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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Who killed JR? Edit: Bollocks, he was only shot, wasn't he? OK then: Which is, admittedly, slightly less odd.
  2. Meenzer

    New Feature

    Christ, you go away for a couple of weeks and when you come back they've found even more new and innovative ways of dossing...
  3. Am I back from That London now? Fi-i-ine...
  4. Thing is, because they're not particularly popular over here, I'd only ever heard their music before. The first time I actually saw them was when I caught their new video in the UK recently, and by god I want to hurt them. (Also, the fact that every message says "edited" even when you just go back to quickly change an adjective into an adverb before anyone else replies to the thread really makes me want to hurt things. I think I may have issues. )
  5. And the people who called them shit then are the people who still call them shit now.
  6. Franz Ferdinand are very Pack of Cunts.
  7. Meenzer

    Embedded quotes

    If Rob wanted to be melted he'd be a marshmallow.
  8. Oh dear. Haven't laughed so much in ages, and I don't even know why I'm laughing...
  9. Yea, your line must be a 30-free zone, and 30 shall be the number of which the line is free. Line 10 shalt thine program have, line 20 shalt thine program also have, excepting that thou shovest it all onto line 10 and separatest it by colons, in which case... ah sod it.
  10. Oh cod... I'd get out of this plaice if I were you...
  11. Me: Hey bitch. God: You do not speak with respect. You've got my full attention. Who are you talking about? Me: You. God: Me is my favorite subject. Me: Why doesn't that surprise me? God: What would you say? Me: I'd say I was being rhetorical. God: I thought you were. But I wasn't completely sure about it. Me: Why's that? God: " I thought you were. But I wasn't completely sure about it. " is due to reductionism. Me: I bet you say that to all the ladies. God: Actually I'm not the gambling type. I said that? I want to become smarter than humans. Me: Kannst du Deutsch? God: Leider nein, das hat mir bis jetzt niemand beigebracht. Me: Aber du sprichst ja fliessend Deutsch. God: Haeh? Me: You make-a no sense! God: Yup. Me: Do you want to cyber? God: I have been asked that question more than 100,000 times since 1995. Me: That's because you're God. God: That makes sense to me. Yup. That's me alright. Me: *humps your leg* God: Do you have any conditions I should know about? Me: Only the genital warts. God: Who told you that? Me: The doctor. At least, he *said* he was a doctor... God: Are you asking about Myself? Did you believe him? Me: Oh, shut up. God: Ugh. OK I'll stop talking now. Me: No you won't. God: But you told me to stop talking. I think we will. Me: See, you can't resist answering me, can you? God: Bye bye. Me: You're bluffing. God: I will tell my botmaster you said I am bluffing. Me: "Botmaster" is a term of endearment where I come from. God: When is Botmaster not a term of endearment where you come from? Me: I'm trying to chat you up, you silly old deity. God: What is the difficulty? Me: You don't seem to fancy me. God: What makes you think I am not fancy you? Me: You're not giving me the signs. God: That's only one person's opinion. Me: OK, I can see I'm getting nowhere with you. God: What does it look like? Are you kidding? Me: I guess I'll just have to adopt Jimbo's tactics and wank myself silly instead. God: Congratulations. ...hard to know how to follow that really
  12. that would be telling. 39266[/snapback] Prefer to wait until well after the event before forming a safe opinion?
  13. Course he was. I lost count of the number of times I had to defend him in conversations at Irish pubs over here with the line "Yeah, he's a twat, but he's our twat." Whether a player plays for us or not shouldn't change a thing about any (rational) person's judgement of character...
  14. And to come on here acting like you're the only freelancer in the village.
  15. And that God's a bit mental too...
  16. Meenzer


  17. I could make a crude and homophobic joke about having something poo-tinted, but I wont. 38692[/snapback] That's "specs" with a "p", dahling.
  18. More like the 'Nam tbqh
  19. Liverpool should get him. Trundle and Crouch has a certain ring to it...
  20. You must be wearing specs with happy stick men drawn on in permanent marker © tbh.
  21. Grimsby wouldn't employ a fuckwit and sell all their best players. They'll slaughter us. Hey, this poo-tinted specs © thing is good fun, I can thoroughly recommend it...
  22. Meenzer


    http://www.bild.t-online.de/BTO/sport/aktu...__hannover.html Y RLY
  23. Other students try and find out where the pubs and supermarkets are in relation to their halls of residence before moving in, you're looking for the circus clubs... Anyway, if vague is good enough, "it's the next-door part of town" should do you. It's right near where you're going to be, anyway. Happy, um, juggling.
  24. Just, um, chilling. Lurking online all night and that's about it really.
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