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  2. https://x.com/CountBinface/status/1797552988644680135?t=aPpJBA4DVT3dfocleQEQHg&s=19
  3. Went down to Headingley this morning to pay my respects. Fuck it was hard like. Loads of people just stood in shock crying. It's challenge Cup final this weekend so the final will pay its respects to the little man.
  4. https://x.com/supertanskiii/status/1797562657978896476?t=iwLMDU9mz2eccj0y9lew7Q&s=19
  5. Clacton can get to fuck mind.
  6. Ex-Man City, currently Chelsea, English - of course he's the second coming of Messi - until he stuffs up in the Euros and gets sent off. 🙂
  7. Hopefully it’s like Jerry St Clair’s announcement on Phoenix Nights. With a different result
  8. If so her mother must have been a looker for her to be a child of his.
  9. It would certainly be a strange thing for Reform to live stream it.
  10. What does an MP actually have to do to avoid a recall petition? Just not get done by the standing committee I think. The like of Dorries were completely disengaged for months. Farage showeed what a lazy cunt he was as an MEP. He'd be happy to take the coin and privelige without the actual work I think.
  11. He's at a meeting with the 1922 committee who are going to brief him about having to work with Farage.
  12. He'd probably defect to the Tories and become leader.
  13. Also, I don't think it would be up to Farage to announce stand down/step aside, that would have to come from Tice. Maybe Farage will stand as an actual conservative? Wonder what Sunak is up to today?
  14. Maybe he thinks if Johnson could get away with it?
  15. He’d hate actually having to do the job. I suspect he just wouldn’t do it and see how long he could get away with it.
  16. If he finally got in as an MP I sincerely hope he'd be treated and get the same question opportunities as any other bog standard MP. It would kill him standing up to ask a question and being constantly overlooked as well as having to attend parliament on a regular basis. Has he thought this through?
  17. I don't get all this wanking over Cole Palmer. Yes, he's a good player and has 22 goals and 11 assists this season but 9 of those goals were penalties. If you take those away then he's had a marginally better season than Anthony Gordon but to listen to the media you'd think he's the second coming of Messi.
  18. Today
  19. My assumption was that Reform are looking for a tory wipeout either so they can replace them or de facto comandeer the partry post election. If they step aside again, they just become irrelevant. So no, on reflection I don't think this will be good news for the tories.
  20. Poll was from January. https://www.thetimes.com/uk/politics/article/the-poll-that-could-push-nigel-farage-back-into-politics-7jfm0djzp
  21. Apparently Aron Banks commissioned a poll for this specific scenario recently - Farage running in Clacton - and it showed him winning comfortably.
  22. They've voted in a UKIP MP twice so it is winnable for him.
  23. Thinking about it, it would be a bit odd to call a press conference to formally announce a deal. It would make more sense for them to just do something behind closed doors - makes Sunak look even weaker if Farage announces it, but then those are exactly the sort of terms Farage would demand. Let's just hope it's him standing and Reform really going for it.
  24. Aye, it undoubtedly will. Labour will still win comfortably, but might not be an extinction event for the tories as I had hoped. Thing is, it will make Tice look ridiculous. Would he do it? Would he really support Sunak?
  25. It might help the Tories a bit. But people are, I think, voting for Reform because they are neither of the main parties. Quite how anyone is taken in by Farage is beyond me like. That would basically be them backtracking on everything they’ve said so far in this campaign
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