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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. An interesting fact about Gazpacho is that he is only the SECOND player in PL history to ever score an overhead goal. The first was Rooney also playing for Manchester United as well. No other player at any other club has ever done this in the PL and when they have sky will conveniently forget about it and not show it ever again apart from the week where they allegedly scored it.
  2. There's no justice, Mr raspberry jam, no justice.
  3. 🎶 Luke O'Nien, Nien, Nien Him playing football is a crime, Luke O'Nien, Nien, Nien He's a duck egg all the time Down the left, down the right Doesn't matter he's still shite, His only claim to fame Is kicking a 17 year old up a height. 🎵
  4. "Hi Alan, it's sky here, are you available to commentate on the Spurs v Arsenal match day?" "Absoloitely and can oi say it should be an absoloitely tremendous match as the North London matches tend to boi." "Errr, well err, if you could just do the forest v man city game after Gary does the spurs v arsenal match that would be really fantastic." "Hello? Hello? Alan? Are you still there?"
  5. Why are sky still at the spurs game interviewing players? Surely they should've rushed straight over to the next game at forest and left the spurs v arsenal stuff for sky sports news? 🤔
  6. We've ran out of games to catch them and it's assuming we're going to win all our games. I reckon at best we'll be a point behind them in the final table.
  7. I heard him on the radio before the game when a reporter asks him about dealing with the north London derby and he says, 'mate, I've just come down from glasgow.'
  8. Here's another brain cell avoider telling it EXACTLY how it is.....
  9. Mate just sent me this, no idea how true it is but it's them all over if it is? 'In 2019 look north did a segment from the complete shit hole that passes for Sunderland’s main station. They interviewed some stupid gurning mackems gloating because they could get a direct train from Sunderland to King’s Cross. 5 years later because of the lack of use it’s been scrapped and they told the mackems to go to Newcastle to get the train from now on. Ha ha'
  10. I'm Neil Lennon's head attached to Alan Shearer's foot.
  11. 'quality' Young gimps supporting clubs other than Man U or Liverpool hoping for a pat on the head from these cunts, man. I can't wait to be perennial top club and obviously would love to see some of those clubs who are MASSIVELY overrepresented on sky and co be outside the top 6 for a few years.
  12. It's a known legend, never knew if it was legit but she's lucky I wasn't older or oh yeah would be going for a pint with a transatlantic HMHM jnr.
  13. STOP THE FUCKING PRESS! Mid to lower table championship Sunderland YET AGAIN being overlooked by the knackers on sky sports news. Unbelievable, Jeff!!!
  14. Well Sheffield United go down with a £100m plus to help them beat the mackems next year. Good luck blades.
  15. It wa like gorilla's finger sticking right out tha arse, am telling thee.
  16. We need to bury the cunts. Put a marker down then send a video of it to Dan ashworth for his expert analysis.
  17. You can see why these are going down, like. Should've been 5-1 up, losing 5-1.
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