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Everything posted by Renton

  1. Depends on if they really want him given his age, and whether they can afford to pay him enough so he can retain his 'dignity'.
  2. It's a good film, but slightly overrated. I reckon Full Metal Jacket was better. Apocalypse Now was on again the other night. Now that is a film. 45880[/snapback] Sorry, I meant Apocalypse now. 45884[/snapback] JWTBQFH 45888[/snapback] Schoolboy error. Brando was fucking awesome in it to be fair. Stole the show for me. Excellent anti-war message. Can't wait for the educational computer game shoot em up simulator. 45889[/snapback] Vietcong 2 is out shortly for Xbox and PC. Lets you kill gooks or yanks with equal impunity. Can't say fairer than that. And its so real you can almost smell the napalm, and if you play online, you might even be lucky enough to 'kill' someone from SE Asia.
  3. Touching the void last night on More Four. Documentary film about how a mountaineer survived against all odds to climb down a 20,000 foot mountain with no food, water, or cover with a shattered leg. Brilliant film, totally awe inspiring and uplifting. The pain that man must have gone through to survive goes beyond words. I'm sure 99.999% of us would have given up and died in his position, I know I would have.
  4. Maybe it has already been done but we don't know about it. I mean, it's not going to be legal, is it? Scary thought like. 45860[/snapback] I forgot about Peter Reid like....
  5. You read my mind. She's an 80 year old hag who's done all the harm she's ever going to do. I was going to turn this into a poll but this forum doesn't haver the facility ( ) Who'd you prefer to die? I'd much prefer George Bush, OB Laden or Rupert Murdoch to die. The shits who are still fucking with things. 45473[/snapback] 45834[/snapback] Funny thing is, its right next to the new post button.
  6. Nee bother hinny! 45843[/snapback] Bit of trivia bonnie lad - a hinny is the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey. I.e. like a mule except the gender is vice-versa. I think the term of endearment comes about because a lot of pit ponies were hinnies and the miners used to like them. 45845[/snapback] So can you jave male and female hinnies and mules then? I know they're infertile but are they knackerless? 45850[/snapback] Aye you can have both sexes of mules and hinnies but they can't reproduce as they're sterile. I think the males have knackers though 45851[/snapback] How come you can have zorses, tigons, ligers, mules, hinnies, beefalos, etc but not manimps or chans? After all, we're supposed to be closer related to a chimpanzee than a horse is to a zebra. Also, how come we can't reproduce with chimps but on startrek people can mate with Klingons and Vulcans which evolved light years away? Btw, I don't want to mate with a monkey, just to get that straight....
  7. Nee bother hinny! 45843[/snapback] Bit of trivia bonnie lad - a hinny is the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey. I.e. like a mule except the gender is vice-versa. I think the term of endearment comes about because a lot of pit ponies were hinnies and the miners used to like them. 45845[/snapback] So can you jave male and female hinnies and mules then? I know they're infertile but are they knackerless?
  8. I'm sure you don't have to read up on it Rob, judging by most threads on this board you've either been there or done it or have got the T-shirt. 45653[/snapback] 45677[/snapback]
  9. I'm sure you don't have to read up on it Rob, judging by most threads on this board you've either been there or done it or have got the T-shirt. 45653[/snapback] Sexual deviency has never appealed to me TBH 45667[/snapback] My problem is that you can only be so devient on your own ! 45670[/snapback] Depends on your anatomy. Can't about 1 in 400 men commit autofellatio?
  10. Not at work, anyhow.....
  11. Ah, a philosopher in our midst 45614[/snapback] Bet he could have a really good existential chat with GF.....
  12. Nooooo, please don't take the debate in that direction 45589[/snapback] Too late.
  13. He did you mong.... He committed suicide when he lost! 45545[/snapback] Before he lost actually. And I'm not being pedantic here, it's clear what I meant in the first place. 45549[/snapback] He committed suicide right at the end of the war... You make it sound as though he was killed in action FFS! Besides, I wouldn't have wished the fucker dead - he should have been made to stood trial for all the shit he caused! 45550[/snapback] Er, no, I don't. I just meant if he had somehow escaped. Anyways....
  14. He did you mong.... He committed suicide when he lost! 45545[/snapback] Before he lost actually. And I'm not being pedantic here, it's clear what I meant in the first place.
  15. So we should look at you as a drugged up, Jock waster then? 45525[/snapback] Scottish jobless dole scum. What's a Jock waster? 45531[/snapback] 45533[/snapback] Wrong on all counts. 45539[/snapback] But i'm just going off your avatar, therefore blowing your theory out of the water. 45542[/snapback] Ahh, I see. The difference is I know who I am, I guess.
  16. So we should look at you as a drugged up, Jock waster then? 45525[/snapback] Scottish jobless dole scum. What's a Jock waster? 45531[/snapback] 45533[/snapback] Wrong on all counts.
  17. So we should look at you as a drugged up, Jock waster then? 45525[/snapback] What's a Jock waster?
  18. You did it again in N-O today man! 45521[/snapback] Did I? Where? 45526[/snapback] Here. Although I think your spelling was correct in this instance, which is an improvement.
  19. I tend to think of people as their avatars still. Consequently I fancy Manc Mag currently, and S-O, for that matter, and fancy a dip in Gemmill.
  20. Well, I guess she's irrelevant now , but it might make me a bit happy, I admit. Especially if she suffered first. Not feelings I particularly like having though, I must say. If Hitler had survived the war, would people wish him dead? 45476[/snapback] Naïve I think, given her legacy. Also, Thatcher and Hitler are hardly one and the same are they? See, isn't it boring when people ignore the gist of a post and pick up on the slightest thing? 45482[/snapback] If you're referring to my monarchy comments of a few weeks ago, I think you'll find that triggered a half decent debate. Anyway, Thatcher would have made a perfect Nazi, would have made the top despite being a woman, I'm sure. She just happened to be born in the wrong place and time. She had no heart whatsoever. Infact, it wil probably take a silver bullet or a stake for her to die. 45489[/snapback] I quoted your monarchy comment but it was a general comment. At times (to me at least) you seem to be argumentative for the sake of. You admitted as much earlier today. I think sometimes you make really good posts and other times you're just pedantic. I'm sure you'll note the irony of this comment though I do think comparing Thatcher to Hitler is a bit much though. Incidentally, and you'll love this Renton, I read somewhere that Graeme Souness is (or was) a big fan of Thatcher. Someone even wrote a book about how he applied Thatcherite economics during his time at Rangers. Honest! 45513[/snapback] Aye, I admit I tend to argue for the sake of it, mainly because I'm bored. But at least I don't pick up on peoples' spelling, sometimes incorrectly, now that is pedantry! Anyhow, doesn't surprise me about Souness. He would really suit an SS suit, I can just imagine him now in one, waving his arm in salute, at the edge of our dugout.
  21. So lets get this right....the incentive for people to post a pic is to give ammunition to others to take the piss out of them? 45500[/snapback] Of course, some of us have nothing to worry about.
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