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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. The balloon flame was pretty ace and "Hymne à l'amour" is basically the best song ever, so at least it ended well. Took a fucking while to get there, mind.
  2. "Éternité", the on-screen caption just announced. You're not fucking kidding.
  3. If anyone else has shelled out for Discovery/Eurosport for the duration, the sound is much better there than on the BBC
  4. I like the idea of using the river and the city in principle, but it's lacking a focal point and you don't get the atmosphere and huge cheers for the individual countries like you get in a stadium. Nul points.
  5. If you can do your 10,000 steps in them, I know exactly what's about to happen
  6. An unexpected early contender for next year's Eurovision
  7. Opening ceremony on Friday but the football and rugby start today. Currently watching Uzbekistan-Spain which is proving to be surprisingly entertaining.
  8. Rename him Gianni Bastonelungo and flog him to the Saudis for £100m
  9. If Vance thinks childless people aren't suitable to be politicians because they have no stake in the country's future, I'm sure he'll also be happy to exempt them from paying taxes that fund education, child healthcare and the like.
  10. I responded to Ray Reardon's death with a Lawnmower Deth song and can find a Eurovision link to almost everything and even I think that's a bit niche
  11. This occasion calls for one song and one song alone.
  12. He's 29 until he becomes 30. That's how it works.
  13. Couldn't agree more, but then I'm writing this from a militantly LGBTQ+ friendly lakeside hacker camp in Germany, so I may be slightly biased.
  14. There's a normal waiting for you, it's just not the same normal you thought you once had. I promise you can find an even keel again, and setbacks like this do happen along the way (I've had mine too). You can't just deprogram your behaviour overnight, and sometimes it's specifically when you think you're doing well that it suddenly hits you out of nowhere. I'm not saying it's complacency (though it was for me) but you get what I mean - there's not always a rhyme or reason to this stuff. I can't remember if I said it last time or not but I found SMART Recovery really helpful. None of that "admitted I was helpless and surrendered myself to a higher power" stuff you get with AA, but rational, evidence-based, analytical approaches to working out your triggers and behaviours and things you might not realise about yourself. Pop your postcode in here and get yourself along to something in person (or online if you prefer): https://smartrecovery.org.uk/about-smart-recovery-meetings/ Start talking about it and keep digging, it feels egotistical and a bit weird but there'll be things you figure out about yourself that'll help you. And whether you go down that route or just keep sharing on here and figuring it out yourself, best of luck, you know we're all thinking of you and hoping for only the best.
  15. This will make the second semi look even shitter than it was already going to be
  16. There's nothing wrong with running paper candidates, that happens all the time at every level of politics, although it's usually people who are at least vaguely local. So I suppose the question is whether these Reformers do exist and actually consented to being the candidates.
  17. Remember this? Aye, that's him.
  18. Is still true if destroyed
  19. Nearest place he could find that still has a Tory MP
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