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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Then stop sitting on the sidelines giving out advice and do something about it, its easy for someone to sit faceless behind a computer and tell others to stop spending money, dont buy your season ticket etc while still doing it themselves. Set up a protest group and make yourself heard. Theres 100Mb of webspace here for you to get started, that is if you are serious. I haven't bought a shirt or a season ticket since SBR got the sack. A protest group would achieve nothing, it's clear there is no real support for doing the unthinkable. To be fair, your selfless "not buying a shirt" protest has not gone unnoticed. It has sent shock waves throughout the club and questions are being asked at board level. Problem is he bought the shorts and socks
  2. Then stop sitting on the sidelines giving out advice and do something about it, its easy for someone to sit faceless behind a computer and tell others to stop spending money, dont buy your season ticket etc while still doing it themselves. Set up a protest group and make yourself heard. Theres 100Mb of webspace here for you to get started, that is if you are serious. I haven't bought a shirt or a season ticket since SBR got the sack. A protest group would achieve nothing, it's clear there is no real support for doing the unthinkable. So are you saying you have not been to a match in three years? And (playing devils advocate here) can you prove thats not just down to personal circumstance or even laziness rather than as a protest? There is no use in protesting alone, set out your aims and build up a band of people all doing the same otherwise frankly, you're just another person who cant be arsed/ cant afford/ isnt allowed by the missus to go to the match. I've picked and chosen my matches since, although this might change next year with the credit cards, as tickets might not be so available. I'm not wasting my time organising a protest, that's just daft. It's not worth the time when it's clear there is no appetite for it. I bet if you polled the board now you would get 80% of ST's now renewing on the back of Roeder leaving. The days are long gone when fan opinion mattered anyway, anyone who still thinks fans mean anything to NUFC beyond whether they are spending money is daft Why are you a football fan?
  3. I dont think anyone is really dancing in the streets on this and yes its just another chapter in the NUFC saga however its the passing of (yet another) bad period. I am happy because for once Fat Boy has managed to do a sacking at the right time and (appears) to have a replacement lined up rather than letting Roedent spend 20million before sacking him and taking anyone available 5 weeks into the season. So Fred is given credit for hiring Glen for two years and firing him after one? On the justification that he won't waste £20m? What about the fact we now have a squad of players assembled under 3 managers, some of which most probably won't suit the requirements or style of the next manager, requiring more money to be spent anyway? And that includes the presumption that this time Fred appoints someone who won't waste £20m on crap And the alternative? Stop pretending that FF ever does anything right and stop supporting him by buying tickets / shirts etc etc So basically stop supporting newcaslte united because our chairman is shit? Why not? Do you think we are going in the right direction? Do you class being happy at 5 managers in 10 years and booing the team as 'support'? Doesn't change the fact I love the club and want to see it do well, it's like my mum, I don't always like her but I always love her Nice bit of loyalty shining through from you there SSH
  4. I dont think anyone is really dancing in the streets on this and yes its just another chapter in the NUFC saga however its the passing of (yet another) bad period. I am happy because for once Fat Boy has managed to do a sacking at the right time and (appears) to have a replacement lined up rather than letting Roedent spend 20million before sacking him and taking anyone available 5 weeks into the season. So Fred is given credit for hiring Glen for two years and firing him after one? On the justification that he won't waste £20m? What about the fact we now have a squad of players assembled under 3 managers, some of which most probably won't suit the requirements or style of the next manager, requiring more money to be spent anyway? And that includes the presumption that this time Fred appoints someone who won't waste £20m on crap And the alternative? Stop pretending that FF ever does anything right and stop supporting him by buying tickets / shirts etc etc So basically stop supporting newcaslte united because our chairman is shit?
  5. It's just his raw talent that's taking us to the dogs then is it? Glenn Roeder is not the sort of man to go to the dogs He's got plenty of time for brough park now!
  6. It's just his raw talent that's taking us to the dogs then is it?
  7. Didn't work in what sense? At least it would have been true. They didn't get any better. I don't think that's the overall aim in a post-match interview tbh Of course it is. If you've been humped you want to know what went wrong and what needs to be changed to stop it happening again. He made it crystal clear in the interview that he blamed the players after AZ and the following matches, and nothing changed. The players don't come up with tactics on their own you know
  8. there's talking up your team after a loss to give them some morale and then there's glenn talking complete and utter bollocks, sometimes honesty is the best policy
  9. Didn't realise it was his av, I'll change it
  10. I prefer my solution.... Nicked!
  11. 1.dean windass 2.Andy grey 3.niall quinn 4.sean derry 5.mike ingham
  12. it's already being bought by a company linked to bates which will apparently mean that they avoid the ten points dock
  13. I want him to, the match against albania is here in burnley
  14. We'll sue west ham for not getting punished enough?
  15. so what's he supposed to do when he gets constantly asked about england by the media?
  16. Gemmill may be many things, but he would take great exception to being called a manual labourer.
  17. Quality of defending is lower more like
  18. and yet that is what's going to happen
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