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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. bolton west bromx 2 villa portsmouth spurs being the games we've won this season so far we can beat portsmouth again, i think we'll beat boro and fulham and we beat villa when they were doing well and now they are looking like falling apart we can do it
  2. brummies, its not their fault though they could be saying anything but that accent...
  3. real world football has got me off FM just now and it always is
  4. sleeves on both long and short versions look shit
  5. Get to fuck, you've been on minimum wage for as long as I can remember. And Alex, the allotment is coming on lovely. Mate, it's not about what you've got in your wallet, it's about who you've got in your phonebook. Andrew, one of the few slices of joy to be taken from this pie is the utterly relentless flow of beautiful women traipsing about city centres, parks and riversides as this weather hits. A book, and a big twatty pair of shades cover a multitude of nefarious gazes Bear in mind you're in London and he's in Burnley. Hard to eye up a girl in a Burqa .. fucking Hell.. and the rain just keeps coming, doesn't it. (well, not down here, down here it's bloody gorgeous. ) aye its tough stuff, fortunately Im currently with a good girl and my parents let me live here without rent or anything so I'm not in dire straits, just losing my marbles a bit with having nothing to do all day
  6. there needs to be a fop/manc/renton thread dedicated to their rantings then the rest of us can discuss things in relative peace
  7. this ^ also glad hes going to be alright
  8. said it before, until we are mathematically down I refuse to accept it, we will stay up we just will
  9. How od you cope with the boredom? I think I am genuinely losing my mind, which is hardly good for my employment prospects
  10. hopefully danny b on a free transfer to a portsmouth board or something
  11. not loads no, I have Tazmania the jungle book Sagaia monopoly choplifter impossible mission and my absolute favourite even though it was incredily hard, Golden axe warrior
  12. nay, I have the much rarer Sonic the hedgehog version
  13. samba up front for blackburn
  14. Andrew


    http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie.../208-Eve-Online this is
  15. and found a Sega master system and a SNES fucking delighted
  16. classic sam, assuming everything is about him arrogant, egotistical wanker
  17. because getting online is so easy these days it doesnt filter out the enourmous numbers of complete twats that want to play online also DCing when you are losing is a cunts move
  18. 1-1 hull back level manucho
  19. bright start from man u, already making chances, good stuff
  20. be handy if we could sneak an extra man on like
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