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Everything posted by Mags

  1. Ignorant yank question here too- what's customary for tipping waitstaff or any drivers? (Different customs and accepted norms)
  2. Where are you staying ?? First night is at Killarney Towers Hotel- after that I'll have to check my itinerary- can't remember the name of the other place.
  3. Yes, accomodations are all sorted... one of those package deals with airfare and lodging. Quite impressed actually upon looking into where I'll be staying.
  4. God that pic is straight out of Deliverance! Mister Hips- I'm saddened and appalled...
  5. That'll be a given...have three days open and really am not keen on the 'view the working sheep farm' idea. I'm not adverse to the pubs and snapping pics of the area and bay for that time but looking for other ideas as well.
  6. Will be on your fair shores this week in the Galway area- anything that you can recommend as a must see?
  7. Mags


    One of three shows I'd make time to watch really.
  8. Mags

    youz all in bed ?

    Don't know Cath but here's the one who took a two hour nap this evening and is wide awake now. Daft? Understatement of the day.
  9. Mags


    Snake Hips ----->snake hiss ---->snake piss..... male logic at it's highest echelon. Well done Snakey, well done!
  10. Generally over hydration isn't an issue for a healthy adult. It's when you have someone compromised by cardiac or liver issues that you have to be cautious. The clearer the better is the rule of thumb.
  11. You said the same about J69 tbh. His lips are moving.. I think he's trying to say something but it's just not coming thru clearly... Points for effort but negating due to the age of that old joke.
  12. When I said I'd shag him on the stairs I didn't exactly mean on the banister but hey, if he's so inclined... oh yes, in a heartbeat.
  13. Roasted turkey supper- the works. Even making the cranberry sauce from scratch. Beetlejuice for watching on DVD later on.
  14. Funnily enough I don't seem to remember that here although I do remember quite a bit of stick given on N-O... it's not like members of this forum are sporadically obsessed with what happens over there.
  15. Can't spell either. 4100 easily enough, but looking at it I can see where visually you'd make the error.
  16. Photo ops? Are you in the Addams Family? Have you ever taken a look at some of the statues on these graves or the epitaphs? Some are gorgeous, some funny. And yes, even at night- that's what a flash is for.
  17. Ah look at the lot of you...wimps! Love them- great for photo ops and just having a look about.
  18. Mags


    An early heartfelt thanks guys... got alot going on today and none of it birthday related. The wishes/sentiments are appreciated!
  19. Mags


    A very Happy Birthday to you Peter!
  20. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's getting waxed pray tell? (You're so screwed btw )
  21. Mags


    They love Gemmill? Jinkies! Fat gingers are the new slim blondes tbh. Bonus. Welcome Snoops. I never really spoke with you on N-O but it's nice to see you here. Now we just have to keep Leazes Mag away from a woman who admits to knowing next to nothing about football or NUFC or maybe he'd leave her alone as he wouldn't see her as a threat of any sort to his soopafan status.... UM would have a field day guaranteed.
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