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  1. And I thought I was a miserly bastard. You've got more than 50 kidneys but would only consider parting with one of them?
  2. Nice! They get a lot of undeserved hate and looked down on in some circles but LP Juniors are great. At the Carcass show last year my uninitiated mate nearly had a coronary when I told him Bill played an old LPJ in B-Standard. He left the show converted.
  3. Aye, features most off Page's trademark licks. Quite a lot of off Slash's too.
  4. Ah bollocks, In my drunken stupor I've misread your post and thought you were suggesting MF Junior thought Oh Well was a zeppelin tune.
  5. Love it, still probably one of my favourite riffs to play. For shits and giggles instead of mentioning Fleetwood Mac play him the recent Slash cover and try to convince him it's actually a Guns n Roses song. I'm a total sucker for any live albums that are even somewhat passable but even with that in mind, Live at the Greek is phenomenal. Fyp!
  6. Small world! Our car's gearbox packed in about 50 miles from there sometime last year. If I actually supported Newcastle and didn't actively dislike Hearts we'd be like brothers from another mother. Heads up, the mods and regulars here are largely a weird mix of ex-pats, ex-polis and potential serial killlers. To quote Fox Mulder "Trust No One" and "If I'm not home by midnight, feed my fish".
  7. Surely odds-on they'd knock that back.
  8. I was not aware of that. 'mon the Swiss!
  9. He failed to actually vomit on the bus? Even on the twisty bits just north of Leeds early on a Friday morning? That's disgraceful. I once vomited on the metro in Paris and 20 odd years later it's still one of my fondest memories.
  10. Trump might have admired and aspired to Putin and Kim Jong Un but in his own mind he's whole schtik has always screamed Back to the Future 3 era Biff Tannen. Hilariously, deloreans and old sports almanacs are back in fashion.
  11. Isn't that a Gibby Haynes + Al Jourgensen song?
  12. This fucker will catch out large swathes of the Scottish vote with this shithousery, as well as anyone without photo id. Half of Scotland will be away on holiday that week while the English Schools are still in full flow, and the new postal vote deadline is literally a few weeks away. It's a hilariously desperate attempt by sunak but it might fucking work and he's definitely shifted the goalposts.
  13. That sounds a lot like being yer run of the mill jaded employed person tbf. Your free from that now. Enjoy retirement.
  14. That whammy bar likely now identifies as a thermin.
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