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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. As if we're winning 2-0 I don't get this club, I really don't.
  2. Sounds like we're playing well for a change. If we don't lose this it'll be 6 unbeaten, which is a rather depressing statistic all things considered. What's the mood of the crowd like generally?
  3. That's a bit fucking scary... Sounds like they're handling it well though, definitely better safe than sorry.
  4. Sounds about right. I can't say I've followed the debate closely as I've been sure about Europe since before the referendum was on the cards anyway. I still fancy we'll stay in though, and hopefully that'll be the last we see of UKIP.
  5. Wow, didn't realise it was that close. I've been a bit blown away by the sheer strength of the arguments Cameron and others have been making. Economic collapse, housing meltdown, all sorts. I suppose it's a race to the bottom in terms of hyperbole.
  6. Does make you wonder what the club would do with itself for a year if this actually happened I guess we'd be relegated straight to League One actually.
  7. The football league aren't going to expel a club of our size mate, it'd never happen. Ashley wouldn't let it happen, and it'd be far more likely he'd sell off his shares in Oldham/Rangers before us if he had to.
  8. I see the Guardian has gone for him at least. Hopefully there'll be four or five follow up articles. Also nice to see some of NuLabour gunning for him. Maybe there is hope after all. Aside from party politics, the leave campaign must be dead now. The stay campaign has been relentless over the past few weeks, almost to the point where I'm concerned about the scaremongering tactics they're using...
  9. It's different when he does it though because there isn't a media agenda in using him to undermine Cameron. In fairness, if there was, Cameron would be in serious trouble given the number of utterly stupid things he says. I still can't quite believe no one cares about his comments concerning Obama.
  10. I think it at least sounds like there are terms under which he'll agree to it. Which is better than I thought in terms of probabilities. I know it's unlikely we'll give him those terms, but saying that the previous model has now failed miserably. Hard to support it even from Ashley's position.
  11. Rayvin


    Yeah I've travelled China a lot and met Chinese NUFC fans surprisingly frequently. Not that I've been looking but never seen a Sunderland fan amongst them. Although in fairness that goes for about half the league.
  12. That's the most classless thing I've seen in a while. Kind of in keeping with what you'd expect though, so I guess they are at least consistent.
  13. Before we were relegated, what is it that you spent the rest of your life doing, exactly? If Sunderland ever go down and I'm found posting Gifs on a Sunderland message board for 24+ hours straight, I would hope that my loved ones would have the compassion to just put me down.
  14. Aye but Allardyce isn't a manager in the same sense as the others you've mentioned. It's not just us that can't stand the bloke, he had the same issue at West Ham as well - they utterly despised the guy by the end of his tenure. Maybe you're right, maybe it'll be different for you lot though. If you're happy with the way he's got the team playing then fair enough I guess.
  15. That one was posted a couple of days ago mate, it had no impact whatsoever. Try again.
  16. I doubt it'll be replicated next year. This is their Liverpool moment - the big four will be back with a vengeance.
  17. I think they're trying their best mind, they're just thick as fuck. They might have more joy on NO tbh, I think this forum tends towards impenetrability on being wound up. Anyone know if they're getting any of this shit over there too?
  18. I'd like to believe it is a spurs fan actually, but I'm not sure they're small time enough for this nowadays...
  19. Our expectations have lowered so relegation isn't as shocking as it once was. Pretty sure that's all there is to it. The reality is that at this point in time, we all more or less expect to be where we are.
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