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You're the PM what 5 bits of leglislation would you bring in?


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1, Homeless and Poor People get to the top of the housing list in the catchment area they were born. I know people who are waiting longer to be housed in affordable housing than immigrants wait.


2, Spend more on stopping illegal immigrants.


3, Immigrants do help the economy if they spend there earnings here, but most send the money home via western union, cap that.


4, Build more affordable housing, that way the council won`t be paying out £550 a month to someone to rent a privately owned house, affordable housing costs half that a month.


5, Legalise and tax drugs but only sell them via qualifyied people in limited amounts per month.

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7) All organised Religion replaced by a new form of religion, whereby we worship the breast.

Amen to that, brother.



SLP for Arch-Bishop !

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1. Introduce mandatory deportation of all plastic paddys and queen worshippers in Scotland, thereby reducing the population by about 60% and bankrupting two foul and evil terrorist football clubs.


2. Independance for Scotland.


3. Where enforcable, stop the benefits of the parents of every ned/chav under 16 who causes trouble, thereby getting said parents off their lazy arses and doing some parenting.


4. Abolish speed cameras and replace them with free bolt-on turbo fitting centers for all makes of car.


5. Legalise drinking at football matches again in Scotland as it would be safe now(see policy 1)



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If you are going to legalise drugs, you might as well legalise prostitution at the same time.


Tax the earnings, make sure the hookers get proper health checks, cut out the pimps, give them somewhere to work away from peoples houses, like an industrial estate.

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :lol:


i think i'll change my no. 2 selection. I have decided i'm quite happy sending London all the alkie tramps and Gordon Browns we don't want. :D

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :lol:


i think i'll change my no. 2 selection. I have decided i'm quite happy sending London all the alkie tramps and Gordon Browns we don't want. :D


When were you planning to send the rest, like?

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D


i think i'll change my no. 2 selection. I have decided i'm quite happy sending London all the alkie tramps and Gordon Browns we don't want. :D



Feeeeed theeee Scoooooottish. :lol:

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D



After taking control of their own oil I believe the Scottish may be able to fend for themselves. Of course Britain may be f*cked without the Scottish contingent in the army.

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D



After taking control of their own oil I believe the Scottish may be able to fend for themselves. Of course Britain may be f*cked without the Scottish contingent in the army.


You'll all be starving man. It'll be a third world country within a year. Oil will be the least of your concerns.

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D



After taking control of their own oil I believe the Scottish may be able to fend for themselves. Of course Britain may be f*cked without the Scottish contingent in the army.


You'll all be starving man. It'll be a third world country within a year. Oil will be the least of your concerns.



Bit of a clue there.

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D



After taking control of their own oil I believe the Scottish may be able to fend for themselves. Of course Britain may be f*cked without the Scottish contingent in the army.


You'll all be starving man. It'll be a third world country within a year. Oil will be the least of your concerns.



Bit of a clue there.


Reserves used up in a year once the vegetable oil ran out, trying to deep fry rats and stuff. That's when the concert would have to take place.

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D



After taking control of their own oil I believe the Scottish may be able to fend for themselves. Of course Britain may be f*cked without the Scottish contingent in the army.


You'll all be starving man. It'll be a third world country within a year. Oil will be the least of your concerns.



Bit of a clue there.


Wouldn't that really depend on what form of government was in place?

Edited by ObaGol
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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D



After taking control of their own oil I believe the Scottish may be able to fend for themselves. Of course Britain may be f*cked without the Scottish contingent in the army.


You'll all be starving man. It'll be a third world country within a year. Oil will be the least of your concerns.



Bit of a clue there.


Reserves used up in a year once the vegetable oil ran out, trying to deep fry rats and stuff. That's when the concert would have to take place.



I can just see them running the VT on the big screens at the concerts actually. Fields of desperately skinny people with their shellsuits hanging off them, lying on a sea of crushed Irn Bru cans, staring beseechingly into the cameras. Little stick legs emerging from dirty kilts. :lol:

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We would set up our economy based on the things we're really good at - drinking, fighting, deep frying mars bars and dying of heart attacks.




Edited to add:


i think i'm onto a winner here. Half the country would be in the army, a quarter making mars bars and a quarter brewing beer. There would be no need for old age pensions because everyone would die at 45 and therefore there would be more available jobs for the young 'uns coming out of school every year.


Genius tbh.

Edited by Monster
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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D



After taking control of their own oil I believe the Scottish may be able to fend for themselves. Of course Britain may be f*cked without the Scottish contingent in the army.


You'll all be starving man. It'll be a third world country within a year. Oil will be the least of your concerns.



Bit of a clue there.


Reserves used up in a year once the vegetable oil ran out, trying to deep fry rats and stuff. That's when the concert would have to take place.



I can just see them running the VT on the big screens at the concerts actually. Fields of desperately skinny people with their shellsuits hanging off them, lying on a sea of crushed Irn Bru cans, staring beseechingly into the cameras. Little stick legs emerging from dirty kilts. :lol:



Or they could export their huge reserves of clean drinking water to the south of England. Nationalise the very lucrative spring water trades. Take advantage of the huge amounts of farm land available. Not to mention the alternative power surces available that Scotland could tap which the English don't want to.

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D



After taking control of their own oil I believe the Scottish may be able to fend for themselves. Of course Britain may be f*cked without the Scottish contingent in the army.


You'll all be starving man. It'll be a third world country within a year. Oil will be the least of your concerns.



Bit of a clue there.


Reserves used up in a year once the vegetable oil ran out, trying to deep fry rats and stuff. That's when the concert would have to take place.



I can just see them running the VT on the big screens at the concerts actually. Fields of desperately skinny people with their shellsuits hanging off them, lying on a sea of crushed Irn Bru cans, staring beseechingly into the cameras. Little stick legs emerging from dirty kilts. :lol:



Or they could export their huge reserves of clean drinking water to the south of England. Nationalise the very lucrative spring water trades. Take advantage of the huge amounts of farm land available. Not to mention the alternative power surces available that Scotland could tap which the English don't want to.


All of the above would require them actually working. Not gonna happen.

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2. Independance for Scotland.


The Scottish are welcome to independence tbh, as long as they get their own currency, and support their own economy. The English would be having to do a Live Aid concert within a year just so you could feed yourselves. :D



After taking control of their own oil I believe the Scottish may be able to fend for themselves. Of course Britain may be f*cked without the Scottish contingent in the army.


You'll all be starving man. It'll be a third world country within a year. Oil will be the least of your concerns.



Bit of a clue there.


Reserves used up in a year once the vegetable oil ran out, trying to deep fry rats and stuff. That's when the concert would have to take place.



I can just see them running the VT on the big screens at the concerts actually. Fields of desperately skinny people with their shellsuits hanging off them, lying on a sea of crushed Irn Bru cans, staring beseechingly into the cameras. Little stick legs emerging from dirty kilts. :lol:



Or they could export their huge reserves of clean drinking water to the south of England. Nationalise the very lucrative spring water trades. Take advantage of the huge amounts of farm land available. Not to mention the alternative power surces available that Scotland could tap which the English don't want to.


All of the above would require them actually working. Not gonna happen.



Forgot about that bit. But a lot of queen worswhippers may bugger off to London and we can replace them with poles who seem to spend 24/7 working their arses off.

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1 Illegal stimulants to be compulsory


2 Religion banned


3 Anybody belonging to or supporting the Countryside Alliance to be deported.


4 Royal Family executed (ppv)


5 Use of the phrase political correctness gone mad to be punished by cutting out of tongue


All hail President Spongebob!


Re unsterilisation: Vasectomies are reversible, although the success rate isn't brilliant.

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1 Illegal stimulants to be compulsory


2 Religion banned


3 Anybody belonging to or supporting the Countryside Alliance to be deported.


4 Royal Family executed (ppv)


5 Use of the phrase political correctness gone mad to be punished by cutting out of tongue


All hail President Spongebob!


Re unsterilisation: Vasectomies are reversible, although the success rate isn't brilliant.



Anybody getting pregnant without license who cant pass the emergency test to face compulsory abortions / adoption orders.

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