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Everything posted by Jill

  1. Jill

    Rik Mayall

    Really saddened by this. I love his work, particularly Comic Strip & Bottom.
  2. Has she not just taken her high heels off?
  3. I tried but couldn't get into it at all.
  4. Hertha BSC (fuck off Tooj ) Also look out for Elgin City's results.
  5. Aye, I thought so. Can't wait for the third but it's still a while off yet. Started Wallander last week, thought that was decent.
  6. I can't bring myself to watch that, it sounds like a dreadful attempt at a remake. The Bridge is excellent though.
  7. Jill

    Weather Check

    I've got various patches of mild sunburn from yesterday despite lots of sun cream. I'd love to know why our household only has factor 10, that's never going to be sufficient for my colouring.
  8. Jill

    Weather Check

    Buzzin' about having my washing on the line two days in a row. I should really go for a run or do some gardening, but......... the effort.
  9. I was tearing right up at the end, after it had been such a staple in my life for so many years. I know, I know, what a baby.
  10. I was just thinking I fancied looking into a holiday for October so I've got something to look forward to. Only to then remember my passport expires in September.
  11. I've been watching that welsh show Hinterland the last couple of days. The storylines aren't the most exciting (lots of farming, unsurprisingly) but it's quite well acted and shot so I think it's worth a watch. I'm amazed it kept my interest mind since the episodes are about 1 hour 45 minutes and I don't usually have the attention span for anything over an hour, I have been in the mood for watching new shows though and it's nice to see a decent British one.
  12. Jill

    Bob Hoskins

    RIP. I must watch Hook again now..
  13. CT's sandwich photo is the only one he's taken that doesn't include bread. Turkey salad wraps here, living the dream.
  14. This last night: Also this earlier on in the day: Tasty but really sweet, couldn't have more than one.
  15. I won a birthday party for me plus 10 friends at Wet & Wild when I was a kid. The food was pretty rotten but it was a canny day. Actually now I think about it, my mam probably entered and won that on my behalf rather than it being anything I'd earned. I won an egg decoration competition at school one year for my tweety pie. Prize was probably book tokens or something, I only wanted the glory. I won a mini football from a can of coke once and an HD video recorder thing from a can of pepsi max.
  16. Just started True Detective last night. I thought the pilot was solid without being as gripping as I expected (possibly a tad overhyped by some) but it was enough to keep me interested and I've heard it develops really well so I'll keep watching. Also currently watching: W1A - better than I expected in a cringeworthy way Rev - easy enough to watch Bates Motel - enjoyed the first series so looking forward to getting through the second Masterchef - standard baldness, shouting and food porn Masterchef New Zealand - decent series and the judges seem less annoying this time round Elementary - I like it but sometimes the individual episode storylines are a bit boring Modern Family - the latest series showing over here has had some brilliant episodes I think that's all..
  17. Jill


    Syns, you goon.
  18. I've been the last two years, it's very good but gets really busy, especially for parking. I've ended up with a few cracking purchases (jams, relishes, sauces) and always stuff my face with the free samples and bait for sale when I'm there too. Never tried anything ridiculously spicy but seen plenty people in a world of pain/throwing up behind the bins etc. Good day out like.
  19. Excellent mood, since I've blocked out the match entirely. I had a productive start to the day, went out shopping in town for an hour or two without killing anyone (Eldon Square needs a fast lane btw). Went for a quick but enjoyable run, had a lovely steak sandwich for tea and now I'm enjoying a few nice ciders and my own choice of TV/music tonight with a day spending time with my mam, sister and gran to look forward to tomorrow.
  20. Tried some of this earlier too: Full of flavour, but couldn't buy a bottle because they'd sold out very quickly.
  21. First up is the Ampleforth Abbey one.
  22. I haven't sampled any yet, made the world's biggest steak sandwich for my tea and it's taken me an hour and a half just to open a bottle of cider because I'm so full. It has to be brilliant though, it just has to be. Mmm Deli in the Grainger Market, I could spend a fortune in there. And did today.
  23. Almost got chorizo jam as well, the added chilli swung it for me though. Btw those trainers are bloody lovely, light as a feather and a massive upgrade on my previous ones.
  24. I have similar conversations with our photocopiers at work on a regular basis. "THERE ARE NO FUCKING ORIGINALS LEFT ON THE GLASS!"
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