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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Any failings involving England while Sven was in charge weren't due to him, it was due to the players being nothing more than gutless. I'd take Sven way, WAY before any of the other blokes listed up there.
  2. Steve ('cos he's the best ever) Woodgate27 ('cos he's from Melbourne) Wellsy ('cos he's an Aussie) Alex ('cos he's a good bloke) manc-mag ('cos we need to fulfill our special needs quota) Meenzer ('cos he watches matches with me in London) Craig ('cos he knows everything) Jimbo ('cos I don't think he likes me and this is to win him over) Fish ('cos he reads comic books) luckyluke ('cos I like teasing him about the cricket)
  3. Boxing is shit and only one step above professional wrestling.
  4. Well, I said it a month ago... Too damn good.
  5. Fuck you. Fuck You. FUCK YOU!!! Read Batman: The Killing Joke and then tell me whether the Joker is a shit character.
  6. I look for posters to be my victims. But each of them deserve it for being retards. Lou becoming a victim was awful. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met. I'm still in contact with her and it sucks what she went through on here.
  7. Steve

    Would you rather?

    I disagree. Samurai are cool because of their code of honour. Ninjas are just mercenary little fucks that deserve a shit-kicking. Therefore being a Jedi is far cooler than being a ninja.
  8. Steve

    Would you rather?

    I'd go into your little cubicle world and piss on you so you know what it's like, but sadly that'd probably just turn you on and my arsehole is exit only. Sorry champ.
  9. Steve

    Would you rather?

    I like my own farts but I'm not so keen on my own shit thanks very much Fine, bathe in someone else's piss then you freaks! Just like being at work for me I was thinking the exact same thing. I've been covered in enough piss to know that 1) it won't kill me and 2) it's not chunky, so I'll take the piss.
  10. I leave Melbourne tomorrow to head back to London so it's back to work next week. Part of me is shattered to be leaving because I've had such a great time here, but I know that live here won't be the same as spending two weeks here. I've been out every night with friends or family and have spent so much time seeing people. If I lived and worked here again it wouldn't be the same because there wouldn't be that urgency to catch up with people. Regardless, I've made the decision to move back home by Christmas. Therefore Meenzer, you've got eight months to try and get me into bed.
  11. Steve

    Would you rather?

    I'd rather be dead.
  12. Steve

    Would you rather?

    Neither Dick Grayson nor Tim Drake are gay thank you. As characters I think they're both infinitely more interesting than Bruce Wayne. I concede that Jason Todd was an annoying wanker though, but now he's back from the dead I find him better than I used to. And with Stephanie I think Bruce secretly wanted a piece of hot blonde 16 year old action.
  13. Steve

    Would you rather?

    It depends on how fat we're talking here, but I could never be with someone that was thick and/or boring. If the chick is dumb as dog shit then I lose interest very quickly, no matter how hot she is. My question, would you rather be an Aussie or an American?
  14. Steve


    I finally got to see it tonight because I came to Australia at the worng time. The movie was released here about a week ago because we are behind the rest of the world like normal. There are only two words needed to describe it: FUCKING AWESOME.
  15. South Africa are on 320 after 48 overs against the West Indies. The final four is going to undoubtedly be the Kiwis, Aussies, Saffers and Sri Lanka. Honestly, they way both teams have been playing, it'll be criminal if the final isn't New Zealand vs Australia.
  16. Steve

    Jesus Wept!

    I concede that you keep this place afloat, but it's not through posting anything interesting, it's through the sheer number of posts you make you work-shy bastard.
  17. Is it just me, or does anyone else think he's done the awesomely cool thing of faking his own death? It's one way to get a tax debt to disappear.
  18. Because the pain of leaving you again would be too much to handle. What are you doing with yourself these days anyway? Oh, and Dave Hughes is still an annoying little cunt. Saw him live tonight and the second half of his show he mentioned that he was rich now about six times. That and he name dropped all of his friends and honestly didn't know where the hell his show was going. There were periods that he honestly said out loud that he was talking crap and he didn't know what to say. Stephen K Amos though was awesome, saw him later in the night and he put all those negative feelings to death. My face was in pain from laughing so hard. I love the Comedy Festival.
  19. Now that's what I call advance planning. Giving yourself plenty of time to chicken out again? Sounds grand though. First round of white wine spritzers is on me. If it's planned out I'll be less likely to be a retard and forget. And hey! You're the gay one, not me. All jokes about what I (can't) drink are to be left out.
  20. Saw the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie on the weekend and is was AWESOME.
  21. But seriously Martin, Bond St pub sound good? Meet you there at 1pm?
  22. I'm in. As long as we can watch it in a Chelsea pub and wear our Toon shirts while singing about Lampard being a fairy. What do you say?
  23. As do I, and I honestly wouldn't want to live anywhere else in England.
  24. I doubt Poll will ever forget who he's booked in a game again after the whole Simunic (ie, the TRAITOR) incident.
  25. I'm gonna twist this thread a little because I've been in Melbourne the last two weeks after having been gone for 18 months. I didn't even realise I missed the place until I got here and was able to hang out with friends whenever I wanted to, and was able to stay home with the family. I've really started to enjoy life in England, I've got some fantastic friends, a great job that I just found out that I still have and the nicest flat I've ever lived in with a flatmate that I am actually mates with. I fly back to England on Friday but I know leaving Melbourne is going to be hard because this is and will forever be home. I have been able to slot back into life here so easily and with so little effort, and I think any exile no matter where they've come from would say the same thing about going back to their home. I've really enjoyed the time I've spent in Newcastle when I've travelled up. I love coming up for matches and going to the piss ups and all of that but Melbourne shits all over it. Not because Newcastle is a shit place, and I'm not saying any of you are wrong for loving the place. I look at Melbourne in the same way you look at Newcastle, I have those same feelings for this place as you do yours. Because it's home. I'd be interested if any exiles regardless of where they are from or where they are now agree with what I'm saying.
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