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Thing was I offered a chunk of webspace and bandwidth to them for free along with help on doing the site, reckon he must have spoken to some on N-O cos he turned it down, tbf he probably thinks Im gonna replace it suddenly one day with a gay homage to freddy or summit :) now theyre losing credibility by stating the site will be there "this weekend" (ie two weekends ago) and no progress.


This is what people said at the time, its no use going half cocked (no offence TFN) and not looking professional because those that have any kind of influence will just think its a couple of kids.

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Still working on the website, will be going live as soon as it is ready.


This is what it currently looks like, a lot of work still needs to be done.




Wouldnt it be a good idea to put that up then? surely thats better than a single graphic, people will go to a site once, see its got nowt and not come back, at least if theres some content then you have a little more chance of a return.

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Still working on the website, will be going live as soon as it is ready.


This is what it currently looks like, a lot of work still needs to be done.




Wouldnt it be a good idea to put that up then? surely thats better than a single graphic, people will go to a site once, see its got nowt and not come back, at least if theres some content then you have a little more chance of a return.


Advice taken on board.



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