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Everything posted by StevenL

  1. Fucking hell. Brazil's just missed 4 pens in a row.
  2. Nobody likes losing deadman, nobody.
  3. Was pretty drunk last night, fally-down drunk, so I tried crossing the road to the taxi rank, stumbling all over. Copper comes over to me and says "What are you doing?" told him I was heading over to the taxi rank, he goes "you know there a zebra crossing over there?" so I replied "I hope he's doing a better job then me" ...
  4. I'm in. But I'll warn you now I'm good, very good.
  5. Havent used it but from what I've heard it has a fantastic reputation. Some might say buy it 2nd hand off ebay. Others of lesser morals may just download it. 2nd hand isnt a bad idea, I don't download anything, never used torrents or the like, I just prefer having music etc on disk and that, not gonna start downloading now . It does have a great reputation but, I dunno if it'll be worth all that money, it can't be THAT good, and theres no Dutch teachers in my area so I can't get lessons D: Why not have a go with some of the free stuff on youtube like this... and see if its for you and whether you feel you can learn that way. Aye cheers! I want to live in the Netherlands one day, I know most of them speak English but it's wrong just swaggering down there knowing nothing isn't it? , will give that a try Got lost there a few years ago and I asked this gang of lads, probably between 10-14, for directions spoke perfect English. It's embarrasing really.
  6. I want all my weeding photos taking on iPhones. I look much better on them then normal cameras.
  7. I think you're some cunt taking the piss by the way. I'll accept the bloke in the pic is you, when I see you holding up an "I AM DEADMAN" sign. I thought he was fake, so I googlestalked him. Turns out that Dead4ever_uk has a few other posts on a Playstation and a Sky forum. Doesn't prove anything, I know, but it seems like a hell of a lot of effort for a wind-up, which is why I think he's legit. FYI, I took the piss out of deadman because I thought he was fake, once I started realising he wasn't I eased up on him. Still a total fucking idiot, so I'll make fun of him for that. Just like I do with fat people. No exceptions.
  8. Hats off, you got me. Scrolled back up to see where this tattoo was.
  9. I used to think you were a fake account until about 2 minutes ago.
  10. At a higer level aswell. Baby steps.
  11. I'm trying to follow him, but I need a request. Does he make all of his 10,000 followers do this? I'm not happy.
  12. What point though? Who cares? The bloke and people likehim are just attention seeking pricks. He feels strongly enough about it to wait 3 years for a licence. If he wanted attention he could have just sent a picture of his cock instead, scanned it, and emailed it around.
  13. He's not the worst. But he's nowhere near £20 million. I'd pay £12m.
  14. I posted it on Twitter. Got 6000 followers so they might be one.
  15. Will remove my foreskin live on webcam with a stanley knife if we sell him. Ermm, why? You do realise that selling Tiote is probably going to happen one day?
  16. It was a pretty pointless video like, seems like it was made for people that don't believe there's life on other planets. Those people wouldn't be searching the net for videos like that.
  17. To be honest, I couldn't give a fuck. But I am looking forward to seeing him play again.
  18. Can someone invite me, I'll PM you my email address.
  19. A little story in The Sun that pissed me off the other day. Why the fuck is this prick Trowsdale going on about Joey Barton, whats the Balotelli/Ranger incidents got to do with Joey Barton? If I was him I'd be demanding an apology off Trowsdale.
  20. I'd happily have bendtner here, think he'd improve by loads with consistent games and being the centre of attention up front like. I would. Not for the 12 million they're after though.
  21. I haven't but I'm going to Vegas in March. Just thought I'd share that with you all.
  22. I never even realised I was 9 minutes late. I'm sorry
  23. Inter - a'rite. Blackburn - fucking wank. Leeds - I like it.
  24. Means 'unity' according to Wiki. That's right, although it is very closely related (of course) to the word that means 'united' as in 'United Arab Emirates', which is 'mutahida.' It sounds OK for a stadium, sort of like 'the Emirates' or 'the Britannia.' If it has to be sponsored (which I abhor as all rightly-thinking football fans should), then a name like that isn't too bad. But still, it's cringeworthy, and you can hardly say Man City needed the money. More like free advertising. Hopefully this doesn't give Fat Mike any ideas. Yeah, they need the money. It's to do with the whole UEFA fair play regulations.
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