved militarily all over the middle east.


:lol: Who isn't though?


But serioulsy we have historically seriously fucked over the middle east and now one of them might be getting nukes we're shitting it. ;)

Edited by Park Life
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:lol: Who isn't though?


But serioulsy we have historically seriously fucked over the middle east and now one of them might be getting nukes we're shitting it. ;)

And now Romney is handing out tips on how to get a dirty bomb into Chicago. Its a mess.


How's the head by the way, few beverages last night?

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And now Romney is handing out tips on how to get a dirty bomb into Chicago. Its a mess.


How's the head by the way, few beverages last night?


Romney is seriously dangerous and worse he's a mormon who historically have nearly all been pure bred nutters. I note the CIA rectruit heavily among these kooks due to their charity work abroad and consequently a second language and puritanical driven nature. The mormons to be clear are to the right of where Bush was if there can be such a thing. I think they realise that Obama might win again unless they can spring some kind of foreign policy catastrophe...So watch out for that. They want to neuter Obama hence the recent loud hailing from various Israeli support networks and the usual Pentagon hawks (you know the names).


Was out with some roadies, so you can imagine the devastation to my mental state. :lol: It's travelled down to my neck now (on the second full fat coke). :)


I'm worried about October..


You'll be fine, just need to get out into the French coutryside (plenty of food and water). Steer clear of the nuke plants though.

Edited by Park Life
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