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I was listening to the local news earlier and there was a story about a guy who was out in town last night and got beaten up by some arsehole(s) and ended up in hospital. About an hour later I gets a phonecall from the RVI and it was brother who was out with my dad last night and was chatting to a lass he's known for 10 years. They were having a bit crack on when this lass's bloke took exception to an innocuous comment made by my brother and decided he didn't like it. He got hold of him by his coat up against the pub wall and punched him in the face, breaking his glasses into his eyes. The glass has gone through his eyelid and miraculously missed his eyeball by what must be millimeteres. He's got stitches under his eye aswell where it's gone through, and a hell of a shiner. My dad came out of the loo to find him on the floor in a pool of blood, the bouncers has pulled this guy away from him and he was away home before the police or ambulance got there.


It just makes me so fucking angry! What kind of fucking arsehole has to sort something out by using their fists or feet on someone? It's neanderthal and can be fatal. In this case, my brother could have lost his eye. Fucking scumming c-word'ing twats.



Ive been set upon loads of times just walking down northumberland street about 10 at neet, stupid groups of charvas starting on anyone they see

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Stupid pavements always killing people ! That has happened to 2 of my friends now on separate occassions. The person deserves a slap and the pavement kills them or puts them in a wheelchair.


He didn't deserve the slap in the first place, but yes, it could have been far worse.


Wacky - yes he's claiming some kind of criminal injury compensation or something as he's been left scarred for it.


Thanks for all the good wishes. I'll let you know what happens.

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Good luck Cath, I hope justice is done without any stress or hassles to your family, I was a witness to an assault on a friend of mine a while back, and I've got to say the crap I had to go through with the courts and statements etc was very off-putting, although I was desperate for justice to be served, it does make me wonder if its worth coming forward as a witness again in the future.

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Stupid pavements always killing people ! That has happened to 2 of my friends now on separate occassions. The person deserves a slap and the pavement kills them or puts them in a wheelchair.


He didn't deserve the slap in the first place, but yes, it could have been far worse.


Wacky - yes he's claiming some kind of criminal injury compensation or something as he's been left scarred for it.


Thanks for all the good wishes. I'll let you know what happens.


If your brother has any criminal convictions he won't get the compen, just before he wastes his time if he has

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If your brother has any criminal convictions he won't get the compen, just before he wastes his time if he has


None at all. He and I are perfect children :D

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If your brother has any criminal convictions he won't get the compen, just before he wastes his time if he has


None at all. He and I are perfect children :D

He is you mean. :gettin:

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If your brother has any criminal convictions he won't get the compen, just before he wastes his time if he has


None at all. He and I are perfect children :D

He is you mean. :gettin:


You're mean :D

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If your brother has any criminal convictions he won't get the compen, just before he wastes his time if he has


None at all. He and I are perfect children :D

He is you mean. :gettin:


You're mean :D

Moi? :D

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If your brother has any criminal convictions he won't get the compen, just before he wastes his time if he has


None at all. He and I are perfect children :D

He is you mean. :gettin:


You're mean :D

Moi? B)


Yers :D


Mark - Chevies has been okay the last couple of times I've been in there (not very often, I admit) but it just seems to be getting rougher by the week, and definitely more so since the new people took over. The Tree isn't great since the new bloke took over either, although try telling the Legendary Darts Player that.....

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If your brother has any criminal convictions he won't get the compen, just before he wastes his time if he has


None at all. He and I are perfect children :D

He is you mean. :gettin:


You're mean :D

Moi? B)


Yers :D


Mark - Chevies has been okay the last couple of times I've been in there (not very often, I admit) but it just seems to be getting rougher by the week, and definitely more so since the new people took over. The Tree isn't great since the new bloke took over either, although try telling the Legendary Darts Player that.....


We all get on with the bouncers and that, so we never really have to be worried about it kicking off anymore. The tree is ok, but I'm not really into sitting in pubs, sipping on pints.

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We all get on with the bouncers and that, so we never really have to be worried about it kicking off anymore. The tree is ok, but I'm not really into sitting in pubs, sipping on pints.


Hey man - the Tuesday night quiz is legendary!

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  • 4 months later...

Okay, time for another update. Yes this saga continues.


There's been a few things going on behind the scenes that I've not bothered posting in here about until now. Anyway, The Arsehole has been playing the system the last few months refusing to submit a plea etc until he absolutely had to. When he did it was a Not Guilty plea therefore it goes to trial. That is happening today in Crown Court.


Please can I ask everyone to cross their fingers and hope beyond hope that he gets what's coming to him. My brother and dad both have to go and brother has to give evidence. They're both dreading it and are going through a pretty stressful time because of it.

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Thank you.


Unfortunately being up all night gives you too much time to think about things and I've managed to get myself really bothered by this. I know that I'm far too close to all of this to look at it at all obectively or without bias but how dare he submit a not guilty plea. He IS guilty. He DID smack my brother in the face with absolutely no provocation whatsoever and yet he has stood up in court already and lied about it. Now the family have to go through more stress while a bunch of strangers decide on whether he actually did this or not, and lawyers will be cross-examining them trying to trip them up every step of the way in order to try and get him off with this. It's fucking shit.


And I know this happens every day to many, many people, it's just never happened to us before and I'm very angry about it all.

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It's absolutely ridiculous man, absolutely fucking ridiculous.


Especially everybody who knows your brother, he wouldn't say boo to a goose man.

Edited by Jonny2J
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Fingers crossed that this twat gets what coming to him and justice is served.


Just hope you've got enough evidence to nail him. The jury I was sitting on last year was a GBH case and it frustrated the fuck out of because, despite the fact that we were 99% sure he'd done it with intent, there wasn't enough evidence to prove it! :huh:


Dunno if you're going or not Cath but if you are, ignore the defence barrister. It's so easy to fucking despise them.

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Fingers crossed that this twat gets what coming to him and justice is served.


Just hope you've got enough evidence to nail him. The jury I was sitting on last year was a GBH case and it frustrated the fuck out of because, despite the fact that we were 99% sure he'd done it with intent, there wasn't enough evidence to prove it! :huh:


Dunno if you're going or not Cath but if you are, ignore the defence barrister. It's so easy to fucking despise them.


That's what I'm worried about - that there'll be some stupid loophole and he'll get away with it.


And no, I'm not going. I want to but he doesn't want us there in case of further repercussions etc...

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Fingers crossed that this twat gets what coming to him and justice is served.


Just hope you've got enough evidence to nail him. The jury I was sitting on last year was a GBH case and it frustrated the fuck out of because, despite the fact that we were 99% sure he'd done it with intent, there wasn't enough evidence to prove it! :date:


Dunno if you're going or not Cath but if you are, ignore the defence barrister. It's so easy to fucking despise them.


That's what I'm worried about - that there'll be some stupid loophole and he'll get away with it.


And no, I'm not going. I want to but he doesn't want us there in case of further repercussions etc...


Is this the main Newcastle court?


hmmmm camera at the ready in case he does get off with it :huh:

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Fingers crossed that this twat gets what coming to him and justice is served.


Just hope you've got enough evidence to nail him. The jury I was sitting on last year was a GBH case and it frustrated the fuck out of because, despite the fact that we were 99% sure he'd done it with intent, there wasn't enough evidence to prove it! :huh:


Dunno if you're going or not Cath but if you are, ignore the defence barrister. It's so easy to fucking despise them.


That's what I'm worried about - that there'll be some stupid loophole and he'll get away with it.


And no, I'm not going. I want to but he doesn't want us there in case of further repercussions etc...


Probably best that you're not really Cath, especially with how you're feeling about the bloke. It's a horrible atmosphere and he's anything like the mong we were trying, the public gallery will be full of his mates and people giving evidence in defence of him - not nice :date:

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