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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. This is about as close to a bannable offence as it gets here @wykikitoon
  2. How do these people manage to keep going for more than a single window? Its so blatantly all made up
  3. Well, its really bad, which is quite funny. Fair enough if, as you say, hes designed it himself but any self-respecting (and worth their salt) artist wouldn't have just transposed that onto his arm looking like that, its awfully done.
  4. I'll definitely watch it, the down turn in fortunes after the league cup win will be absolute cinema.
  5. Aye his "credibility" is based entirely on what he won as a player which has absolutely fuck all to do with him being any good at what hes done since. Evidenced by him being a shite manager and a crap pundit. Its a few weeks since he called Erling Haaland a league two footballer ffs, he scored 50 goals last season
  6. Andrew


    I think one of our loan players won a cup just recently, I wish I had a source that could tell me about our loan players progress, alas it hasn't been updated in so long.
  7. It is, and we're well over 100% CPU usage for some reason. I'm going to turn it off and on again.
  8. That would be about when he was being touted as Klopps successor or the next barca manager eh? Now Liverpool are down to their third choice and he hasn't even been mentioned and Xavi is staying put
  9. Right ok, 'cause without that bit of context you sound like an absolute maniac
  10. Is this your job or do you just do this sort of thing under your own steam?
  11. EC is a winnable tournament for whatever english team ends up in it, I wouldn't turn my nose up at it
  12. https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1caloi6/hi_reddit_im_rio_ferdinand_former_england_and/ Dont think this has quite gone how Rios PR people hoped
  13. I dunno, I've always been into cars to an extent, though I mostly keep that to myself, never been entirely willing to get into it as a money pit of a hobby though. Got enough of those already. Renault Clio - typical first car, one of the suspension springs shattered into bits going over a speed bump once and all of its electrics failed Kia Picanto - Slow as balls but reliably ate up miles when I had a long commute Abarth 500 - Favourite car I ever owned, fucking brilliant, quite want to get another one Peugeot 308 GT - Dash was shit, no physical buttons but a slow as fuck operating system/touch screen Honda Fit - Moved to New Zealand, needed a car, wife drives this now Nissan Fuga - Never even heard of these before moving out here, its big, its fast, it makes a great noise and since its an import theres a Japanese woman in the dash who yells at me occasionally. Brilliant.
  14. I don't disagree but that is still all that is happening right now, unless the critical margin is kept secret from all but the VARs or the machine determining who is off and on then we'll keep having this conversation. For it to stop its not about what the gap is, or when the line is considered the rule has to have a wholesale change.
  15. The thing with the offside rule, is that no variation of it actually changes anything that we all hate about the offside rule. in line - ok so a millimeter out of line and you're offside daylight - ok so a millimeter of daylight and you're offside a yard off - ok so one yard and one millimeter and you're offside Everyones variation is just moving the margin because there has to be some point where you're off vs not off. VARs shifted the debate to shit about the lines and whatnot but we still spent 50% of every match of the day or whatever moaning about marginal offsides before VAR, nothings actually changed. The number of cameras at the top level of the game now ensures that we are trapped in this endless debate forever.
  16. That is, essentially, the sole purpose of this entire place tbf. If its not cars its guitars or films or (god forbid) football
  17. I dont really want him to go because he could do with a rest but I honestly reckon Gordon starts in englands best 11.
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