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Everything posted by Blastronaut

  1. I had a fucking weird encounter with "street patrol" army recuiters about 20 years ago. I only remember it so well since shortly later I took a shite call center job and the guy training out group was ex army and turned out to be the same guy who had been cruising our council estate with two other squaddies in full kit.
  2. Aye like me with my chronic lung condition would be any use on the frontline. I might volunteer all the same though, mainly because I live halfway between a nuclear submarine base and massive oil refinery.
  3. The end that's labelled "Rishi's Cabinet"?. Artists impression surely, no way is it that sharp.
  4. Fidget spinners as a religious analogy is hilarious but presented like this is on a other level. I'll stick to roulette. I rarely even gamble anymore but even blackjack seems more favourable than Pascal's Wager.
  5. If it turns out that this is the image wikiki's architect "accidentally" shared I wouldn't be even the slightest bit surprised tbh.
  6. As far as I'm aware the DSM has abandoned the use of term aspergers as a diagnosis, understandably. I think a lot people, who are on the spectrum and considered higher functioning still like to use the term as am identifier that distances them from folk in other extreme corners of the spectrum which I also understand. But aye a lot of folk find the term pretty offensive since it comes from a Nazi German doctor who was tasked with evaluating folk with additional needs and decided which ones could be put to work and which would be put to death. Hans Asperger.
  7. Think Ive seen bits of this a while back, not through choice though. If I mind right it was mostly people who would have been considered fairly high-fuctioning "Aspergers" before the term was abandoned so it wasnt a great representation of "the spectrum" but still good to see them represented in a reality show where they were treated woth some humanity and not just mocked. Folk on the spectrum often have a really interesting perspective on things that will really challenge your own own beliefs. I'll maybe check it out again.
  8. You all sound like an old colleague I was on the lash with one Sunday years back. Cunt casually rolls into work on Tuesday morning and everyone's asking him where the he was yesterday. Glaikit bastard thinks folk are just asking him about the weekend. "Went for a few beers with Blastronaut". Naw ye didnae Brian. Amateurs.
  9. That turd is just a product of Bran flakes and opiates. Add some guinness to that recovery diet and that poor bloke gets home a few days earlier and the nurse here is carrying a bucket of brown liquid.
  10. You talk about this workmate quite a lot man, like youre on some sort of poverty safari. Guitly by association if you ask me.
  11. That's a real fucking talent tbf. Lowering the tone considerably while still managing to be being a voice of reason. That was all going a bit Mumsnet and this thread needed that.
  12. That reads more like Springsteen than Clapton. Fair play to chat gpt. Where the streets have no shame. Lockdown edition.
  13. I'm being needlessly pedantic here but surely in Andrews case it's the right shoulder that has been taking all the damage, given he's a died in the wool southpaw rather than the more common fairweather leftie like ourselves.
  14. I resemble that remark and resent the implication it's only because I'm pissed. Mate of mine got in touch out the blue the other day. Cyst removed from under his armpit, poor bastard can barely move his arm and sounds like he's in extreme pain. First question was "better not be yer wanking hand man, I'm long overdue a reacharound"
  15. Thats way less than I was expecting to honest. Imagine it feels more natural than it looks.
  16. It might not weigh much @Tom, but heaviness is a state of mind, man.
  17. Belated Happy New Guitar Day. Looks nice. Like Tom I'm curious how it plays. Fanned fretboards freak me the fuck out but I'm not sure I've ever actually played one or bothered to read about the design much. Is it essentially fender scale on the bottom and Gibson scale on the top? I know I easily find and answer to this on Google but I'm a busy man with lots of important things to do (like drinking and being lazy).
  18. > I'd be interested to know what band Dunsy was in back in the day? According to his discogs page he was in Joyriders, Dead Eyes Opened and Chickweed. > I've not heard much but they remind me of early Split Enz. Yeah thats probably fair but there's so much more there. The end career album Sing to God (when they had scaled back to a four piece) is widely regarded as their masterpiece but for my money the live performance of All that Glitters is a Mares Nest is peak Cardiacs, in their full tongue in cheek Circus act glory. They hooked up with Napalm Death to book Salisbury Cathedral forntue day for each bands respective live videos some time in the really early 90's. What a day that would've been. As for the hidden porn, I only keep some as a false wall to hide my Cardiacs collection.
  19. An ancient Greek walks into a Tailors shop to get a tear on his trousers stitched. "Euripides?" asks the tailor. "Yeah. Eumenides?" replies the Greek.
  20. Cardiacs reference isn't a slight fwiw. I have no evidence of this but I'd heavily wager that Tim Smith and Swervedriver most definitely got mentions on their respective late 90's albums.
  21. Christ I misread that band name as Screwdriver on first glance and nearly choked on my Guinness. For a split second I was genuinely concerned you had me down as someone who might have a soft spot for nazi punk. That would be the last fucking thing I needed after the year we've had. False alarm. 7 o'clock and all is well. Anyway, nah not familiar with yer man Dunsy there but he seems sound. From that video I can't help but get the impression he might have a lot of Cardiacs albums hidden away beside his pornography.
  22. Ive always been a right skinny bastard despite my ridiculous diet of Guinness and fry-ups but quit smoking in January this year and figured that if this isn't the year I get fat it's never happening. Photos from the last couple of days confirm that it is indeed happening.
  23. Didn't start drinking until 4pm which is out.of character on a holiday. Thought I was just still remarkably sober for this time on Christmas day but somehow I've managed to smash a pint glass in the bathroom and my neighbour across the road has just rung the doorbell to say tell us we've left the car boot wide open and it's been hammering it down with rain. "Noticed when we got home about 10 minutes ago but the rains getting heavier, just thought I should let you know". Good man. Cheers for that. I think I'm a little more frazzled than I thought. We got home hours ago, though admittedly I did forget to go back out to shut the boot before getting stuck into the Guinness and Shiraz and I'm yet to get started on the Johnnie Walker.
  24. It was bought by one spectacularly massive tit if that counts but I'm guessing photos of me building trampoline isn't what you're edging for.
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