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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. Nothing likeable about the whole club, from top to bottom.
  2. Tupac back from the dead, in holographic form. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9yFYmboERs
  3. Should get it sponsored by the Sun
  4. Was from some blog that got linked on Twitter.
  5. Got a free weekend pass from a mate, but i just didn't get into it. Not a bad game or anything, but if i wanted to play a WoW type game, I'll just play WoW. Guild Wars 2 is coming this year, and at least that looks if its trying new ideas.
  6. Got a forehead like something that crawled off Frankensteins slab.
  7. I find that hard to believe, he's a fucking alky
  8. Snowing in Durham atm. Well, more like sleeting. Bloody cold too
  9. Hard to believe he is only 23 like. Where was his paper round, Fallujah?
  10. 277 stores closed so far, taking with them over 2000 jobs.
  11. Gone to the great oche in the sky. Still remember that time Dexys Midnight Runners played Jackie Wilson Said on Top of the Pops, with a picture of Jocky in the background
  12. Agreed. Stick us back in Northumberland and them in Durham Just make them some sort of self-governed enclave, no reason why the good folks of Durham should get saddled with them
  13. Thankfully mine don't involve me slapping myself in the face with a hard cock.
  14. Looks like she's fessed up, the dirty mare
  15. Cracking game, multi-player is canny too, but.....
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