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1 minute ago, Renton said:


What? No it doesn't. This affects your day to day life whether you bury your head in the sand or not. 

I am profoundly concerned and sick to the stomach. It's the end of US democracy as we've known it, a real turn into a dark dystopian future. 



I am absolutely sticking my head into the sand now, I'll deal with each day as it comes, some'll be ok, some not so ok. Considerations of what should be happening/what other folks think/what does that mean for the future, can fuck off.


Breaxit, the rise of reform and now this !! The thick cunts can be led over the cliff, I REALLY don't care anymore.

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55 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

Biden was worthless. All that lack of achievement to avoid rocking the boat and we lose anyway. This is my exact fear with Labour.


May as well have had Trump last time tbh, least it would be over by now.


The West needs a progressive vision that can appeal to people, we can't just scream "incel' at everyone and call it a day. Our entire civilisation is starting to come into the crosshairs now.


I'm so fucking done with the Democrats. Worthless party. Absolutely fucking useless, they've had absolutely fuck all to offer since Obama. Now they've lost all 3 chambers potentially, meaning God fucking knows what Trump manages to get through.


Heaven help the USA. The combined political acumen of the Democratic party undone by a TV madman. 


Hopeless. Agreenwith Gemmill though, just need to turn it the fuck off and give up.


This is akin to victim blaming. Blame the woman for being weak and not the rapist. It's not the Democrats who are to blame here and their educated urban voters. It's the fascist, mysognystic, racist Republican Party led by Trump and voted for by gullible rural Hill Billies. 

Edited by Renton
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17 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

When Trump goes beyond the point of having a functional mental ability in about 6 months or so, who have they got with the strength, political sway, and principles to invoke the 25th amendment? *

Even if they find someone able to do it, look at the fucking numpty that will take over. 
J. D.  Fucking Vance… 


What an absolute fucking shitshow. 


The only tiny sparkle of we’re-not-utterly-fucked that I can see is that Russia clearly doesn’t have as strong a military as everyone thought, so even if Ukraine falls, (which I hope to hell it doesn’t, and shame on every western government if it does), he isn’t going to be able to invade any more of his former territories … is he? 


* I say this knowing that only the VP can technically invoke the 25th, but as I said, J. D. Fucking Vance…. someone other than him will need to do the thinking and implementation. 


Vance is Thiel's place-man, the tech bro's will rule the world.

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4 minutes ago, Alex said:

There is definitely something to be said for trying no to worry to much about stuff you can’t control. For the sake of our own sanity as much as anything. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not remotely ok with what’s happening. But what the fuck can we actually do beyond trying to look after ourselves and the people we care about? 


In my case, I am never visiting the US and utterly determined to get a job for a company that is not owned by Americans. I don't do social media but it is impossible to ignore Trump imo any more than ir was possible to ignore Hitler. 

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It’s not Trump winning that depresses me, although it’s a fucking odious notion, it’s what a victory for him represents. 

This time he’ll have control of everything including the Supreme Court. They’ll normalise what shit he’s been up to and project 2025 will now become reality rather than just a nightmare. 

Scary times for the world, not just America.

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9 minutes ago, Gemmill said:


No, it absolutely doesn't affect your day to day. I'll go to work today, do my job, I'll walk the dog, and I'll spend time with my lass in the evening. 


I won't doomscroll and I won't watch the news. 


There will inevitably be trickle down effects in our country, of course there will, but that's not my day to day life. That's Keir Starmer's day to day life. 


You can and should ignore social media. Your life will still be affected though, Starmer can't protect you against that. 

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9 minutes ago, Holden McGroin said:

I gave up on the younger generation a while back. My step daughter (22) decides if the recycle bin is full she’ll decide not to empty it then just put everything in the main bin.  Game over.


only thing they're interested in is riding about on ebikes with balaclavas over their heads ripping each other off with £10 baggies of crack.

absolute thundercunts the lot of them.

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1 minute ago, Renton said:


You can and should ignore social media. Your life will still be affected though, Starmer can't protect you against that. 



Right, well starting with today, it doesn't affect me. Doubt much will change tomorrow either. Or the day after that. Unless I allow it to by wallowing in the misery. 


That's what I'm talking about. 

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3 minutes ago, Craig said:

It’s not Trump winning that depresses me, although it’s a fucking odious notion, it’s what a victory for him represents. 

This time he’ll have control of everything including the Supreme Court. They’ll normalise what shit he’s been up to and project 2025 will now become reality rather than just a nightmare. 

Scary times for the world, not just America.


Aye, this. Empowering autocrata everywhere, rise of fascism Ukraine, the ME, world economy, climate change. You may want to ignore it, but you won't be able to. 

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3 minutes ago, thebrokendoll said:


only thing they're interested in is riding about on ebikes with balaclavas over their heads ripping each other off with £10 baggies of crack.

absolute thundercunts the lot of them.


Welocome to my world fellow curmudgeon

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1 minute ago, Renton said:


Aye, this. Empowering autocrata everywhere, rise of fascism Ukraine, the ME, world economy, climate change. You may want to ignore it, but you won't be able to. 

Netanyahu will be rubbing his hands together and giggling like a kid on Christmas morning right now.


I am staying off social media with regards to this stuff, but that won’t make it, or my genuine existential concerns, go away.


They had an opportunity to demonstrate to the world that what the current flavour of the GOP say and propose is not OK. That missed opportunity is what I find depressing.

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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Well you just got fooled twice, America.


They played a clip on Trump on the news yesterday stating 'we're going to fix every single problem in this country' and it's simplistic bullshit like that the idiots have lapped up. Absolutely no detail of how he's going to do it but just ramblings about how great things are going to be.


And it's not like this is a new comer to the game promising that if you elect him then everything is going to be amazing, this is a man with a four year record to be judged on. Has everyone forgotten how he was a complete agent of chaos during his last term? Or are people genuinely addicted to the drama?


I honestly can't understand this result but well done America, you fucked yourselves and the rest of us.

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2 minutes ago, Renton said:


Aye, this. Empowering autocrata everywhere, rise of fascism Ukraine, the ME, world economy, climate change. You may want to ignore it, but you won't be able to. 


It's piss easy, you deal with what's in front of you when it's in front of you. You don't think about what "might" happen or what you think it means might happen. Live in the moment and fuck it all. 


I surrender you can call me French.

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1 minute ago, Craig said:

Netanyahu will be rubbing his hands together and giggling like a kid on Christmas morning right now.


I am staying off social media with regards to this stuff, but that won’t make it, or my genuine existential concerns, go away.


They had an opportunity to demonstrate to the world that what the current flavour of the GOP say and propose is not OK. That missed opportunity is what I find depressing.


Yeah, it's the people that depress me most. Embracing autocracy is one thing, but embracing it for such an obvious narcissistic psychopath is something else. 

Not just the US. Signs of this cancer in Europe including the UK. Europe needs to get it's act together or the last bastion of civilisation will die. Dark times. 

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Don’t forget this now means that RFK Jr is almost certainly going to be put in charge of health. You know, the cunt who is a Covid denier and an utter fruit loop.

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Just now, Craig said:

Don’t forget this now means that RFK Jr is almost certainly going to be put in charge of health. You know, the cunt who is a Covid denier and an utter fruit loop.


Aye, rather than something to do with the environment where he might actually be able to improve things.

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4 minutes ago, Toonpack said:


It's piss easy, you deal with what's in front of you when it's in front of you. You don't think about what "might" happen or what you think it means might happen. Live in the moment and fuck it all. 


I surrender you can call me French.


I think you're missing the point. You can do all these things, or try to. It will still affect you though. Whether it's a Russian nuke, a storm or flood worsened by climate change, your finances wrecked through the world economy realigning, or the rise of fascism on your door step. 


The cunt has won the presidency, Senate, house of representatives, the Supreme Court and the popular vote. Trump is unhinged and there are theocratic autocrats in the wings. The World is a different darker place than it was. The enlightenment is in reversal. It will affect your day to day life, whether you like it or not. And definitely affect your children. 

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Just now, Renton said:


I think you're missing the point. You can do all these things, or try to. It will still affect you though. Whether it's a Russian nuke, a storm or flood worsened by climate change, your finances wrecked through the world economy realigning, or the rise of fascism on your door step. 


So how specifically is this affecting my day today? 

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