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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Because most charvers fucking ming.
  2. Sounds good to me. What's your tipple?
  3. Is this the General Chat equivalent of "I've been going to the games since 1837 so I know more about football than you"? 34341[/snapback] Aye the opinions of us part timers that have been listening to him for that last 20 years or so don`t count... 34351[/snapback] You can't form a realistic opinion of the man just by listening to his CDs, you know...
  4. Is this the General Chat equivalent of "I've been going to the games since 1837 so I know more about football than you"?
  5. CDex is canny for wav-mp3 conversion and that kind of thing too. cdexos.sourceforge.net
  6. tbh 34193[/snapback] Sam, are you the only gay in Didsbury Village? 34199[/snapback] I don't mind what you call me so long as we can keep quoting that picture of Scott. 34206[/snapback] What picture of Scott?
  7. Garrameister? SLP should be informed!
  8. Mate of mine was swimming recently and some woman shouted at her kid, "Chandler, stop messing around!" Made me wonder just how many poor brats born in, say, the second half of the 90s have to put up with being called Phoebe, Joey and the like...
  9. topfive.com are already getting in the mood... The Top 20 Songs to Play on International Talk Like a Pirate Day 20> I Feel Piratey 19> Paint It, Blackbeard 18> Some Kind of Plunderful 17> No Wench, No Cry 16> Arrrr-E-S-P-E-C-T 15> This Plank Was Made for Walkin' 14> Fight for Your Right to Pillage 13> Me Hearties Will Go On 12> 50 Ways to Cleave Yer Lubber 11> Aye Will Survive 10> Arrrr! You're Lonesome Tonight! 9> Tainted Rum 8> You Arrrr So Booty-ful 7> Who Poured the Grog Out? 6> Hot Pegs 5> Planks for the Enemies 4> Can't Take My Eye Off of You 3> I Guess That's Why They Call 'Em Doubloons 2> Mateys, I'm Amazed and Topfive.com's Number 1 Song to Play on International Talk Like a Pirate Day... 1> I Still Haven't Found What This Hook Is For
  10. We used to play his old school an all. Not at cricket cos we were a state school and didnt do that sort of thing, but their footy changing rooms were next to the cricket pavilion. Saw all his honours from when he was there. Impressive stuff. 33994[/snapback] F'nar f'nar, dirty comment, etc.
  11. Nope, wasn't on the bench either...
  12. There's a time and a place for everything...
  13. They're having a good start to the season, so he's looking quite useful. We'll see whether he magically disappears when the going gets tough...
  14. Stuttgart-Domzale and Hamburg-Copenhagen on DSF...
  15. Ahh yes, Neil... from a perky kid to a homeless hill-wanderer and later a Lib Dem councillor... a fairly typical CV for a Lib Dem really
  16. "You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just because you were disguised as a toy doesn't mean you weren't educational, you sneaky bastard."
  17. Shaddup you willy woofter, this doesn't involve you. 32937[/snapback] Hey, someone mentioned rentboys and I thought I might be able to get some use out of my frequent traveller card.
  18. And some of them black, female or gay for that matter... self-haters, no doubt.
  19. Death Cab For Cutie - Plans dEUS - Pocket Revolution Sigur Rós - Takk... Not a bad day's work at the Jorman Mega CD Outlet.
  20. Or poofters 32698[/snapback] They ask for it tbh.
  21. Next thing you're going to be claiming it's wrong to beat up asylum seekers... it's political correctness gone mad!
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