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Everything posted by Isegrim

  1. That's the same in most games now though. Injury time seems to have little to do with anything on the pitch. Well normally there are at least things like goals, substitutions, where the referees are adviced to add time, or prolonged breaks for player treatment that can be taken into consideration. But regardless of what Wykiki says I can't really think of anything in the second half that actually warranted added time. As for Benitez whinging, it isn't just the managers from top clubs who do it, but nearly every manager (Robson for us as well) does moan about the referee if things are not going to plan. So I don't see how you can see it as him losing the plot.
  2. You mean Diego and VDV don't you? Not to forget Lahm as a back up for Beye and competition for Enrique.
  3. Has anoyne mentioned Baines yet? [/mob mentality] I don't give anything on second hand rumours, but I agree, he really is a player we should go for and who I think could get attracted depending on the competition. At least far more realistic than most names who are tediously repeated.
  4. Like I said the level of denial to say that I'm obsessed in a thread this all about "me", which designed and intended to set up the "villian" - there is no other reason to make a thread like this other wise (I'm not obsessed just enjoying being proved SO very right and it's frankly funny and fascinating ) . And yet ignore the level of obsession required for someone to make a thread like this in the first place. Well done, it must take some doing. See, all I did in the beginning was posting a gardening advice. Something I've been doing here for years in various threads that are or turning into total humbug. For example see Leaze's thread about Mick in the Newcastle section. So my participation had little to do with you. Or in fact, if you want, rather than ignoring it was actually acknowledging that it needs some kind of obsession to start this kind of an abortion of a thread in the first place. So by trying to ridicule it I was actually on your side in the beginning. So how this makes me a "usual suspect" is a bit hilarious. Though participating on toontastic regularly does make me a usual suspect to post in a thread. But your need to reply to (and misinterpreting) nearly every single post in this thread because of an alleged mob mentality and as you think that they are highlighting your villain state do make you look very obsessed.
  5. You mean Luz Long? Though if it comes to the iconic status of a photo I'd still rather go for the photo of the winner's ceremony whose irony truely reflects the games of 1936 and the political agenda (especially in 2008).
  6. Boo, fucking boo. I counter with this one. It was widely discussed and had a great impact on English dental care tbh. Edit: Ok, NJS was quicker. Jorman efficiency truely found out in this thread. Auf Wiedersehen.
  7. Tbh I was wondering about the need for four minutes injury time as well.
  8. I'm quite amused is all. Amused and amazed at quite how right I was/am. It's also quite interesting in the amount of psychological denial (in someone like yourself) that goes into claiming I'm obsessed with a thread this is all to do with "me", and clearly intended to set up the "villain". Yet blissfully ignores the sheer level of mentalist obsession it takes for someone like Ketsbaia to make a thread like this in the first place, never mind of the obsessional mob mentality of the usual suspects/ghoulish attempt at "mobbing" that so predictably ensued and maintains this. It's frankly fascinating. See, all I did in the beginning was posting a gardening advice. Something I've been doing here for years in various threads that are or turning into total humbug. So it had absolutely nothing to do with you as a person. Still you call me a "usual suspect" and speak of some kind of "psychological denial" (appropriate use of quotation marks by the way). I'll leave you with your obsession with yourself and your believe that you are a villain.
  9. 68 posts in this thread, nearly half of them from Fop. I guess Fop is obsessed with himself a bit too much tbh. This post is dedicated to Fop.
  10. Encouraging Amphibians Britain has three native frogs and toads, and three species of newts. Of these, the common frog and common toad are likely to be found in gardens throughout Britain. The common or smooth newt and the palmate newt are also widely distributed. Some garden ponds may have the scarce great crested newt, while some gardens, especially in south east England may have the non-native green marsh frogs. A pond habitat for amphibians - photograph copyright T.SandallThese animals feed on a wide range of insects and other small invertebrate animals, including some garden pests. Although the adults and juveniles do most of their feeding on land, all of these amphibians must have still water, such as a pond, in which they will mate and lay eggs. The eggs hatch into tadpoles that initially feed on algae but later they also feed on insects that have fallen in the water and drowned. The tadpoles gradually develop legs and, in the case of frogs and toads, reabsorb their tails, to take on the appearance of a baby frog, toad or newt. These beneficial garden creatures can be helped by providing a pond or other water body where the tadpoles can develop. It is helpful to have at least one side of the pool that gradually slopes up to dry land. This enables the young amphibians to leave the water in mid summer once the tadpole stage is over. If the pond has steep sides, fit a ramp covered in chicken wire in one corner. Small amphibians can be heavily predated by birds, so grow plants around the pool to provide some cover. When in the pond, frogs and toads need a point above the water on which to rest and breathe. In the summer a water lily pad may suffice but a more permanent solution is to position a few rocks or logs half in and half out of the water. Attract amphibians Newts are probably the most aquatic of Britsh amphibians. Attract them by allowing grass to grow over the pond edge into the water and introducing non-invasive submerged aquatics. Newts use narrow-leaved water plants on which to lay their eggs, folding each egg between a leaf. In the autumn, amphibians will seek sheltered places where they hibernate until the following spring. Log piles provide good shelters but frogs, toads and newts will also find suitable places in hedge bottoms, compost heaps and under stones. Sometimes they will hibernate in the bottom of ponds. To avoid disturbing amphibians, especially in the hibernation period, ponds should not be cleaned out unless this is really necessary. http://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profiles1204/amphibians.asp (sorry for the lack of italics and bold print)
  11. He (Ebby) has been doing it for several decades now (not from Munich but from Duisburg in the western part of Germany). IIRC he married an English woman a couple of years ago.
  12. Isegrim


    Sorry like. Must have been the curry I had... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...in_page_id=1770
  13. That what Isegrim said to Happy Face's aunty? Don't worry, I only chat up taxi drivers... Plus, by the time you actually got there she was fast asleep.. See, I am not even good at chatting up taxi drivers. I thought the line "wanna drive me home?" would really get them going...
  14. That what Isegrim said to Happy Face's aunty? Don't worry, I only chat up taxi drivers...
  15. Played marra, I totally refuse to take pens in 5 / 6 a side games, arse twicthes like mad I scored one and the keeper pulled of a fantastic save for my second penalty at the TT summer tourny. I am win.
  16. Spot on. actually, the media often underestimate what the players actually earn. Really?
  17. I always spare my judgement until he has done more that can actuelly be assessed. So far we more or less only know that he is there but not what he actually does. People are always far too quick with praise imho, e.g. Pearson/Round/Hughton has sorted out the defence.
  18. Transfer fees quoted in English tabloids are always mental and probably even make foreign clubs believe they can demand those prices. A couple of weeks Deco was rated to be worth 15m quid in the English press, but only 8m Euro (!) in Germany when linked with Bayern.
  19. i'd disagree there. i think barton is a very average - he's slow and doesn't score goals. Bullard is hardly a prolific goalscorer as well. People are overstating the need of midfielders scoring goals anyway. There are very few Ballacks, Lampards and Scholes around...
  20. Why don't people just forget about Diego once and for all. He is as likely as a swarm of flying pigs. Arshavin looked pretty good in the first leg against Leverkusen tbh. It will be interesting how he copes against Bayern in the semis.
  21. If he was signed as one of the promised 'quality' players yes, but as a squad player he would be a huge step up from the likes of Emre imho. I think having someone like Bullard is also pretty good for team spirit.
  22. See I have a hessian bag with the Hessen Kassel logo on it. Superhessiantastic tbh.
  23. Emre? Emre is coming close, but doesn't reach the necessary level of twatness. Twaterazzi on the other hand... There's even a clue in the name and everything. Oh, I am pretty sure Emre means twat in Turkish.
  24. Emre? Emre is coming close, but doesn't reach the necessary level of twatness. Twaterazzi on the other hand...
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