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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Actually a very good way of describing him! And as people have said, he is showing up Roeder and his lot with every passing day. Its also worth noting that if it weren't for Chelski being cheap this year we'd also have Haim in the bag and possibly Sidwell, and he said if he'd been earlier he would have been interested in Distin. So we could have been sitting here with 6 or 7 players in for hardly anything at the start of July! But none of them are world class! we're not even european class at the moment, we're going to struggle to bring in the likes of kaka and messi for at least a few years, what we need now is exactly what we're getting, a squad
  2. The Queresma 'link' was just bawan playing football manager tbh. wierd that I heard about it last month and not from on here then
  3. there's also the quarsema link if you believe it, not sure I do but it would be an awesome buy
  4. eidur's pretty hot assuming we're still after him, he's got real style in his play
  5. I don't think that Geremi or the players we have already signed were unrealistic targets in past seasons. You're right, roeder would be doing this well
  6. maybe if he goes to barca he'll learn to keep hold of the ball which might just make him worth starting in the england team
  7. I think I'm going to enjoy this summer, not only are we being linked with pretty good players but there's actually a feeling of confidence we can sign them
  8. heard we were linked with him a while ago, I'd take him no question depending on the fee obviously
  9. won't believe any of this until it's on ohmelads tbh
  10. I'd be delighted if we got him but I don't think we will to be honest good that we're going in for these players though it's very encouraging
  11. I like martins, want him to stay more than owen actually, I think he'll be great for us if we give him time and a better team around him thats not to say I think he was perfect for us over the last year but he showed glimpses of what could be and with time he might just mature into the world beater that a lot of people obviously think he could.
  12. either that or liverpool enquired and we set a price why is it always owens fault?
  13. I think it also depends, just a little bit mind you, on arsenal actually bidding for him
  14. he wants to move up from us surely, who do city think they are?
  15. A headline right out of football manager
  16. true but every time he's played for chelsea he's looked fit and pretty good
  17. thanks, that helps a lot
  18. What's the back like? Is it begging for a name and number like the home one or what?
  19. Saviola's on his way out of barca, his contract is up this summer
  20. so when's it available to buy?
  21. We would all like to win a cup. But that isn't going to be a gauge on how we are progressing as a team. Allardyce has to get a complete new back four imo (coupled with using Taylor and continuing his education) and that back four will have to get used to Shay and vice versa. The whole back four business is going to be one hell of a task to accomplish in a short space of time. Oh I know all that (see my first post in the thread) I'm just really tired of us being reffered to as the team with no silverware, it's not something I want above all else just something that would really be the icing on the cake
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