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Interestingly, I read earlier that Corbyn's Labour are polling better than most other socially democratic parties in Europe. The ones who believe in Blair's 'third way'. So y'know, Labour could be doing worse, believe it or not.

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I'll say one thing, at least they've lost their much-complained-about FPTP bonus now. Electoral Calculus has them at 26.5% of the vote and 26.7% of the seats next time round - perfect! The Tories, on the other hand...

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I'll say one thing, at least they've lost their much-complained-about FPTP bonus now. Electoral Calculus has them at 26.5% of the vote and 26.7% of the seats next time round - perfect! The Tories, on the other hand...




I'm just saying that the indications based on elsewhere in Europe suggest they'd be doing just as badly with a New Labourite in charge.

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Interestingly, I read earlier that Corbyn's Labour are polling better than most other socially democratic parties in Europe. The ones who believe in Blair's 'third way'. So y'know, Labour could be doing worse, believe it or not.



17% of voters believe Corbyn would make the best prime minister, compared with 45% for May.

Labour’s overall poll rating is down three points from last month at 29%, while the Conservatives are up one point at 41%. Ukip are on 12%, the Liberal Democrats on 7%, the Scottish National party on 6% and the Greens on 4%.



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The government is on the cusp of banning non-conventional porn on the internet :lol: This is as part of that move to put age restrictions on porn sites and to block any which refuse to adopt this. According to the article, the feminists who pushed for this are surprised that acts such as female ejaculation will now be banned from being viewed in the UK as well... as if they thought that suppressing people's freedoms wouldn't somehow come back to bite them?




So, mass surge in demand for proxies, just around the corner.


We are the only Western country doing this, incidentally. We're now on par with China.

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who the fuck gets to decide what is conventional between consenting adults ffs? i bet the tory MPs that push this through get up to far more depraved shit. 


the age verification is another matter. young kids are exposed to all kinds of crazy porn that didn't exists when we were growing up at far too early an age these days, which i can't imagine is healthy. 

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I thought 'female ejaculation' was already banned in the UK? Not that it's a big deal. It's a myth, along with the female 'orgasm'.


To be brutally honest, it's not one of my 'go to' themes, so I really don't know, but I'd be highly surprised if it wasn't viewable on the internet. What they're proposing here is that it will be blocked.

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who the fuck gets to decide what is conventional between consenting adults ffs? i bet the tory MPs that push this through get up to far more depraved shit. 


the age verification is another matter. young kids are exposed to all kinds of crazy porn that didn't exists when we were growing up at far too early an age these days, which i can't imagine is healthy. 


Yes but looks what it opens the door to. Parents should take responsibility for their kids on this IMO. There's all manner of controls you can put in place these days, and we have that freaking opt in bit as well. Why not make this bit of legislation opt in? Kids can be protected and everyone else can be free to do as they please.


Moreover, there is no way, simply none, that this is workable. As soon as they do this, kids will find a way around it before the majority of the rest of us.

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