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Everything posted by gram

  1. Or a very very long weekend if youre a teacher like me
  2. A decent mid table player. That price is way over the top.
  3. ditto agreed, agree a bit with Fancy Dan though
  4. What's wrong with a good old fashioned bored war? Btw, is Leazes still posting there? No, but NE5 is.
  5. I would rather Liverpool lost, I must say. Not keen on the bindipping tramps.
  6. He'll not be the only one. Shepherd wasnt right for the club. He fucked up to many times. We were never going to achieve a lot under his leadership. I know that he has done some useful things, however, the most important positions simply werent planned well enough. He will leave rich, that doesnt mean we should avoid noting what he has done. Nor should it mean we should be grateful for it.
  7. Gay tosser Can't really defend myself here
  8. 6 hours drinking and a takeaway on a Tuesday? You'll be able to rent your arse as a sea defence if you keep on with that diet.
  9. apparently they are humourous though
  10. Hi, I need a download of an itunes advert. Any help appreciated. Need it tonight. Cant find it anywhere. Prefer it in wmv format. Cant use stuff like youtube. Its got to be able to run from a cd in wmv. Cheers for any help.
  11. True, and in their prime Shearer was a long way ahead of Fowler most others. At what he did he was in top 3 in the world in my view. People who saw him post 1996/97 probably don't realise how good Shearer was. Fowler an Shearer were very different footballers though. Shearer had more to his game. Which one was the better finisher is open to debate. Both were very accurate.
  12. ...wish someone would set fire to Fern Cotton. She is worse than Sara Cox and that takes some doing. Mind you she has some catching up to be as irritating as Jo Whiney.
  13. Not keen on Kasabian at all. They just dont have it. They remind me of some kid who was geek at school then the next time you see him is trying to be edgy. Trying too hard. No substance.
  14. 1. My Dog is asleep on my feet after our run today 2. Got an interview on Tues, Wed and Thur 3. Writing presentations and lessons for above now 4. Watching a shite film - Four Brothers 5. I am woman free and they no longer do my head in
  15. Rent-a-c.unt have been on the phone - apparently you got the job.
  16. Frank Lampard must be the most overated footballer ever. Fat twat has fuck all likeable about him. He has spent the entire game whining. Piss poor final.
  17. Do you ever watch football? If you don't recognise the natural talent Fowler has (sadly cut short by his first serious injury) you really need to have a word with yourself. Agreed. Fantastic footballer.
  18. Her parents must be proud
  19. I saw Ian Brown last month ish. Still cant sing but very good live anyway. He'll do some Roses stuff so its worth it for that anyway. where you seeing him?
  20. You don't even have to put a name to it these days, you can smell Oliver's bullshit from miles away... Sadly youre right. Wish the popcorn faced cock would shut his fucking trap.
  21. Whoever vetoed that clause wants hanging up from their jacobs! As Alex said, he's vastly over-rated, has only played for the first team since SBR's last game in charge when, quite frankly, we've gone backwards and it's not like he's shone through game after game... Stop being a greedy twat and get on with improving your game, THEN seek the contract you may deserve. Plenty of people decided he was Bobby Moore before they saw him play. He is ok. Not the world beater that many feel he is. Same with N'Zogbia really. People want to be the one who said, "told you he was the next xyz" The players would be better of without the hype. Believing their own hype is worse still.
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