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Everything posted by Mags

  1. Such a relief to know I wasn't the only one thinking that. Glad you've managed to find some pain relief Lins- mind I'd still get it checked even if you're feeling better by the time your appt. rolls around. Otitis media/immer ear infection it may be, but there's also the chance it could be something else. Play it safe sweetie please.
  2. clickie- work safe *edit* if the link above doesn't work... http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...74645&q=wow "Me sorry, me no mean to." God that sounds like Radgi!
  3. Out for dinner later then movies and a bottle of Zyr...easy night as there's work the weekend.
  4. Unit nurse in a short term rehab and old age home, volunteer EMT-I when not on the paying job.
  5. I`ve had one of these type arguments on Sunday, luckily the misses never chucked my 3yr old or 1yr old but she did break the computer desk and throw my phone at the wall. The pub opposite the house had fun watching as she also ripped the blinds off the window. I only asked her to wash up the 4 day old dirty dishes This happening when she'd just come home from work and you'd been sat around just watching the telly all weekend right?
  6. Don't bother reading much here and see what happens? Excellent news Ritchie! Congrats and how in god's name did you get Susan to accept? I mean seriously, it must have taken some fortitude for you to shush long enough for her to answer.
  7. Suprise, suprise. It was me and Mr Smirnoff the last time Smirnoff? We really need to discuss your taste in vodka! Working tonight, double shift tomorrow so straight to bed when I get home. Now NEXT weekend will be another story.
  8. That might explain a few things.
  9. Jacket potato with melted cheese while at work. Quite nice actually
  10. No, what you should have done was ask him why he was being a stupid and insensitive arsehole,dumped the lot in his lap and told him to make his own damned tea and THEN you should have gone to bed. Just as well it was only a salad then, the lazy trollop. It's like he's trying to say something.. really.. his lips are moving but the words are all muddled....
  11. No, what you should have done was ask him why he was being a stupid and insensitive arsehole,dumped the lot in his lap and told him to make his own damned tea and THEN you should have gone to bed.
  12. Please tell me he does!
  13. Yeh, got a couple of those a few months back. I generally tend to ignore any emails of that sort.
  14. Mags


    Speaking of which, where IS that ava? Good luck and congrats, you are officially a grown up now.
  15. Oh man sooo many people I know who could use that feature!
  16. Mags

    Own up!

    Odd. Almost every person I know who works in healthcare is borderline obsessive about washing their hands. Suppose there always needs be an odd one out.
  17. Mags


    You know this will probably open up that can of worms labelled 'wrongly convicted' but when things like this happen to confessed criminals I can't help but think they should all be allowed to have at each other. Think about it- lower the prison population, act as a deterent... come on... most of the population wouldn't look at being arse raped as a plus, and I'm sorry if I can't help but say that someone of that caliber deserves all the pain they reap considering all the pain they caused. already happens - in a lot of prisons the guards will actually turn a blind eye and will only step when things threaten to get out of hand. OK so lets get it where they don't step in at all.
  18. Mags


    You know this will probably open up that can of worms labelled 'wrongly convicted' but when things like this happen to confessed criminals I can't help but think they should all be allowed to have at each other. Think about it- lower the prison population, act as a deterent... come on... most of the population wouldn't look at being arse raped as a plus, and I'm sorry if I can't help but say that someone of that caliber deserves all the pain they reap considering all the pain they caused. Lethal injection for all criminals over the age of twelve would be much more efficient. Yes BUT...in this day and age of reality TV having a few cameras recording the ensuing ruckus would mean a top money draw for whatever network carried it. So not only do you have self governing/punishment among the criminal populace, but entertainment for the masses as well. Two birds, one stone, sick mind.
  19. Mags


    You know this will probably open up that can of worms labelled 'wrongly convicted' but when things like this happen to confessed criminals I can't help but think they should all be allowed to have at each other. Think about it- lower the prison population, act as a deterent... come on... most of the population wouldn't look at being arse raped as a plus, and I'm sorry if I can't help but say that someone of that caliber deserves all the pain they reap considering all the pain they caused.
  20. Mags


    Source: www.CNN.com
  21. Hmmm... remember that feeling. Then the next time you leave the seat up....now you know why women get arsey about that.
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