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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Sunak has 100% done this so he can go off to California with his million and leave the remaining tories (who he presumably hates, because why wouldnt he?) with nothing.
  2. I don't even like this version of Labour all that much, I could really do with Starmer just leaving trans people alone rather than piping up about them not having rights every now and then in particular. But I am enjoying this
  3. Truss might lose her seat
  4. From the guardian live coverage I fucking despise Birtwistle.
  5. Galloway losing his seat
  6. Im not sure now you mention it, I saw them tweet about the same time I saw your post. They might be updating as it goes though.
  7. https://electionmaps.uk/nowcast
  8. Nah, I live on the south island
  9. Got to assume we're getting a right winger in to replace almiron in which case we've got Gordon/Barnes for the left and New Guy/Murphy on the right. Plus potential cover by Joelinton or Isakif things get particularly bad. That's probably fine for a season with no europe.
  10. Wonder what the book value of this one will go down as Backup keeper, fine with that. Now the PSR deadlines passed we will hopefully start making some real moves
  11. Ok to be exact, the ESPN article doesn't say that we've agreed a fee near 20 million, it says Which could mean any amount really.
  12. He never scored for us. 44 league games, 7 cup games and he never got a goal. Youd be gutted wouldnt you?
  13. I have a feeling some of things might just...take a while?
  14. Two issues there being that we were never offered 7 million and that we're more than 7 million shy of the mark. Great idea otherwise.
  15. Paypal should be able to do a chargeback I think.
  16. Andrew


    It has been quite a year hasnt it?
  17. Ah you're quite right, its the other way round, 1st in A plays 2nd in C.
  18. And English we're playing germany in the next round as it stands
  19. Yeah, i get why we're doing it. PSR is fucking wank though when we're having to put ourselves in a weaker footballing position to abide by the arbitrary spending rules. Theyve managed to ruin silly season with this boring shit
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