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Everything posted by Jill

  1. Jill

    Keeping fit

    I attempted some yoga/pilates in my living room using some videos I found on Youtube and I was nearly dying of shame just being home alone attempting it. I must've looked bloody ridiculous, I could barely do any of it.
  2. Jill

    Keeping fit

    I've done absolutely fuck all this weekend after having great intentions of long runs/walks. Instead I've eaten and drank far too much and cabbaged about the house like a slob. Back in the gym the next few days then.
  3. The Nike ticks floored me.
  4. Decent mood, I've had a canny week at work training on some new areas of work and it's the first Friday in absolutely ages I've just chilled out with a glass of wine and tunes/films. Usually I do my housework on a Friday night.
  5. I didn't go to Uni, so first time leaving home was moving in with wor lad when I was 22 (November 2007) after we'd been together just under 2 years. He was moving out from his mam's house too. We rented several different places and then bought a house in April 2012. I'd have moved out sooner if I could and was going to get a place with my cousin and one of our friends, but my mam is disabled so she needed caring for and I was worried about leaving her even though we argued a fair bit. Thankfully it worked out perfectly - I moved in with the fella, my mam's partner moved in with her and my cousin moved in with friends and later his girlfriend.
  6. The Woodsman. I thought it was well acted, but on the whole didn't agree with the numerous 9-10/10 ratings I've seen. More of a 6 for me, just couldn't get into it.
  7. Lovely. Great to catch up with you - thanks for making the effort to come and track us down in that odd little bar. Our plane/Megabus journey home was suitably grim but it was a fantastic weekend on the whole.
  8. Both really good. I prefer The Bridge. Had a proper empty moment the other day when we finished series 2. Next up we're going to try Salamander which is in The Bridge's Saturday night time slot. I also keep meaning to try The Killing as Netflix is determined for me to watch that.
  9. Me too. The description is worryingly accurate too.
  10. Fish Tank. I enjoyed it and thought the acting was good, but it didn't really go anywhere and so for me the ending felt a bit flat. I know some people like those sort of films, but I'm not overly keen on them. Still a good watch though.
  11. 4/10 also, but it was the ones I actually put some thought into.
  12. Finally got round to finishing series 1 of Spiral yesterday. Thought it was pretty good overall.
  13. We bought a house where every single wall is white and haven't yet felt the need to do any decoration. I know we should put our own stamp on it.. but really, I like white and I'm not particularly creative.
  14. Nifedipine is having a minimal impact on my Raynaud's so my icy death grip is pretty intense at the moment. Congratulations to Martin, it's a massive step to take. My dad's an alcoholic and I long for the day where he'll really commit to giving up. Best of luck with it.
  15. Only iron, because the doctor told me my levels were very low last time I had a blood test. I've since donated blood but it took 3 goes to sink so it was touch and go for a bit.
  16. Jill

    Keeping fit

    They don't do the measurement thing, just watch your feet as you walk to see what sort of support you need, then recommend various trainers. Some places do it by having you walk/jog on a treadmill, though last time I was in Start Fitness it was just a shop assistant with a trained eye. The most important thing is getting shoes that are right for your feet, then you can look at what's in your price range from there.
  17. Adults who include their full first name in their signature like a child would when they're first learning joined up writing.
  18. Jill

    Keeping fit

    I got my last pair at Start Fitness after a gait assessment. They've done ok, but I'm ready for some new ones myself as I was a bit stingy when I got these so didn't really go for a "top" option. Current ones are Asics and tbf they've lasted well, I just don't like them very much. Much preferred the Nikes I had before, but they didn't last as long before falling apart. I was going to try Northern Runner next, but I've heard there's not a lot in there to choose from. Saucony are a canny make but I've never worn them myself. I'd much rather go on what feels comfortable on my feet rather than a particular brand.
  19. Definitely not! Fly through that and get onto the good stuff. I absolutely love it, Ron is class.
  20. The alleged CCTV sighting was half a mile away and the child was running, which on top of everything else is quite impressive for a young lad who has been off nursery with a chest infection for the last few weeks.
  21. Scary story. A few things raise alarm bells with me (as an avid follower of 'missing people' cases). I won't go into too many details (that's what Websleuths is for) but I wouldn't have thought you'd put an unwell boy to bed at 9pm then not check on him at all until the following morning, particularly if he was in the room alone. Would also like to hear who was the last person to see him other than family, which hasn't yet been confirmed. I'm a cynic though.
  22. When I was round there last night my mam had done one of those mexican lasagne type things where it's basically chilli layered with tortilla wraps and topped with cheese sauce and jalapenos (nothing at all to do with it being in Morrisons magazine at the moment..) so I've just had the leftovers of that. Bit of salad on the side. Bloody lovely, and even a pretty small portion is filling.
  23. Jill


    I feel strange entering at this point in the conversation, but I had to pass comment that butterscotch is easily the best flavour of Angel Delight.
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