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Everything posted by Gejon

  1. Gotta love Snoop every sentence is basically dhkjsjd sn dnsk djnsdb ksnndj jsnmdn kjsdnsk ndb fer real dowg.
  2. Give 2 year olds guns!! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/utah-boy-2-shot-and-killed-by-3-year-old-sister/
  3. I assume he is too expensive for Ashley?
  4. That would save a lot of lives.
  5. Old age kills loads of people, we should ban that before guns.
  6. The argument seems to be "We have a shit load more guns so obviously more people will get shot, duhhh!" mixed with a bit of "If more people were shooting each other people would shoot less people" I love these views to gun crime. They should plant more IED's around Iraq as the terrorists might step on them
  7. Do you mean everyone thought he was innocent apart from you?
  8. Nice, don't put shitty little wing mirrors on it.
  9. Gejon


    Anyone who eats ready salted when they have another choice should be shot, imo.
  10. Being an administrator you could always do what the N-O admin did... I understand that may go against your Che Guevara t-shirt wearing beliefs but sometimes *cough* NE5 *cough* posters are allowed to drag the forum down a bit too long on here just so you don't look like the 'Hitlers' that patrol N-O.
  11. The judge needs a shit but doesn't want to give Pistorious a short enough timescale to find out when he goes?
  12. My missus wouldn't be happy, I know that for sure.
  13. The whole thing, what is it?
  14. Come to think of it there is a very common phrase "Flying below the radar" isn't there? Not sure how low it has to be and if a commercial jet could manage it apart from take off and landing.
  15. Don't planes disappear from radar if they fly below a certain height? Probably bollocks but I am sure I have read that before.
  16. 3 times I think. First time my sister pushed me down the stairs, I went blind for about an hour. Second time I was working at an ice rink, they always had a game of British Bulldog and the stewards would start as the chasers. Was chasing this lass and we were both skating pretty quick, just as I am about to catch up with her she stops dead and raises her arm. Her elbow smashes me straight in the eye and I go down like a sack of shit, sliding across the rink apparently had to be carried off on a trolley thing. Thankfully her best mate went to my school so when I turned up on Monday morning with a massive black eye everyone knew I had been knocked out by a lass Third time I was headbutted in a pub and the back of my head hit the wall behind me. Pulled some blokes missus, only I didn't know she had a fella, cheers love. Don't think I have ever suffered any side effects though, well the rating Amdy Faye before he signed is the only obvious one.
  17. Can't see him being anything but guilty, too much just doesn't make sense for it to be an accident.
  18. You tried Breaking Bad, The Wire, The Sopranos, Band of Brothers, Dexter?
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