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Things you used to love......

Christmas Tree

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Doing as a kid, don't do now, but would love to do again.


I used to love sneaking my Dad's old Minolta 7000AF camera to school just so I could take a picture of my dinner. I then used the rest of the film up taking random snaps of the school playing fields and always made sure I got my feet and arms in the photos just as an added bonus! After a couple of weeks I'd go into South Shields to get them developed and eventually I got to see my camera work. I'd then get the bus back home and show all the kids round my block the photographs of my dinner which used to make them so happy they'd literally burst into laughter!


Ahh the good 'ol days!





Must've been a hoot round your way, CT! :D

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Sleeping well is the thing I miss the most.


As I teenager I would regularly get 10-12 hours sleep a night over the weekend. Lucky to get 6 these days.

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As I teenager I would regularly get 10-12 hours sleep a night over the weekend. Lucky to get 6 these days.

I've never been a big sleeper. When I was a kid on a Saturday morning we would go round me grans when both my parents were at work and then on a Sunday I'd play football. Even in the holidays I was always up around nine at the latest. It's only been when I've been hungover that I've had long sleeps. It was just the quality of the sleep. When I fell asleep at whatever time, I wouldn't wake up until I needed to get up. It was uninterupted and that's what made it good.

I was having a decent sleep last night until I was woken by a buzzing at about five this morning. After a few minutes of disorientation I worked out it was coming from my bathroom and it was infact my razor that had just set itself off for no reason. The twat!

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Went to see a few (Toy Story 3 etc) with the ex. Given that she was 13 years :unsure:








younger than me :thumbup: some of the lads did suggest I should be on the end credits of Corrie like!


Unless you were 20 at the time.

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Wham chews were far more intense than the current watered down EU legislated versions. The excitement of getting a free one (occasionally stamped voucher inside the wrapper) and the return to the sweet shop to legitimately get free ket. Happy days.

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