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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Steve

    Jesus Wept!

    I think Fish has it right on the money. Post something worthy Mr Robinson, actually, post something about a movie or music or a TV show that you like. You talk a lot of shit about what you don't like but never, ever post about what you do. What's the matter? Worried that someone's gonna call your taste in whatever crap?
  2. I had never heard of this show called 'Chasers War on Everything' until I got home a few weeks ago. Since I've been here I've had so many friends and family members tell me all about it, and even though it's always slightly annoying I've had many try and reenact things they've seen on it. So, I downloaded some of last years episodes and watched the new ones from this year when it has been on. I think I can safely say this is the greatest show in the history of world television so I am come on here to spread the gospel. http://www.abc.net.au/tv/chaser/war/vodcast/ Download the two shows from this year and see for yourselves. If you disagree with my statement then I have to assume you are borderline retarded and I'll recommend that you be banned so you're forced to go and get the help you so obviously need. Go! Download! See how right I am. If you want more info before you spend your precious bandwidth, check out this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chaser...r_on_Everything
  3. I don't like to do this because taste in movies is so subjective, however because you hated The Terminator and Eternal Sunshine I have no other choice but to call you an idiot that should be banned from watching movies for the rest of your life.
  4. thats just one of us then Typical indictment of modern society where the "hurrr, I'm drunk lolol" is valued above intelligence.
  5. Yeah, but at least my posts are coherent. I'd take a coherent but stuck up Aussie over "klsdjf igoejhfdn hjkfh gd hahaha i'm soooo drunnkjsh".
  6. I'm not whinging, I just think drunk posting is retarded and glorifying your "id hgifdgido nglfdsjgoit" style of posting moronic.
  7. Sima, it's easy. Just avoid any post ever by her because she's a retard. Simple. Problem solved.
  8. Because it was a cuntish thread from a boorish poster really.
  9. So does your boy friend Wow, just slightly more original than your thread titles. What's next, a joke about my mum?
  10. One of their weakest songs in my opinion. np: Bondi by COG
  11. It's nice to know that the stereotype of the English being lazy and having a crap work ethic is completely false.
  12. FRIDAY What a beyootiful day... Lock this thread, this woman's too damn slow.
  13. It's 3.20pm, cloudy as hell, everyone I know is at work. I'm on here cos I've got fuck all else to do. I'm starting to miss going to work, it's boring as hell in the middle of the day.
  14. I came home to early didn't I? I love Mike Patton in an almost gay way. Greatest male vocalist in the history of the world.
  15. What? There are three threads on the first page alone with the same subject line. I can't be the only one that thinks it's completely fucking retarded.
  16. Ever thought of maybe using a different thread title? Just to see how change feels. You never know, you might like it.
  17. And Brett Emerton is better than every player named in this thread so far.
  18. Don't you mean M-A-R-V-E-L-L-O-U-S ???
  19. You all wish you had place names like that. Lilly Pilly Gully is so much cooler than anything in England. Never been there though Alex, a friend has a property on the road to Wilson's Prom at a place called Venus Bay so stopping in there. But of course a day trip to Squeaky Beach will be taken. The coolest beach in the world of course.
  20. That's Australian Gold my friend and don't you fucking forget it! Although that joke is going to be completely lost on you, isn't it? Superb! Hey, at least someone gets me. I think I'm in love.
  21. Well in Melbourne it's gonna be low-mid 20s each day, I'm going down towards Wilson's Prom on Saturday to stay a few days on the beach. Ahhh, lovely.
  22. That's Australian Gold my friend and don't you fucking forget it! Although that joke is going to be completely lost on you, isn't it?
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