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Everything posted by gram

  1. Does anyone over 15 buy Lynx?
  2. Got a lass coming over here tonight. Got the booze, got the house tidied. Flowers in the living room. Nibbles in the kitchen are prepared. Terry Thomas grin is tattooed on. Just need the music....She likes a bit of mellow dancy trancy stuff. I only do guitar stuff other than the usual stuff like chemical brothers etc. Need to get some. Help please.
  3. Glad you said, I just downloaded it from Limewire and was about to own up.
  4. One in Ten was ok. The rest is utter shite.
  5. ....and you just can't hide it. I know I know....
  6. gram

    Thanks Jimbo

    I had a sore bollock and went to see my doctor.He reckoned their was fuck all wrong but wanted me to have a scan. First time he forgot to send the form away, second time they sent me a form on the 21st April saying i had to go on the 20th of April. Cant be arsed to go back to him. I'll wait and go when I move house somewhere else.
  7. Is that your idea of a fantasy for testing whether your repaired tackle is functioning? Nowt wrong with my tackle apparently
  8. Delia and Fred in tandom is a match made in heaven.
  9. Wasn't his claim that we were meeting this bloke in Monte Carlo to discuss Allardyce? Now he's claiming it's in search of new players. What a prick. He is a clueless journo tbh Yesterday he did the cloak and daggers bit about Michael Owen not being here next year, then he said that he would be. I liked the Journals snipe at him the other day about Sidwell. Very amusing.
  10. 32 lengths of a 25m pool = only half a mile. Feels like much further when you're actually doing it though I've just got back, I do 50. I should be going for 64 but I'm too slow. To get the most effect out of swimming you have to keep a good constant pace. It's no good doing two lengths, having a rest , two lengths, having a rest etc. You've got to keep the heart rate up. I can only manage about 25 I blame that on my smoking and the pool being Olympic size tho I am sure you can manage more than 25 lengths in a night Radgie. Anyway, managed to get up early for a run and some exercise. Same as yesterdays. Now to find something to eat.
  11. Last album was pretty good. Saw them a few times in the old days and few times recently. Thought they were as good as ever live. Still...
  12. I was going to say that, I actually have a little more time for him after that.
  13. Neither nowt nor summit. Just daft chat that.
  14. gram


    Downloaded that. Found the torrent on mininova. Then what do i do? It just keeps failing
  15. What's that? Its a bike marathon, bit of a race have a gander here Looks canny that like. Pretty sure I could do the kids course
  16. Me neither, although I did have a very interesting ride in a police car on Christmas Day just gone Are you being mucky? Has Alex been to prison? Can't understand this thread. It was all perfectly innocent. I was with my family for Christmas day but needed to get back to Gateshead to go to work at 8pm. I couldn't get a taxi for love nor money so I called in a favour that I was owed from a local police sergeant Wonder why he owed you... He's my uncle you sick fuck! I'M sick? He's not MY uncle!
  17. gram


    Can you get torrents on your mac? Like that this is England film? If so, how and what should i use? Cheers
  18. Me neither, although I did have a very interesting ride in a police car on Christmas Day just gone Are you being mucky? Has Alex been to prison? Can't understand this thread.
  19. 1. Feeling quite pleased with myself 2. Think i will enjoy getting fit 3. Got work tomorrow but gonna get up early 4. Just had a mental woman from Leeds on the phone. Hung up. Sheffield lasses never do that! 5. Got me (ex) wife coming round tomorrow to tidy the house.
  20. 32 lengths of a 25m pool = only half a mile. Feels like much further when you're actually doing it though Breaststroke is nice but if you do it front crawl then you really do begin to know about it. No pervyness meant in this comment.
  21. I might be from Felling mate but I'm no scally It's who you blow !!!
  22. Cheers for the recipes Boyo. They are spot on! Never knew they existed. I'm getting my bike out to take to work for someone with more practical skill than me to fix.
  23. I'd tell her straight man, wear something nice, get your legs around me back or fuck off. Well something like that. i told my wife that and we have been split up for over a year now! Roaring success
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