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Everything posted by StevenL

  1. Probably had an epiphany that now Krul is the Dutch no.1 someone, somewhere will pay good money for him Where's this myth come from? Stekelenburg was injured for 2 games and now Krul's number 1?
  2. I honestly think he believes that we're in for every player the papers links us with.
  3. when i was 16-17 aye, boring as fuck tbh i can't stand running now after running for the school for years when i was kid. Did a 7mile stretch of a relay team for the marathon few years back, just as boring, spent my time wondering why the wierdos were standing at side of the road cheering people on they didn't know, especially when it was raining and a bank holiday monday, surely they could've had better plans. I'm totally with you on this. Over long distances I'm really good, but it's just running is so fucking boring.
  4. Sorry like, but putting on weight is alot harder then losing weight. Don't know how people can stand being full all the time and not making any attempt at being active. It's the second pre-season in a row I've put on weight, purely down to the fact I've stopped doing excercises in order to recover from all the slight knocks you pick up. Who knows, maybe in 4 preseasons time I'll actually be the build I want.
  5. Sure I've seen this post before. Are you just copying and pasting the same post in different topics?
  6. Only if the whole 310 million is invested into the training ground.
  7. I've haven't had one in this country since coming back from Dusseldorf in May. Unbelievable how much better everyone elses kebabs are compared to ours.
  8. Still looks a bit sprained but got no pain fuckface Tom no need to ban me dont come on here anymore. Only when headlines happen in Newcastle you will see me like Barton leaving for nothing and that nutter Moat going beserk. Can you please come on to remind us that Cheryl Cole loves black cock?
  9. Why the fuck would I care about the price of a pie at Bristol City?
  10. I thought Fifa determined how good we were?
  11. That was dreadful tbf. And if that had happened in this country there'd have been massive ramifications. It's fucking bad like. What the fuck is with the grey wigs aswell?
  12. I was just thinking we need another topic about Mike Ashley.
  13. I'm a fan of Alonso aswell. Plus his rivalry with Hamilton sparked one of my favourite ever racist moments.
  14. @Stev3nL for anyone with an interest in boring drunken tweets.
  15. Its got nothing to do with that, only having a serious criminal conviction can affect the re issue of a re entry visa to a holder of a Long Term Work permit. The rules state an application has to be made from the applicant's home country; but as the Ivory Coast has no British Embassy the closest one is Ghana. Hopeful. should have it done on Monday Fair enough. What could it be for? Is this for a crime in the Ivory Coast then? Why aren't you following this, it's not hard?
  16. You need to give us a clue mate.
  17. Al owa Facebook and Twitter.
  18. We seem to have quite a bad reputation on that site.
  19. I think it's funny Probably be alot worse if it was us like.
  20. Please don't ruin another thread. Really, please don't.
  21. Who's this Freddie you all keep going on about?
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