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Organ Donation


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I think I signed up when I got my driving license. I'd happily donate my organs, but I'm not so keen on donating my whole body for medical science. As irrational as it sounds, I want some part of me to be 'laid to rest'. I know I'd be dead and it doesn't really matter, but there you go.

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I think I signed up when I got my driving license. I'd happily donate my organs, but I'm not so keen on donating my whole body for medical science. As irrational as it sounds, I want some part of me to be 'laid to rest'. I know I'd be dead and it doesn't really matter, but there you go.


Yeah well, I presume you did anatomy during your preclinical studies? Fact is if you leave your whole body it will be badly abused by medical students. I remember witnessing a kidney fight once. Messy I can tell you.

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I think I signed up when I got my driving license. I'd happily donate my organs, but I'm not so keen on donating my whole body for medical science. As irrational as it sounds, I want some part of me to be 'laid to rest'. I know I'd be dead and it doesn't really matter, but there you go.


Yeah well, I presume you did anatomy during your preclinical studies? Fact is if you leave your whole body it will be badly abused by medical students. I remember witnessing a kidney fight once. Messy I can tell you.


Medical students are second only to agricultural ones in the dickhead stakes.

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Off topic (surprise) but my worst dissection memories are chopping up an erect penis (or rather watching my female colleagues do this with relish), and scooping out some ancient pickled shit from a deceased 80 year old's colon.


Don't leave your body to medical science whatever you do!

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Off topic (surprise) but my worst dissection memories are chopping up an erect penis (or rather watching my female colleagues do this with relish), and scooping out some ancient pickled shit from a deceased 80 year old's colon.


Don't leave your body to medical science whatever you do!


Is chopping up a euphemism?


I can just imagine you handling pickled shit. :blink: Did it look like Branston?

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Off topic (surprise) but my worst dissection memories are chopping up an erect penis (or rather watching my female colleagues do this with relish), and scooping out some ancient pickled shit from a deceased 80 year old's colon.


Don't leave your body to medical science whatever you do!


Is chopping up a euphemism?


I can just imagine you handling pickled shit. :blink: Did it look like Branston?


It was the smell that was worst.


Why do some people die with erections anyway?

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It was the smell that was worst.


Why do some people die with erections anyway?


Too much Viagra, Anyway, shouldn't you be answering this with your fancy-dannery?

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I think I signed up when I got my driving license. I'd happily donate my organs, but I'm not so keen on donating my whole body for medical science. As irrational as it sounds, I want some part of me to be 'laid to rest'. I know I'd be dead and it doesn't really matter, but there you go.


Yeah well, I presume you did anatomy during your preclinical studies? Fact is if you leave your whole body it will be badly abused by medical students. I remember witnessing a kidney fight once. Messy I can tell you.


Yeah, but my lasting impression of dissection was the absolute fucking bitches who I shared my body with (fnarr fnarr).


A lot of my coursemates need a slap alright. I'm lovely though. :blink:

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I registered the last time this thread came up. Good to see that now your next of kin can't stop the harvesting if it is clear that it was your wish to be a donor.


Isn't that contrary to what Catmag has just said?


Your next of kin CAN stop the retrieval, but are less likely to do so if you're on the register. No surgeon is going to go ahead with organ retrieval if a patients family are stood there saying that they refuse permission to do so.


Well in theory they can, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uklatest/story/0,,-6150285,00.html but I don't know how it works in practice.

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Well in theory they can, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uklatest/story/0,,-6150285,00.html but I don't know how it works in practice.


It's a tough one. It would take a very brave doc to go ahead with it knowing the relatives strongly objected. The families go through enough trauma when told that their loved one is clinically brain-dead to them be told their organs will be retrieved against their consent.

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Well in theory they can, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uklatest/story/0,,-6150285,00.html but I don't know how it works in practice.


It's a tough one. It would take a very brave doc to go ahead with it knowing the relatives strongly objected. The families go through enough trauma when told that their loved one is clinically brain-dead to them be told their organs will be retrieved against their consent.


Fuck them I say, if the deceased went to the effort to join the register and could save more than one other life then a few more tears is a price worth paying IMO.

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I haven't heard the word "stiffy" since I was 12 or something. Class. :blink:


What were you and young SMO up to at the time?


Erm... donating fluids? :D


P.S. Duly signed up, been meaning to do it for years. Ta for the prod Cath.

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