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Everything posted by Mags

  1. Lead by example! like Hitler. 172218[/snapback] Next?
  2. All kidding aside, but wouldn't it be interesting to see people with their pics as avas? Just me thinking that? OK. *shuts up*
  3. So do I. 171939[/snapback] So I'm not good enough for you anymore eh? 172181[/snapback] Compared to the jorman bird? You never were. 172186[/snapback] Jorman? I thought she was Brazillian! 172199[/snapback] I was refering to Brock's bird, not your brazilian... no matter. The moment has passed.
  4. So do I. 171939[/snapback] So I'm not good enough for you anymore eh? 172181[/snapback] Compared to the jorman bird? You never were.
  5. I am stubborn, opinionated,cynical, unforgiving, sometimes overly sensative, and procrastinate terribly. While the sarcasm, assertiveness and brash manner are sometimes offputting to some I see them as strengths and as such say simply... 'Deal with it.'
  6. BTW, welcome Bobby- jokes and all.
  7. Funny how it's a different thing here.... try a shot of whiskey with a dash of lime and tabasco.
  8. Mags

    Cats or Dogs

    So is intelligence only a human trait? Never heard that argument before. Never heard the argument that dogs are social animals and can therefore be trained either. Cats often form groups in the wild anyway so I think your argument is pretty flawed as I guess you do 171741[/snapback] I'm not saying animals don't have intelligence but just it's not human-like intelligence, and it's fairly pointless trying to extrapolate. Cats and dogs are intelligent in different ways, that's all. Wild cats are generally solitary animals - the sole exception being lions which domestic cats are not descended from. Wild dogs nearly always operate in packs. If you own a dog, it will regard you as the leader of the pack, which is why they are submissive in a way cats aren't. 171747[/snapback] Aye, which proves what exactly in relation to their relative intelligence then? I don't see your argument re: not being able to compare relative intelligence due to their intelligence being different either. It's pretty obvious some animals are more intelligent than others and I think I'm right in saying dogs generally compare favourably to cats in this regard. 171755[/snapback] So when the local animal control is active why do they round up 'colonies' of feral cats?
  9. Nope- I'm not quite that limber to manage such a knot on my own.
  10. So what's Akabusi got to say regarding this?
  11. Mags

    Bloody Hell

    Sweetie it's not about board wars- I think 99.999% of all toontastic and N-O members have moved past that. It's not that I have a problem that the mods want a cleaner more streamlined forum as it were. It's the phrasing of mods deaming where something should go and if it's worth posting. I don't care really as I don't bother posting there, but I have to admit to feeling a bit... I don't know... sorry maybe? for the posters. Regardless of the intention the situation carries the aura of control issues and megalomania. Right down to 'OK motherhubbards...'maybe it's just me. Seems as tho some of the mods have forgotten they were once 'just mere members' and may have made more than one daft thread or post to their credit. Was megalomaniacal too strong? Maybe 'elitist' is more apropos?
  12. Mags

    Bloody Hell

    Oh, and the word for today is.... meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mg-l-mn-, -mny) n. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions Quiz tomorrow. *apologies*
  13. Mags

    Bloody Hell

    Am I the only one of the opinion that the more the mods and admin there try to regulate things the more people are going to kick off? The karma system dropped but they really only wanted it for the football forum? I'm sorry, but that's just another way to have people noses up others' arses. "Dude, I'll give you good karma because we agree mate"... fuck me that set up more flame wars that the Souness debate ever did. If it's all about JUST FOOTBALL then get shot of the rest of the forums. It's seeming like more and more that's all that's deemed worthy there anyways. Meh.. I'll shut up now... besides, it's this site that is home so I really do have to ask why I as well as any other reg here would be bothered?
  14. Yeh it's not always smooth .....alright. Change the subject.. happy birthday again Jimbo... actually.... the subject isn't that far off for you.....*confuzzled*
  15. thought you were just calling Brock a "Tool" Mark Ronson- Just 171401[/snapback] If the shoe.... nah.. the kid's ok. Coldplay- Speed of Sound
  16. I can't help wondering what flavour it is.... 171403[/snapback] you're a wrong'un 171404[/snapback] Can you honestly say the thought didn't cross your mind ? 171405[/snapback] Bit like plain yogurt with a dash of salt and egg white mixed in for consistency.....TMI?
  17. a little too much info, Brockles p.s. you should try Engerica and Reubern when you're not in.. a mood 170788[/snapback] Brock's had full sex almost 6 times. 171193[/snapback] four of those in the same sitting though 171210[/snapback] Something you want to share with us Mr Fish? 171245[/snapback] Please don't.
  18. finest hour was the "science experiment" i did 171187[/snapback] GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK 171207[/snapback] I was four years old man! As far as I was concerned, I was just being mischevious! 171276[/snapback] They make great impromptu homemade cannon balls as well.
  19. Nah seriously, I'm ok with this. Rather go hunting in the hills tbh.
  20. You sure about that son? Even I wouldn't want that from him, birthday or no! No telling what lengths people will go to in the name of friendship these days....
  21. Mags

    Bloody Hell

    Think it's more just women in general sonna.
  22. So much easier this way. All the best!
  23. Mags

    Bloody Hell

    I've really tried to stay out of this but I have to agree here. It's the bit of... 'if the mods feel the thread is worthy..' that gets me. While it doesn't affect me in the slightest as I don't bother posting in their NUFC forum the whole implication leaves a sour taste.
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