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NLP, Hypotherapy and the like

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So this is my new "thing" at the minute. :)


I always been quite interested in this stuff and why we do what we do or why some people have phobias etc.


A year or two back I used some Tony Robbins techniques and cured my fear of spiders.


Last night I spent about 20 minutes using similar techniques and cured my 20 year Phobia of flying. (Of course I can't "prove" the flying phobia to myself until I get on a plane, but I can feel the change and know it's gone).


Downloaded some audio sessions from a guy called Jamie Smart and currently spending the weekend listening to them. He also has a book out called Clarity (Daniel Sturridge credits the book with helping him find form).


Being me of course, I now have visions of being a hypnotist!


Anyway, very interesting subject that we should all pay more attention too.


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I also spent 20 using these techniques to cure my fear of being rimmed by a mountain gorilla, (Of course I can't "prove" the gorilla sex phobia to myself until I get on a plane and get monkey fucked in Rwanda, but I can feel the change and know it's gone).

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I also spent 20 using these techniques to cure my fear of being rimmed by a mountain gorilla, (Of course I can't "prove" the gorilla sex phobia to myself until I get on a plane and get monkey fucked in Rwanda, but I can feel the change and know it's gone).


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20 minutes to cure a life-long phobia?

Ok so I padded it out a little.


Seriously, if you decide to do anything, how long does it take?


If you smoked for 25 years and decide to stop.....?


As I say it's an interesting subject that in fairness I couldn't begin to really sell to anyone on here.

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There is no easy way to 'cure' a genuine fear of flying. If there was, nobody would have the phobia. It's fucking horrific btw, especially if you fly quite a bit.

Most phobias can be cured.


Btw it's not a "genuine" fear. It's a perceived false reality.


Bit like being terrified of a spider. Your not born with that fear, you have it dumped on you by someone else.


Having spent most of my life scared of spiders (the wife was the spider squasher), I literally got rid of the fear in minutes. To the extent that I now catch them by letting them crawl onto my hand and safely transporting them outside.

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Most phobias can be cured.


Btw it's not a "genuine" fear. It's a perceived false reality.


Bit like being terrified of a spider. Your not born with that fear, you have it dumped on you by someone else.


Having spent most of my life scared of spiders (the wife was the spider squasher), I literally got rid of the fear in minutes. To the extent that I now catch them by letting them crawl onto my hand and safely transporting them outside.

I can't comprehend why anyone would be scared of a domestic spider though (big foreign ones fair enough). Flying in a wafer thin pressurised tube of aluminum at 550 mph and 37,000 feet however......


I can't realistically avoid flying or run away from it. The only way I can cope is by making peace with my life and accepting the real possibility of death. So much harder to do this with a kid though.


I know this is irrational, and I know the cause of it (flying incident). Over 100 flights later, I know I can not shake this, ever.

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I can't comprehend why anyone would be scared of a domestic spider though (big foreign ones fair enough). Flying in a wafer thin pressurised tube of aluminum at 550 mph and 37,000 feet however......


I can't realistically avoid flying or run away from it. The only way I can cope is by making peace with my life and accepting the real possibility of death. So much harder to do this with a kid though.


I know this is irrational, and I know the cause of it (flying incident). Over 100 flights later, I know I can not shake this, ever.

Have you tried Hypnotherapy?


£100 quid and it could be gone.

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Now, let me tell you, Renty boy, I have read up on this for a massive 45 minutes and I say it'll get rid of that namby-pamby fear. Look at me now, I was scared of spiders the size of 10 pence pieces and now I'm trapping them in bowls and hitting them with slippers and all sorts. I'm sure that your perfectly rational fear of being rocked about by gale force winds, 5000 miles into the sky and plummeting to earth, well aware that you're going to be killed on impact, possibly even before if your heart packs in and having to hold on to the hand of your loved ones until your knuckles turn bone white, surrounded by the sounds of frantic screaming and crying can be cured by some baldy arsehole speaking into your ear for 20 minutes.


Do what I do with flying and get drugged up and sleep through your demise.

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It's this simple....


"Almost all phobias can be successfully treated and cured".


This is the NHS advice (probably written by you in your NICE days).





I can understand You personally doubting you can ever be cured, but surely you owe it to yourself and your family to try?

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Fucking wimps. As soon as the fasten seatbelts sign is off, I'm at the front of the plane, arms outstretched shouting "I'M THE KING OF THE WORRRLD!"


You've got to take control of yourselves and the situation.

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:lol: at some of the posts in here.


fwiw I think Hypnotherapy could work.


Certainly seems rational to me and I'm not one for mediums or psychics or anything like that.


I do believe that it's possible to enter a suggestible state where a simple command can be buried beneath the layers of nonsensical neuroses we pile upon ourselves. Phobias are one side of it, but I think things that aren't as incidental, but have more impact on your life could be addressed by the right kind of influence.


fear of failure, comfort eating, non-chemical addictions (perhaps reliance would be a better term?).


I don't think it would cure chemical addictions, nor would it resolve more severe neuroses like honest to goodness OCD, but I think Hypnotherapy could work.


I would add that I think a large number of the practitioners are charlatans in the same group as mediums and psychics, but that's the risk with stuff like this.

Edited by The Fish
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Good post Fish.


I think one of the problems is that relatively speaking it's such a new and developing science in itself understanding not only how the brain works but also how we and others "program" it.


I also think if you are serious about solving an issue it is fairly east to come by reputable people.

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NLP sometimes works on girls and you get that delightful evil feeling as some kind of master of reality artist. Few years back used to assist a mate of mine who was trained in it doing 'coaching' for elite businessmen who had lost their way...:lol: Always giggle when I think back to that..

Edited by Park Life
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Fucking wimps. As soon as the fasten seatbelts sign is off, I'm at the front of the plane, arms outstretched shouting "I'M THE KING OF THE WORRRLD!"


You've got to take control of yourselves and the situation.


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